Harrison seems torn, but not quite convinced with words alone.
Since Seth already rolled manipulate someone and got a partial success, you need to do something for him to get him to stay. He seems concerned for Margaret, but you can see he has somewhere he wants to be and the sympathy he feels isn't enough alone to make him stay. You think you'll see him again, but as for now he is leaving is words are all that are being used.
[ +- ] Manipulate Someone
This move is used when you want someone to do something for you and they don’t want to do it. To get them to do what you’re asking you’ll need a good reason. What counts as a good reason depends on what you are asking for and your relationship with them. For friends and allies, you might just need to ask. For witnesses to a monster attack, you could tell them you are with the police, or just offer them some cash for answering your questions.
Once you have given them a reason, tell them what you want them to do and roll +Charm.
For a normal person:
• If you get 10+, then they’ll do it for the reason you gave them. If you asked too much, they’ll tell you the minimum it would take for them to do it (or if there’s no way they’d do it).
• On a 7-9, they’ll do it, but only if you do something for them right now to show that you mean it. If you asked too much, they’ll tell you what, if anything, it would take for them to do it.
• On a miss, your approach is completely wrong: you offend or anger the target.
For another hunter:
• On a 10+, if they do what you ask they mark experience and get +1 forward.
• On a 7-9, they mark experience if they do what you ask.
• On a miss, it’s up to that hunter to decide how badly you offend or annoy them. They mark experience if they decide not to do what you asked.