Robin doesn't really understand what's going on. Why would Hey Kid, a notoriously flammable person, make a hotel out of cardboard? It's certainly not up to code, which Robin finds stressful, but Hey Kid has been so kind to him recently that he's willing to support his young friend's foolishness!
Besides, pancakes are interesting! Robin has grand ambitions to make them himself one day. If he could just manipulate his hands to be a little more delicate, he's pretty sure he could brand them with little pictures. Perhaps there will be leftovers that would go to waste without his experimentation...
He sees Yazeba push Amelie off the front porch and frowns.
"Don't worry, Hey Kid, she won't get past me!" he promises. Robin carefully moves forward to block her path. He's not sure what he'll do if she rushes past him or tries to touch him (oh who is he kidding, he knows he'll be too slow and too worried about hurting her!), but surely a tall, bulky lava elemental in the way would be enough to make anyone think twice!
Robin claims territory in the middle track. He has one chaos coin.
Last edited March 5, 2024 7:58 pm