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Feb 9, 2025 4:21 pm
Hmmm variation on a dungeon of tricks traps and magic..... Ok send reasonable to me

I still think the vulture is likely s time in the room behind the jackal and the order of the lines of the plaque do not matter. I hope 🙏
Feb 9, 2025 4:25 pm
It isn't the order, the plaque says that the vulture is the first step.
Feb 9, 2025 4:32 pm
This game is going to the birds (vulture)...
Last edited February 9, 2025 4:33 pm
Feb 9, 2025 4:47 pm
WanderOne says:
I will peek on his side and take down detailed notes so I can inform GM on what he is messing.
Could you elaborate please? Do you want me to explain what I think players think, so that you could tell me what you thing different?

OK here is what I think:
1. Probably not every player seen this this post where the room visible through Jackal face is depicted. That's what @Psybermagi is referring to

2. I feel like players are looking at this as a solve-the-puzzle instead of trail-and-error. That's causing the analysis-paralysis. Am I wrong ?
Feb 9, 2025 4:47 pm
If only it were . . .
Feb 9, 2025 5:03 pm
Could you elaborate please? Do you want me to explain what I think players think, so that you could tell me what you thing different?

Was kidding. Cheating to peek behinds the DM's cover sheet.
Feb 9, 2025 6:05 pm
I am not stuck yet as we still just explored all we could without commiting. That said we are at a point that we need to take a step forwards now. I see a couple options
1 West tunnel, by plaque
2a descent into North room by way of jackal face
2b investigate jacal face more closely for possible access/info. I assume the point of the jackal is to peek into the room and see the dwarf
3 enter the water
4 up the east crawlway

We can look around more but am assuming the DM has shared all readily apparent clues, and as stated the riddles are more helpfule in explaining than solving.
Feb 9, 2025 6:31 pm
I don't think we have a reason to take any one of those options; which have we seen the LEAST of so that it might have more clues we haven't spotted?
Feb 12, 2025 8:13 pm
WanderOne says:
Criella is with the same thoughts as Tinkara and she doesn't fly but she fast foots it to get to the other side of this mess.
@WanderOne could you please indicate me the exact location of "the other side of this mess" ? :)
I mean - please elaborate the direction of your movement. In a way there'a mess everywhere in this dungeon.
Feb 12, 2025 8:30 pm
GreyWord says:
WanderOne says:
Criella is with the same thoughts as Tinkara and she doesn't fly but she fast foots it to get to the other side of this mess.
@WanderOne could you please indicate me the exact location of "the other side of this mess" ? :)
I mean - please elaborate the direction of your movement. In a way there'a mess everywhere in this dungeon.
Criella will run through the curtain area and if nothing else stops her then she will continue to exit the water area entirely. That is leaving this mess.
Feb 13, 2025 8:40 pm
Just to double check @WanderOne - do I understand correct that you recall/cancel your previous statement
" she will continue to exit the water area entirely"

And have your PC to stop after 10 feet curtain. She is standing in the puddles of water.
Feb 13, 2025 8:56 pm
GreyWord says:
Just to double check @WanderOne - do I understand correct that you recall/cancel your previous statement
" she will continue to exit the water area entirely"

And have your PC to stop after 10 feet curtain. She is standing in the puddles of water.
Yes, Criella was unaware the extent of the water trap till she passed the curtain. There isn't a fear of the situation about the walls after bypassing the curtain. So, she stopped not far after exiting the curtain but still leaving space for others to do so if needed rather than fully exiting the water area.
Feb 14, 2025 9:32 am
@WanderOne I prefer OOC only messages to be kept here in OOC thread not in the game thread. Answering your OOC question from there - I did describe you were able to see that
GreyWord says:

Immediately after Nyx stepping through water erupts from curtain. It flows as a fierce wave toward north to south.
Going forward I will assume that if you as a player "thought that wave wasn't hitting " north when I directly state it is - I will not be helping your PC. You as a player are playing this game and if you as a player fail then your PC take damage.

This time only I will move your PC to the safety.

P.S. Question to everyone: any objections on my DMing style here? Do you think it is fun to make PCs pay for player's mistakes? In combat it is, why wouldn't it be out of?
Feb 14, 2025 9:45 am
Not fun but totally fair. Part of adventuring is being mindful.

To be clear. Tinkara walked through the water curtain holding a handax and the wall had one as well, still resulting in a wave. So far there does not seem to be a way to negate the wave though flying seems a bad idea.
"Walk through water with weapon in hand."
Last edited February 14, 2025 9:51 am
Feb 14, 2025 3:20 pm
I'd like to use method most desired by players. Let's have a vote

So the question in general case is:
If player announced PC course of action that are going to trigger a trap failure to avoid trap effects
DM have provided information (some time earlier) sufficient for PC to make a direct conclusion about that trigger.

If player not being mindful are going to hurt any PC Public

DM will narrate the player action (or inaction) as per player post
DM puts game on hold, remind player of the information, wait for corrective actions
DM simply narrate that PC is doing the better course of action ignoring player input
Feb 14, 2025 4:01 pm
So to be clear, so far we’ve still not a way to get all the PC’s across?
Feb 14, 2025 11:06 pm
@WanderOne you voted other. Could you explain your other idea for me please.
@WhiteDwarf yes two of you moved thanks to passed STR save. Not because solving. That's the beauty. Solving is optional.
Feb 15, 2025 1:20 pm
DM have provided information (some time earlier) sufficient for PC to make a direct conclusion about that trigger.

I believe others as well as myself on occasions don't always recall what is considered needed information. So, their action could appear contrary to those that do recall the information.

I believe that is a consideration and the reason for "Other".

Knowingly taking such action is a different matter and I believe that is to be always the DM ballpark to decide.
Last edited February 15, 2025 1:21 pm
Feb 15, 2025 2:21 pm
@WanderOne I'm not sure I understand exactly what decisions you expect me to do other than narrate your PC does not do what you post she does. So let's just wait for next situation when I suspect your actions are not based on the information I've provided earlier and I will come back to you to discuss situation.

@badbaron I'm missing your vote/opinion. Are you OK for me not to be helpful when you as player don't recall or fail to associate information provided earlier?

About the fun I was talking about earlier - it is the joy actually. Joy I don't want to steal you.
Let me give you an example. Several if not all players were posting their PCs talking and thinking about weapons they would need to be holding in their hands. If any player would realize that's suspicious that one out of 6 murals had no weapon (especially if they made a reference to how important it was that one out of 4 statues had no face) and would investigate that one mural - that player would feel super cool after discovering secret wouldn't you?
Feb 15, 2025 2:30 pm
Friends, I am very sorry, esp to our DM - but I must withdraw from our game. RL is forcing me to curtail some of my games, and I fear I just don’t have the time or bandwidth to keep this one going in a beneficial way.
All my best to each of you. :)
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