Chapter 1 - A night at the Electric Labyrinth

Feb 27, 2024 1:04 pm
DJ Nimbus is set to kick off tonight's performance at the Electric Labyrinth's largest venue. A staggering 4000 people have snagged tickets, some shelling out over $2000 to scalpers for entry and a ridiculous amount to be in the VIP section close to the stage.

The Electric Labyrinth's largest venue, bathed in neon lights and pulsating with energy, boasts a sleek, futuristic design. With its towering ceilings and state-of-the-art sound system, it's the epitome of modern entertainment venues. The walls are adorned with abstract artwork that seems to come alive under the vibrant lighting, creating an immersive and electrifying atmosphere.

As the doors open, a flood of young, sexy, and fashionable individuals pours into the venue. The crowd is a sea of stylish outfits, from edgy streetwear to chic cocktail dresses, with each attendee vying to outdo the others in terms of fashion and flair. The air is charged with excitement and anticipation as the guests chat animatedly, their laughter and chatter blending with the thumping bass of the music.

Every corner of the venue is alive with activity, from the bustling bars serving up artisan cocktails to the clusters of people mingling and socializing. The energy is palpable as the crowd eagerly awaits the start of DJ Nimbus's performance, their anticipation building with each passing moment. It's a scene straight out of a glamorous nightlife fantasy, where the young and beautiful come together to see and be seen in the city's hottest spot.
[ +- ] Venue
The Electric Labyrinth's VIP section is teeming with familiar faces and notable personalities. Dan M'Demne, accompanied by two renowned female tennis champions, Naomi and Yulia, commands attention as they glide through the crowd, their presence sparking a flurry of camera flashes. The tennis girls exude confidence and elegance in their bodycon dresses, their athletic figures accentuated by the vibrant hues.

Tav, Selvie, and Marcel secure themselves a prime spot just behind the VIP section, courtesy of their connections with the Electric's staff. Their strategic positioning offers them an optimal view of the stage and the bustling crowd. They make quite an impression with their revealing, overtly sexual outfits. One could say they are practically stripped bare, with only a scant few garments preserving their modesty.

Maximillian, true to form, employs his resourcefulness to gain entry through a service door, bypassing the need to pay for admission with the help of his abilities. With his trademark stealth, he blends seamlessly into the throng of partygoers, ready to immerse himself in the night's festivities.

Steven occupies a perch in the press gallery, his vantage point affording him a bird's-eye view of the proceedings below. Surrounded by fellow journalists from various news outlets, he wields his press pass with authority, granting him unrestricted access to the main floor, albeit barring entry to the exclusive VIP enclave.

A stranger going by the name of Tony, a man in his mid-30s, strides discreetly into the venue. He wears a stylish yet casual ensemble—a well-fitted leather jacket over a crisp white T-shirt, paired with faded denim jeans and polished boots. His dark hair is styled effortlessly, adding to his rugged charm.

Meanwhile, amidst the dimly lit ambiance of the stage as he finish the preparations, Connor catches sight of Anika Kessler standing in the front row. She cuts a striking figure in a captivating black and red dress adorned with intricate lace and leather details, her allure surpassing that of the two tennis stars accompanying Dan and other female in the VIP sections. Her smile is delicate and warm, that hide perfectly well how hinged she is.

[ +- ] Anika "Raven"
Mar 18, 2024 4:42 am
You can make your entrance please. Everybody is present at the event.

Tony Thatcher


Mar 18, 2024 7:36 am
Tony Thatcher
Tony heads into the club's first floor, walking up to the bar and ordering a drink. A long island ice tea, perfect for nights like this. He takes out his phone and messages the group. Connor was performing, of course. He had already planned to be here before Connor's message from earlier. Now things were different - he wondered if he might run into many of the others. A couple he hadn't really talked to much at all over the last few years.

He takes his drink and heads toward the stage where Connor would be performing.

To N-Kids
C. Bevin:I'm here. Where are you guys?
Last edited March 18, 2024 7:37 am
Mar 18, 2024 1:15 pm
Since he and Tammy had their brief and ego satisfying (if not physically satisfying) encounter earlier, Max has been killing time by knocking back drinks and gambling. He isn't concerned about the money, so he makes bigger and more daring bets, and loses in bigger and more extravagant ways. If there's one thing he knows, it's that flashing money around and acting like you don't care about losing it is a magnet for a certain kind of woman, and that's exactly the kind he's looking for.

He had chatted up a few girls so far, but the night is just getting started and he's here to have fun. No need to get tied to any one woman quite this early. After losing enough to draw attention to himself as a possible high roller, he headed down to check out Connor's show. Getting in through a service entrance was easy, but he had to use his "jedi mind trick" to get himself the VIP pass he convinced security he was owed. That had actually also been easy.

The VIP area was spacious, unlike everywhere else, which suited Max just fine. He liked the elbow room. He had space to relax and enjoy the drink he'd spotted on a tray and convinced a passing waiter was his, and he steered clear of the celebs. He didn't need to show up on newsfeeds or video clips.

He spots Tav just outside the VIP and makes eyebrows at her, then laughs. She'd never fall for his crap, and he knew it, but he liked to mess with her. She also knew his rule about never using his powers on any of the others, but she always seemed a little mistrustful of him. He guessed he didn't blame her. It's not like he lit up when he did his thing or had any particular tell. He looks around, checking the press area for Steven, and spots him, giving him the 'guy nod', a quick nod of his head that serves to say 'sup in lieu of words.

He downs his free drink quickly. At this rate, he better slow down. His phone buzzes and he pulls it out to see the message from Charlie. He grins. He hadn't seen Bevin since... well since before he'd been locked up, that was for sure. But even before that, he'd kept his distance. A guy like Max could get his stink on a guy like Charlie, and the last thing he wanted was the get in the way of Charlie's ambitions.

To C. Bevin
Max:Lost my shirt at the blackjack tables
Max:Got into the VIP
Max:Where you at?
Last edited March 18, 2024 3:48 pm
Mar 18, 2024 4:26 pm
When Connor enters the stage, he's been on site for two hours. He came early with his sound rig, and hooked it up to the Electric Labyrinth's state of the art system. He's designed it to interface, well Tav did, but there are still an awful lot of cables. Once it was connected and tested, he disappeared back stage and donned his stage outfit, including the lightwires strung within, to give him a glowing effect. Of course, the actual light output wasn't that great, but he had ways of enhancing it. He's been careful so far, to not make it obvious that what was at play was more than special effects.

He enters the VIP section and hobnobs for a moment, glad-handing the people there, giving them all a brief treat, and himself as well when he sees the two tennis stars. He talks with Dan and them briefly, talking about their performances at the recent open invitational - he's a fan and knows a little of what he's talking about. Then Miranda Sterling, the fashion designer and Jackson Knight the entrepreneur get his attention, and each he gives a little taste of his light. His style is evolving, and Miranda's own look is too glamourous -- for now -- but her eye and opinion would be a wonder - fashions that draw the light, and reflect. For Jackson, he chats that adding drones to the show is a goal, creating holographic like scenes above the crowd, synced to the music.

Seeing Tav behind he blows her a kiss, and begins to bounce. The excitement writhes around him, and he restrains himself from just glowing. Nausea and ecstasy war within him for dominance, that fine line between panic and uncontrolled exhilaration.

Checking his phone, he quickly texts back,

To N-Kids
Connor:Showtime. Anybody need anything?

He looks up from the phone, and sees her. Anika. The crowd melts away, and she is there alone in the front row, looking as much a home in the shadows between strobes as he is in radiant light. He meets her eyes, his mouth gone dry and in the moment, changes his intro. His brain rapidly rearranges the first samples he wants, picking a way to blend it into his planned set.

The moments count down to showtime.
Mar 18, 2024 8:04 pm
Tavisha and Selvie enter the venue through the stage and dressing room entrance using her Stage and Technical AV (Performance All Access Pass) before most of the crowd begin to trickle through the genpop entrance. She checks the sound boards and FX program cues; making sure all the latest additions she's developed for Connor's performance are up to date and cued on the proper dedicated channels. She converses briefly with the show's AVFX techs and intersperses her attention to the shows setup and giving her model companion some light PDAs: a kiss here, some hand holding there.

Once she's satisfied all is in order, she and Selvie slip back out and wait for Marcel to arrive with a couple drinks and recreational visits to the VIP lounge and ladies room to indulge in the powder Tav had slipped into the club for their enjoyment. Finally, Marcel arrives and Tav greets him with a big smile and warm embrace. "There you are, love. You look fabulous tonight." She gives him faux kisses to each cheek and slips his access lanyard around his neck.

Finding a spot at the closest bar, with a view of the venue's stage through its panoramic open mezzanine, the three chat, drink, and continue to pre-game before the show. Ten minutes before the start of Connor's designated show time to begin, they settle their tab with the waitress and head back down through the stage, crew, and performer entrance and make their way to the spacious area separated from the floor guests by a series of metal grated barriers, just behind the VIP viewing area. There is plenty of room for the three of them there and extra seats should they wish to sit at any point in the show—not that they would.

There are many in the crowd who notice their entrance, as they aren't exactly dressed to hide themselves in the crowd. Both Tav and Selive generally ignore the multiple catcalls and whistles. They do play it up a little when the photo flashes start and pose seductively together, then seal it with a kiss.

Tav's eyes meet those of Connor chatting up the official VIPs just ahead of them and she returns his affectionate gesture with a blown kiss of her own in his direction. She also is quick to spot Max in the VIP section and gives him a brief nod to acknowledgement.
Last edited March 18, 2024 8:08 pm
Mar 18, 2024 8:38 pm
Steven hangs out in the press area with his peers but not chatting with them, a glass of rum and Coke is his hand. Not that it will have much effect with his regenerative powers, but he finds the it calming anyway. He pulls out his phone, and skims through is contact list, finding Connor's name quickly and sending a text:

To Connor
Steven: Hey man, we need to talk somewhere private and we can't be seen. Do you have time before your set?

He sees a few of his old friends from the Nexus and gives each of them a nod or wave. He sees Max being sleazy, as per usual and shakes his head. When is he ever going to grow up? he thinks to himself.
Mar 18, 2024 9:21 pm
To Steven
Connor: Ya, VIP access gate. I'll meet you there. Access tunnels nearby r usually empty.
Mar 19, 2024 1:28 am
As Connor makes the final preparations and steps away to have a private conversation with his friend Steven, the energy in the venue surges as the pre-show rap metal performance ignites the crowd with its raw intensity. The pounding beats and aggressive riffs reverberate through the air, fueling anticipation for the main event and drawing enthusiastic cheers from the audience.

Amidst the pulsating music and charged atmosphere, attendees are swept up in the electrifying energy of the performance, their excitement palpable as they eagerly await the start of the show. The fusion of rap and metal genres creates a dynamic sonic landscape that captivates the crowd, setting the stage for an exhilarating evening of music and entertainment.
Mar 19, 2024 2:50 am
Access Tunnels - Connor and Steven

Connor waits at the gate and then leads Steven past another security guard to a large steel door. Passing through it, he closes it behind. It's a long white concrete corridor running to the mechanical rooms, with access for maintenance staff.

"Thanks for coming, Steven," he says, with a quick but manly arm pat-hug. "If you can you stay after the show, there's a hospitality suite thing they do for performers. But what's up? " He checks his phone. "I've only got three minutes."

Tony Thatcher


Mar 19, 2024 5:04 am
Tony Thatcher
Tony sends a couple quick texts out while enjoying his drink at the bar.

To Max Trouble
C. Bevin:Max! First bar I could find, near the entrance.
C. Bevin:I was wondering if you'd show up.
C. Bevin:Course you did.

To N-Kids
C. Bevin:Connor - just a good show, as usual.
C. Bevin:Can you get get 'Tony Thatcher' on the VIP list?

To Sis
C. Bevin:Tav, I know you're here.
C. Bevin:Where are you hiding? Is Selvie with you?
Last edited March 19, 2024 5:04 am
Mar 19, 2024 6:32 am
Access Tunnels - Connor and Steven
Steven makes his way down to the access tunnels a bit quicker than a normal person would, but keeps his urge to run under control. He returns Connor's greeting, a grim look on his face, "Man, you messed up," he says, "Someone has gotten wind that you're somehow amplifying your light show. My boss had someone unplug your equipment the other day and your light show didn't stop. She wants me to watch you tonight and write a story on it... Obviously I can't just expose you like that. So we need a plan. Fast."
Last edited March 19, 2024 1:33 pm



Mar 19, 2024 8:39 am
Marcel returns the embrace, returning her compliment with a charming smile. "Thank you, Tav. You're looking stunning as always," he replies, his eyes glancing appreciatively at Selvie. "And Selvie, you're positively radiant tonight."

Selvie smiles graciously at the compliment, nodding in appreciation. "Marcel. You're such a charmer," she replies, her voice carrying a hint of excitement for the upcoming show.

As they settle with a prime view of the stage, they engage in lively conversation, sipping on their drinks and indulging in the occasional giggle. The anticipation for Connor's performance builds with each passing minute, and they exchange enthusiastic remarks about what they expect from the show.

With just minutes to spare before the show begins, they settle their tab and make their way back to the VIP area near the stage, eager to immerse themselves in the electrifying atmosphere of the performance about to unfold.

As Tavisha, Selvie, and Marcel chat and sip their drinks, the vibrant energy of the venue surrounds them. With their avant-garde outfits drawing attention, whispers and sidelong glances from other patrons drift their way.

"Did you see those two?" said a woman nearby, her eyes wide with curiosity as she nods toward Tavisha and Selvie. "They're practically half-naked! "

Her male companion chuckles softly, leaning in to reply, "Yeah, but you have to admit, they do pull it off. I mean, look at them—they're owning it."

A man passing by overhears their conversation and nods in agreement. "Absolutely. Confidence is key, and they've got it in spades," he remarks, his gaze lingering on Tavisha and Selvie's bold fashion choices.

Despite the murmurs and glances from bystanders, Tavisha, Selvie, and Marcel remain unfazed, continuing their conversation with ease and grace. With their heads held high and smiles on their faces, they exude an aura of self-assurance.
Mar 19, 2024 9:40 am
About the Electric Labyrinth
The large venue where you are located is on the first zone (ground floor) is at the center of the circular immense building. The venue that is much like a small stadium is surrounded by multiple levels of dance floors, bars, and private tables and booths. Each level has a balcony that looks out on the main entrance and gives a view of the other levels. Beyond each balcony is another room, each with a slightly different decor or feel. Some are geared for dancing, some for conversation, some for dining. Many people never venture beyond the main club that is Electric Labyrinth.

Where Steven and Connor are located, is the first basement level, series of tunnels for heavy machinery and equipment that spread under the first floor and main venue. It's used by the staff and performers to move around without obstructions from the crowd. The area is only open to the public for emergency evacuations if needed, but it never happened since the building was completed.
Mar 19, 2024 1:30 pm
Connor blanches, knees weak. "How did they- I saw the plugs undone later. Man. That's- I'm sorry, I can't believe-"

He takes a breath. "Okay, I'll show you the kit later and let you take some photos. I'll figure out an explanation during the show. I've got to get to it, but tonight I'll keep a lid on. Thanks Steven."

To N-kids
Connor:no can do. expensive, no time. Hospitality suite after?
Mar 19, 2024 5:22 pm
Steven nods seriously, "No problem, dude. I just wanted to get out ahead of this as much as we can without making it look like I'm covering for you. My boss is really sharp."
Last edited March 19, 2024 5:22 pm
Mar 19, 2024 10:55 pm
"I got you. I wish I knew what happened that night. Who this person was that tipped off your boss. What does he suspect-- nevermind that, I gotta get this shindig hopping."

He ushers his childhood friend out of the tunnels and back to the gate, while her returns to the stage. His mind gives itself a good shake. Time to blow this place wide open.
Mar 20, 2024 1:21 am
As Steven and Connor emerge from the tunnels, they encounter three figures ahead, each pushing large electronic equipment in cumbersome boxes toward the venue. The trio sports a punk aesthetic, evident in their rugged attire and edgy hairstyles. Tattoos adorn their exposed arms, featuring bold designs and intricate patterns that speak to their rebellious spirit. There's many groups playing today, not just in the large venue, but also in other smaller venues of the Electric Labyrinth.

One of the punks, with a Mohawk dyed a vibrant shade of blue, flashes a mischievous grin as he hoists a particularly hefty box onto his shoulder. His sleeves are rolled up, revealing an array of tattoos that wind around his muscular arms like abstract artwork.

Beside him, another punk boasts a shaved head adorned with various piercings, giving him a striking and unconventional appearance. His expression is more stoic, yet his eyes gleam with a hint of excitement as he navigates the bustling crowd with purpose.

Bringing up the rear is the third member of the group, his long hair tied back in a messy ponytail. His face is adorned with piercings and his arms are covered in tattoos depicting skulls and other intricate designs. Despite the weight of the equipment, he maintains a determined stride, his demeanor exuding confidence and defiance.
[ +- ] Example of containers

Seo-ah (서아) Yun (윤)


Mar 20, 2024 1:44 am
Seo-ah (서아) Yun (윤)
Max expertly maneuvered his way into the VIP section with his mind powers, seamlessly blending in with the affluent crowd surrounding him. The air was thick with the mingling scents of expensive perfumes and the murmur of animated conversations. Among the sea of glamorous guests, Max's sharp eye caught sight of an intriguing figure: a solitary Asian woman clad in a timeless white dress that exuded an air of understated elegance. Unlike many others in attendance, she opted for a more conservative ensemble, revealing little skin.

Despite the challenge of gauging her age, given the timeless beauty often associated with Asian women and the skillful application of makeup, Max estimated her to be in her late thirties at least. Yet, it wasn't just her attire that hinted at her affluence; subtle cues like the sophistication of her earrings and the luxurious gleam of her watch spoke volumes about her financial standing. As Max observed her from a discreet distance, he couldn't help but feel a sense of intrigue and curiosity about this enigmatic woman amidst the glittering throng of high society.

She swiftly caught the gaze of the young man fixated on her long thin legs and decided to take the initiative with confidence. "Hi there! Have we met before?" she greeted him warmly, her voice laced with a strong accent that hinted at her cultural background. "I'm Seo-ah," she introduced herself, her English fluent despite her native inflection.
[ +- ] Portrait

Tony Thatcher


Mar 20, 2024 2:48 am
Tony Thatcher
Go figure, Tony shrugs and finishes off his first drink. He stands and pulls at his jacket, heading to the entrance of the VIP area. He approaches the bouncer and asks, "Hey man, how much to be a VIP? I want a great view of this show."
Last edited March 20, 2024 2:48 am
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