What at you hoping to get from this game?
As we have discussed elsewhere, World of Dungeons is similar but not the same as Dungeon World. Your other PbtA experience should be enough, and reading Dungeon World could confuse expectations.
Basically this game only has one Move: The Act Under Pressure move from Dungeon World (hmmm... apparently is it called Defy Danger, I can not keep the names separate:), which is similar to the one from Monster of the Week (MotW), except that you pick the Stat to use based on what you are doing. In PbtA almost all Moves are really just specialised versions of Act... well except the ones that are Workshop/Ritual/Big Magic. :)
The party is currently on its way to a whole new country, but is less than a day's walk from 'home'.
We can assume that you joined the party at the main city and are here with them now, or we can pick you up here by this inn, or in the next town we get to (Olmsford). We can play it by ear and see where we are when you have character.
Take a look at the Help! thread for guidance. Feel free to ask any question here or in the General Chat depending on where they seem relevant.
You can find the Game's Rule Book copied here for easy access. You may find Character Creation section useful as well.