Chapter 1: finding the Tomb

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Mar 17, 2024 8:55 am
Pedrop says:
Zean in this time is back with the cubes sticky from oil and wrapped in some cloth.

@Pedrop can you elaborate please? Last thing I narrated were cubes dry if a bit sandy lying on the floor in the bigger corridor. Did I miss any actions from your PC?
I would also like to add this, sorry to forgot describing it first time
When Stone block were rising those of you who were curious enough to immediately move closer felt a poisonous gas coming out of the corridor, but mixed with fresh air was not strong enough to do you any harm.
Mar 17, 2024 9:50 am
Pedrop says:
"Hmmmm... they were rejected by the mountain mouth... so maybe they were not 'worthy' or... prepared good enough. I would go with the Tink's idea of immersing them in basins of oil now. But... let's use the Magic Hand this time for the last cube. I don't want to find out that that the stone can fall in different place too... by experiencing it." - he smiles with the blink in his eyes. And before departing he throws:
"Any other plans for clearing the moss? It looks like it will take ages this way..."

If no one opposes, Zean takes the cubes from Tinkara, goes to the small tunnel, immerse them in oil basins (in correct ones - of course:) ), then gets back to the group, gives one of the cubes to Vatoris and goes with the rest towards the stone doors once again and starts to insert them in the same way as before.
And considering last post and this one:
GreyWord says:
If Tinkara or Ixion want to exit the tunnel or if Zean or Throgin want to enter it - that action would require a successful DC 10 Strength (Athletics) check. Everyone - please let me know your choice in either case.
P.S. No you don't notice any kind of kind of poisonous gas coming our of the holes. What I described above it the only change to the environment
I’m a little lost too… so was there a gas or not? :) Just want to be sure I understand current situation correctly.
Mar 17, 2024 11:59 am
My apologies. I missed that and narrating it now, please feel free to adjust or delete/re-post anything you done since stone blocking entrance opened and Zean took cubes to the smaller tunnel
When Zean takes the first of cubes to immerse it in the oil, the basin bursts into flames when you approach it holding the cube. Flame goes out if/when you move cube away - it is easy to conclude the flame is magical, though it does produce heat and light just as natural one.
You guess there was a gas in the bigger tunnel the moment stone block opened, but the base is all gone now - whatever the source of that gas was it does not produce it any more
Mar 17, 2024 12:04 pm
Please let me know if Zean still want to immerse cubes and how he prevents getting burned (1d8 fire damage per cube if you do that with by hand). Let me spoil that if you do that the oil will not burn on the cube once you move cube away from basin.
Mar 17, 2024 12:42 pm
Tinkara flies over to the smaller passage. Does the flame go out of you move the cube away from the basin? If not, I would say the cubes don't need to go into the oil. I'd also guess that we should light them all before trying the cubes in the sockets again. And I'm definitely in favor of using magic to insert the last one, just in case.
Mar 17, 2024 12:52 pm
Zean back ups quickly so not to hurt himself. And to be sure how it all works he tries to move cube of animal closer to its enemy’s basin - "maybe they are neutralising each other." if that won’t help: He gets back to others and reports his recent findings. Also thinking if the magic hand could be the solution for every dangerous thing…
And if it isn’t spoiling all the danger from such things - mechanically, as this is contrip, so no cost to use, yes? Just simple wonder induced by coming form OSR mindset… and curiosity in general. I don’t have problems with others using it in this situation. Hope this is obvious. Just want to start to understand what DND 5e really "is" form its mechanical stand point :)
Mar 17, 2024 12:54 pm
started to write my post before seeing Tinkar’s - just to let you know.
Mar 17, 2024 1:57 pm
While the others are messing around with the Boxes. Vatoris tries to get a better understanding of how the Stone Slap trap works.
Hoping to Prevent it from happening again...
"How is it going over there? Figuring anything out?"
Added another roll fromAdv.
Last edited March 17, 2024 3:10 pm


Investigation - (1d20+7)

(4) + 7 = 11

Investigation - (1d20+7)

(9) + 7 = 16

Mar 17, 2024 2:14 pm
Thad steps over to Vatiris. Offering kind investigatory assistance!
That one part on the stone trap there, how might that work? That could be something, right?
Help action for Vatoris, justRP’ing study and discussion of the trap.


Investigation - (1d20+7)

(2) + 7 = 9

Mar 18, 2024 2:56 pm
Zean assures holding Moa (jaculi) cube it only fires up basin next to Moa (jaculi) and do not affect Wongo's (su-monster) one.
Same with Wongo cube - it only fires up Wongo basin.
Either way fire ends magically when you move each cube away.

Vatoris discuss with others what they have seen and concludes what the rests have concluded - when last of 8 cubes were put in and released it magically triggered stone block to start moving. There are no mechanical triggers. You would also expect that no more sand/stone be falling down when you trigger it next time as it remains on the floor.
As for source of the gas - you have no idea because you never saw anything, but you remember Zean suggested it may have originated from the small holes in each skull's mouth. But that's just a guess
Mar 18, 2024 3:04 pm
Maybe we're barking up the wrong tree. What if the sockets are a distraction? Since we can't keep the oil lit if we move the cubes away from the oil, what if we put the cubes by each basin so they're all lit at once? Remember, "In darkness, it hides".
Last edited March 18, 2024 3:05 pm
Mar 18, 2024 7:59 pm
hmmmph Sounds like a plan to me.

Throgin goes back to the clearing and starts looking at the gargoyles again...
Mar 19, 2024 10:19 am
"I agree... again. Let's put them in the correct basins for the species. Maybe the lighting up will be enough... and if not, we will take them out and try again to insert them in opposed sockets - this time anointed with oil. Magic hand - anyone?" - Zean asks with big smile looking meaningly at Vatoris - "Don't look at me. If they would throw thunderstorms - I would do it. But I'm not so much into the fire... and I like my hands..."
@Smiley what you think?
Mar 19, 2024 11:04 am
I don't know that the blocks need to be IN the basins. Perhaps just having them close enough to light the oil would suffice.
Mar 19, 2024 11:22 am
Just a clarification: Yes, it is enough to put the cubes by each basin to fire all basins up. If you still want put cubes into the fire - you can insert/manipulate them with a sword for example to avoid fire damage, mage hand is not the only way to achieve that safely.
Mar 19, 2024 1:41 pm
Vatoris does what he is asked. He grabs the cubes with his mage hand and holds them into the fire. "Still think we are missing something...This is just taking too long. That has to be another way."
My character has a Intel of 17. My IRL brain has been numb due to stress and illness these last few weeks. I am rolling an Intel check just because my character is smarter then the player.


Int - Check - (1d20+3)

(10) + 3 = 13

Mar 19, 2024 4:24 pm
OK, I'm trying to interpret player input, if anyone feel like I'm wrong please do provide fixes/updates and I'll narrate your PCs doing another - altered attempt to trigger something new
Everyone stay out of the small long tunnel, while Vatoris take all 8 cubes except flail snail cube (it stays in bag of holdings) and put them next to each respective basin, firing them up.
He try to stay close to exit (as much as mage hand reach allows). When all 8 basins burn and nothing else visibly happens Vatoris manipulate each cube putting it into a basin of opposing god figure, for example putting Moa (jaculi) cube into Wongo's (su-monster) basin: it cause Moa basin fire to stop, but affect Moa's cube in no visible way.
Mar 19, 2024 4:34 pm
"So let's put the cubes INTO the proper basins so i.e. : Moa cue into the Moa'a basin. All of them, at once. Will you Vatoris?" - says Zean.
Mar 19, 2024 5:08 pm
Tinkara flies over to the larger passage to see if anything changes there when all the basins are lit.
Mar 19, 2024 5:52 pm
And here comes narrative for Vatoris' int check
Vatoris, mechanically follow instructions given, but keep trying to understand .... what are we missing?

The enemies oppose... The enemies oppose he quote the obelisk and suddenly realize this reflects the Onlu Legend they have learned in past few days:

He quotes parts of the legend:
Wongo the su-monster found out how Moa had betrayed him, he vowed to catch the jaculi and eat him up
The zorbo and I'jin the almiraj became terrible enemies
and now everyone remember that also
Kamadan chased Nangnang the grung
Kubazan the froghemoth chased Papazotl

But it was Unkh the flail snail that saved the day in the legend...
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