A to Z Adventures with Zeekhad

Mar 1, 2024 9:51 pm
Arc, a ravenfolk of back feathers, was raised by a family of shop owners. In a canopy-like small town, where his parents run the only trading post. From a young age he would help his parents (and numerous siblings) in any way needed: ordering products in the shelves, giving messages, helping customers, visiting suppliers, registering accounts (this last one, quite boring, but somebody had to do it), among other things.
When he reached adulthood, he wanted to travel and see the world, so he packed a few of his belongings and flew. He is not fond of battle or any violence, but acknowledges the need for hunt to eat, and to fight to defend what he thinks is right, so he carries a bow and a dagger. But prefer more civilized ways to solve issues and usually is happy to help around, this is why he developed a strong focus on diplomacy.
@Cathamber : As Arcs adventures into the greater world we welcome you to our story. Have fun :)
Mar 1, 2024 9:52 pm
[ +- ] Arc Sets out
As Arc looks about to regain his bearings his instincts start warning him that staying aloft is not a good idea. As he was already planning on descending all thought are cut out of it and he begins a rapid descent. All Flying creatures know to respect the power of the sky and Arc can feel a tingle like that felt before a thunderstorm but the sky continues to look peaceful despide growing dimmer.

As you descend the winds begin to buffet you and an odd haze with ripples in the air, similar to what you have seen in hot dry wastes, cause you to lose all track of the earlier landmarks. As you get lower you look around and blink in confusion. This place is nothing like the are you were flying over earlier . . . .

Mar 3, 2024 6:54 am
What the ...!!

This was no longer the courtryside he was just flying around. No more of that nice, although hard to navigate, forrest. This was something else! The blinked again as if that was enough to get him back to wherever he was before, but it didn't happened. It was but a reflex reaction, of course he had no training as a wizard.

He saw the sky, without that tingle storm-related feeling, a very different feeling started: a survival instict. He realized this was somewhere else! And so it was futile to look for those landmarks, or even look for those two hunters. What kind of terrible fate waits him now? He would remember briefly those nice nights at the tavern at Dojbri talking with Ina, or those hectic morning at his parent´s store back at home. Both places seemed so distant now. But as fast as those memories arrived they left... He would need to concentrate on survival now, he checked this bag and bow were where with him, and his quiver at his back.

He will look around for bigger landmarks, trying to remember any map that would fit this place. Then...

If the sky shows no more signs of storm, he would try to take advantage of altitude to see far away. He will fly higher again to seach for something that may help, a town, a road, a river, something that may lead to civilization, people's civilization of fey's, didn't matter much to him.
If the sky does show signs of storm, he will get to the ground and continue walking. In this case, searching for cover and speaking with any animal he cross path with.
Finally some good rolls!!
Last edited March 3, 2024 2:15 pm


remembering maps - (2d6)

(66) = 12

searching... - (2d6)

(46) = 10

asking animals for description of the place/direction to a town - (3d6)

(544) = 13

Mar 3, 2024 3:44 pm
The sky now looks normal and your instincts no longer scream at you as they did before. The visual distortions in the air are gone. Surveying the area you are certain you are not anywhere you have been before or recognize it as someplace you heard of. This will make returning home a bit . . . . difficult.

Taking to the sky Arc moves cautiously and scans for regular shapes and straight lines. As you get above the treeline then higher still you see a river east of you with a fork to the north-east. West and south the area is thick with vegetation and looks swampy. Far to the north of the are looks more open. The west is also more clear but looks to have more hills. Besides the abundant plant life of the area you realize that this area must have some unusually large animals based on their apparent size when seen at a distance. Some look to be larger than houses. There are flocks of flyers near the river fork and tower as well al more to the south, mostly near the river.

North of the fork you spot a tall vertical structure. To your north you spot what looks to be a road or track running west/east towards where the tower is. Picking the tower as your destination you glide down to an area that looks solid and begin trekking towards the road. Using your wings to bypass the muddier sections you make good time.

As you move you try reaching out to some of the animals. Most are skittish but you manage to get a couple of smaller ones to answer a few basic questions. They fear predators, many many predators. None are aware of people in rocks or dead trees, towns or villages. Then you get a lucky break and talk with a falcon resting on a high perch. It confirms the road and tower has people but that is beyond it's normal hunting area due to the multitude of "sky fishers". Likely the large flocks you saw are territorial and prevent the falcon from hunting in that area.

You reach the road after about half the day has passed. The track is little more than a set of ruts in the grass, this area being higher and dryer than the swamps to the south where you appeared. As you turn to follow the track to the east and the tower you are slightly surprised by the size of the track. Most carts and wagons are about 6-8' wide but these are well over 12' and their wheels are also thicker than normal. Giants? Whoever drives these they do not use normal horses or cattle.

In the midst of your musings you hear a rustle in the grass to your right . . .
A small pack of 4 lizard like creatures, with feathers on their top and sides, running on their 2 hind legs rushes form the grass. 3 move to surround you as one charges in and slashes at you with its rear talons. A nasty cut on your thigh quickly wells up with blood from the vicious cut. 1 damage to you
[ +- ] Combat


attack - (2d6)

(35) = 8

Mar 3, 2024 5:24 pm
Sky fishers? Arc thinks, never heard of them... but then again, he never before of a land of giants. Better stay away from those Sky Fishers until he knows more about them.
For sure heading for the tower is better than staying at a swamp, but alas! some hunting team attacked me!
First battle strategy: Hover just above their melee reach, close enough to get rid of them with the bow. Never high enough to be detected by those sky fishers. He will try to hover over one of them since it is always harder for them to jump straight up versus running for a jump.
1 Move: Arc jumps spreading his wings to float just above melee reach of their attackers, he jumps diagonally, trying to hover right over one of them, so that one would hinder the other two attackers.
2 Attack: Arc fires and arrow to the lizard that looks weaker (if all look the same, one of those two... not the ne right below him).
I justo realizado he needs to load his bow, as 2nd action, if he can't fire he prefers to evade.
Last edited March 3, 2024 5:57 pm


attack - (2d6)

(11) = 2

Mar 3, 2024 11:16 pm
https://i.imgur.com/QCYYck6m.jpeg Arc lifts off the ground a couple yards as he readies and fires his bow. The small thinks hiss in annoyance and begin circling in agitation. Another of the things darts towards you then leaps into the air as wings extend form it's sides. Only able to slash at you once as it passes the thing quickly descends. Only it seems the others are preparing to execute the same tactic. Based on their small size and the length of the wings you feel a single shot will take one out and they likely can not stay aloft for long periods of time but they do pose a threat in this current situation.


attack - (2d6)

(42) = 6

Mar 4, 2024 3:41 am
Aerial Battle!! I understood those lizard-things weren't winged... anyhow...
Arc loads and fires at the closest one.


Attack - (2d6)

(45) = 9

Mar 4, 2024 1:10 pm
Facing the arial attack, Arc moves a bit higher as he knocks another arrow and manages to strike the next one down as it leaps into the air. You note that they things can barely fly. It is more like a powerful leap with a flap or two for altitude then glide/dive. This likely lets the things pounce much further than other beasts of their size. It also means that if you go any higher they will likely not be able to easily reach you.

As one of their number is shot down two other try to strike at the rising Arc
The raptors are not true birds but do have "feathers on their top and sides". Their wings were tucked in and are obviously not their primary trait.
As for moving, evading, and loading your bow you are correct in that when you attack you only get 2 actions and when using ranged weapons this consumes both. At this point. There is a trait "Rapid shot" that allows you to reload for free. You can also move short distances for free. Thus my description "Arc lifts off the ground a couple yards".
This lates attack is at Disadvantage so they only get 1d6


Wing assisted leap attack Disadvantage due to altitude - (1d6, 1d6)

1d6 : (3) = 3

1d6 : (2) = 2

Mar 4, 2024 3:27 pm
Thanks for explaining Air Battle, It is clear Arc will need that trait soon!
Seeing he shot one of these things, he moves a 'short distance' upwards, then he reloads and shoots the Next.
Last edited March 4, 2024 6:54 pm


Attack - (2d6)

(24) = 6

Mar 5, 2024 1:31 am
The three remaining raptors are very agitated at the loss of their quarry but after looking around, possibly for places to launch from for better elevation, and a couple of hisses of frustrations the trio breaks their circling maneuvers. They quickly dash towards some cover.

You have time for one more shot if you wish or you can just continue on your way.
Mar 5, 2024 6:38 am
Seeing a change in their táctics, but considering that they won't give up that easy... and that he will have to land eventually... Arc shoots another.
I understood that they were originally 3, and that Arc short 1... 2 remaining. Or did I misread?
Arc Will follow from the Air one of those 2 left, without firing, for a moment. And try to understand their 'speech', if he hears any form of communication.
Last edited March 5, 2024 11:15 am


Attack - (2d6)

(43) = 7

Mar 5, 2024 1:42 pm
There was a pack of 4, see the first post on them, they just never attacked all at once.
Arc fires another shot but they manages to avoid his arrow as they run quickly towards cover. The small pack runs nearly silently till they reach cover then one of them gives a short chirping yelp Satter, regroup and all three split up as they enter the nearby wooded section.

You can follow and shoot once more. After that you will need to roll to try a tracking check as they try to lose you if you want to to pursue them further.
Mar 5, 2024 2:36 pm
Oh, I see. Thanks for clarifying.
Arc follows (flying and keeping his altitude) the one who yelped, and shouts him Let's talk, no hunt. while holding his bow, with one hand, to the side, as to show he is not preparing another shoot.
His shout is not the loudest one, just enough so the one who spoke can hear clearly. Since they couldn't kill him, maybe they will respect Arc enough for a truce, and eventually a more friendly situation in the future. Arc doesn't know anything or anyone here, so any ally is better than no allies.

Arc also tries to find insight in the behaviour of this pack, probably there is something more than mere hunting to this.


Insightful trait - (3d6)

(626) = 14

Mar 6, 2024 4:09 am
Arc realizes that though he may be able to communicate with the beasts. They are still beast and much of their motivations are driven by instinct. The pack likely simply saw a solitary target and moved in for the kill. Had he not been able to fly the fight could well have turned out differently. Now that they have a failed hunt and slain companions their hunger and fear is driving them to flee from a more powerful predator, Arc himself. If he could corner one he might be able to converse with it. As things stand it is doubtful they will answer any of his calls.

As Arc flies he realizes he is getting close the the circling flocks of larger flyers and he seems to have caught some of their attention as they glider high overhead, angling out to get overhead.
FYI if your beast speech trait works on something then they are not "intelligent" creatures and can not reason beyond simple facts and likely do not recognize weapons unless they are domesticated or encounter people often.
Mar 6, 2024 2:21 pm
Alright, lost in unchartered territory, surrounded by hunters... almost like my last vacations, he thinks.
Arc realizes that looking for more information out of them will be useless. A lot of efford for tiny amount of real knowledge, if any... And he doesn't trust those sky fishers, so he turns around (heading west) and starts to glide lower.
Arc will try to loose those sky fishers before reassuming his walk to the tower.
He will be focusing his attention on the fishers and signs of other ground hunters, and with an arrow in his bow. He figures that walking on the road would allow for any other hunter to spot him quite easily and the current threat are those sky fishers that already spotted him. He glides west for a moment, and lands on the road itself, hopefully messaging those fishers that his intention is to go that direction. But after a few moments, he will jump north out of the road to the cover of tree's canopy (he looks for a group of trees with more leaves than usual). Then, some meters away from the road, he will carefully climb a tall tree to hide for a moment. And pay attention to the sky fishers movements. If they are as big as they seem, they won't be able to move easily, mush less fly, in the midst of all these trees.

I wish I had learned more about fighting. If I get out of this one, I'll look for someone to train with.

Only after he sees that the fishers gave up and fly away, he will continue walking east, to the tower. He will walk not on the road, but a few meters to the north of the road thus using the trees for hiding from those fishers.

Whenever possible, he will try to get a good look at the tower. Does it has inhabitants, or any sign of living people? Does it look to have some magic? We all know towers tent to be related to magic people or items, but is it also like that here? If it is, there may be a way to go back home in it.

No more humming any travelling song for now...


setting false track for the sky fishers - (2d6)

(56) = 11

Hiding of the sky fishers - (2d6)

(45) = 9

Looking at the tower - (2d6)

(26) = 8

Mar 6, 2024 11:42 pm
After landing you easily get the flying shapes above to lose interest in you by concealing yourself in some oveergrowth and waiting a while. While waiting you keep an eye out for any land bound predators. While none near you present themselves you do spot some creatures walkging int the tall grasses between the thickets that dot this area. At first you are not concerned until one of the herds with fewer members wanders closer and you realize these beasts are much larger than you. using your new perspective yo ulook back to some of the other herds and realize many if not all that you see are heerds of even larger beasts (dinosaur). Some are likely lafter than the common room of the in you left just yesterday. The "Sky fishers" turn out to be a winged variant of the large beast. Most have rough skins with some few, both flying and running, sporting feathers
So when you are speaking to animals they will have trouble with complex ideas or vague concepts and only use words they have a frame of refference to. hunter, stone, plant, hide, fear, eat, etc. So dont use any "words" goten from them too literally.
Cautiously continuing on your way you get encounter a few smaller beasts that linger long enough to answer a few questions before nerves, hunger, or other instints drive them on. A few birds are aware of the " stone finger" further east and north and all confirm that this area abounds with large beasts. There are some smaller, like the ones you dove off, but there are also insects, birds, and a few small herds of other "two legs" you interpret to mean people. One flier confirms that the people are closer to the tower and the road will get you there.

You make your way along the road, that skirts the edge of the swamp to the south and begin seeing buildings only to realize they are now ruins. Many structures must have stood here once but now most have crumbled and become overgrown. you see a few larger structures to the north but the road continues east. You finally geet a glimpse of the tower but it is too far to gain any detail so decide to follow th3 road closer.

The road leads you to the edge of a swamp and into it. The rode here is much better cared for and shows signs of heavy traffic to your seasoned merchant eyes. As you near th swamp you spot a small wooden watch tower, about 20' tall, next to th road. A couple of figures can be seen moving atop and at the base of the structure.
Mar 7, 2024 9:34 pm
Arc finally starts to feel some hope.
Looking at the wooden tower with people, he thinks it means that there is some sort of civilization.

He is still careful for any predator on the road. But then, closer to the wooden watch tower, he will try to speak with those two people.

They should be guards, in a watch tower. They must be aware of all the predators, and created this tower to defend the stone tower ahaed.

When Arc realized the guards notice him, he will stand in the middle of the road with open arms (his bow in his back). And stop walking some safe distance before reaching the watchtower... just enough to hear and be heard. He doesn't want to risk being seen as a danger to the guards.

Greetings! I trust you fare well. Would you be willing to share news and stories with a lost traveler? And hopefully some drinking water, if it is not too much to ask? Arc says, in a friendly tone.
Last edited March 7, 2024 9:43 pm



Mar 8, 2024 4:19 pm
The guards at the bar of the tower look you over before one slips inside to return with a large mug of water
The give us a fresh barrel each day. Thing is we only use half. And most of that is just to water down the mead to make that last longer.
Where'd you come from? Most come with the caravans or by ship on the river. As for stories well . . . I suppose we can chat for a bit.

The pair seen relaxed but you note that they alternate keeping an eye on you and the surroundings
Mar 10, 2024 12:54 pm
Arc receives the water mug thankfully.

I am looking for a Tower of Wisdom, of knowledge. I left my village a long time ago, working in different tasks in different villages, until I found a map that showed the tower. It was still far away, so I continue to travel. I recently faced some kind of strange storm crossing a fortest, I tried to avoid It but I couldn't. Then I found myself around that swamp are over there, so I got to the road and walked here. I trust I could help out in something until I'm able to continue my search.

As Arc is telling his tale, he continuosly tries to check how these guarda react to It (insightful).


Insight - (2d6)

(41) = 5



Mar 10, 2024 11:07 pm

Not to sure about wisdom but there's that Infinite Tower north of here. and he waves that direction.
Sounds to me like you hit one of those border storms. Saved you some time getting here but that may make getting home a bit tougher. and the guard chuckles. Sounds like you were lucky. Some that got caught up in those never came back. Other were taken to other Realms or fought beasts from other Realms that got dumped here.

As for accommodations and employment. Keep heading up the road to the base. Check in with the clerk and he will get you settled in. We get all sorts here and find jobs for most.
He and his mates are slightly wary but seem to be telling the truth in a forthcoming manner.

The guard seems a bit intrigued by your tale and will continue to chat if you hang around. Or you can take the road to the expedition base. The guard explains that the expedition was sent to these city ruins to scour them for lost treasure and knowledge. The "Infinite Tower" just showed up later on. It has a couple elves running it that seem to have their own problems. The have occasional work for some of the adventurers but many of their requirements are for individuals with great skill.
You can head in to the Base Thread if you want to now or get a bit more information from this guard.
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