Misadventures with Mina

Mar 2, 2024 3:23 pm
[ +- ] Mina Tokala-Croille
@karabooo Your story starts here
Mar 2, 2024 3:28 pm
Mina Tokala-Croille and Ultime d’Mon-Chelevant sit close to the small fire within the the shelter of the thicket. Towns are few and far between out here and not all villages are welcoming of strangers. With the troubles of her past Mina and Tokala have taken to only stopping to gather news and supplies in exchange for her healing services at day so they can move on. A bed would be nice but the risk . . . . sigh

As Mina stares idly into the fire she feels something reaching out to her through the flames. A light touch to her thoughts as her focus wanders lazily over the shifting, flickering, flame.

Roll a test Save. That is 2d6 and you succeed if either have a 5 or 6
Mar 2, 2024 6:57 pm
Suddenly stiffening, Mina frowns and focuses all of her attention on the force tickling the edge of her mind.


Responding to the flames - (2d6)

(45) = 9

Firelight Communion


Mar 2, 2024 9:43 pm
Firelight Communion
You feel the touch hesitate then a voice enters your thoughts. Familiar with this ability, as you use something similar in your treatments, you allow the voice only to present itself and not slip in any deeper to your private self.

You . . . girl? . . . you have a gift. You are not fey, changing, or fey touched. I have need of you and your skills . . . . and you feel the touch subside into musings. Ye be not far from where I have need of you. Do me a favor and I will do one from you. I know not what it is you need but still I felt the need. You help me with what I need and I will help you in kind.

The voice explains they have a 'friend' who is having difficulty and though they have avoided outright conflict and attacks with the other locals the tension is near the breaking point. The voice continues that they are bound in a far of place and can not travel themselves so sent out inquiries to find agents to act on her behalf. You musing as you started at the tiny flame of your campfire and proximity to the area of interest made you a candidate for the magics. What is needed is to go to the place and help soothe and settle the rising tensions and arbitrate between the conflicting parties. You will be provided additional information should you accept the offer.

What say ye girl?

Though not in direct contact your gift still allows you to sece a bit of the nature of the other side. The other side is much more skilled than you and you feel tremendous power behind the touch that is held back in a 'polite but firm' manner.

Roll a test to determine things through the communication. Normally a test is only 2d6 like the Save test was but with your Insight it gives advantage so you roll 3d6.
Mar 2, 2024 11:13 pm
Surprised to hear a voice speaking within her head, Mina's eyes widen, then dart to Ultime to register if he is hearing any of this. Ascertaining that he is not, she hisses at him quickly, then glances around them both briefly to see if anyone is watching from the shadows while she listens. As she looks around herself, Mina tunes in to the cadence and lilt of this mysterious speaker's voice, trying to discern their mood and true intent.


Insight Check - (3d6)

(365) = 14

Mar 3, 2024 4:07 pm
Ultime is lying nearby simply trying to get comfortable on his travel sleeping mat and is oblivious to the mental communication. At Mina's signal he perks up, looking around, confused but trusting your instincts he is instantly on high alert.

Mina feels that who, or what, ever may be communing with her has a sense of urgency and is dealing in good faith. Though uncommon it is known that some magical beings, either from beyond or of the Mortal Realm, have difficulty with certain actions or locations. As mages used being from other planes so do they at time use mortals. The spells used to initiale contact can either attempt to force the creature contacted to obey or act as a magical contract. Having never met an immortal and only seeing minor fey in the wilds you are uncertain as to the origin of this connection. Either way Mina is uncertain if the initial contact attempted to force her but the fact that the "voice" is talking with her now proves that they need her help. But before agreeing it may be best to get things clarified and specifics understood.
Mar 3, 2024 5:36 pm
Mina holds one finger up to Ultime to suggest he hold and stay silent. She swiftly averts her eyes back to the fire, shifting uncomfortably as she prepares her response.

I... I am a simple healer, she thinks back to the being, but I do my best to help those who come to me for aid, be they men, or-- or monsters. Does your friend s-suffer? And what is the... I mean, why do they... ? She bites her lip and exhales to recenter herself before starting over. I'd need to know the history behind their conflict with the locals if I'm to be helpful.
Last edited March 3, 2024 7:07 pm

Firelight Communion


Mar 4, 2024 2:14 am
Firelight Communion
The conflict is foolishness and misunderstanding that fostered mistrust and antagonism. What I require of you is to help heal a key figure that will help both sides realize how foolish they are being. Only an uninterested and uninvolved individual will be trusted to do this by both side. I will not tell you which side I am interested in so as not to influence you. I leave how you tread the injured party to your judgement.

Is this acceptable to you? Be warned though. Both parties may attempt to interfere with your mission depending how the perceive your intentions and actions.
Mar 4, 2024 2:46 pm
Mina shakes her head. But I am not familiar with this area. Where is this town that I would go to? And-- And how will I know this key figure should I actually find them? She shrinks a little at the prospect of trying to navigate this complicated social situation.

Firelight Communion


Mar 5, 2024 1:28 am
Firelight Communion
I will give you details should you agree to assist me. My only requirement is you try your best. You need not take unnecessary risks. But you must not reveal that you were sent by by me. Do you hany questions about the trade? If you agree I will give you all the information about the town, and the person in need of healing.
Mar 5, 2024 1:33 pm
I will do my best to help, but I doubt that you could help me... Mina frowns as she reconsiders how powerful this being seems to be. But, then... Maybe? I'm looking for someone who may have passed through these parts nineteen years ago....... My mother.... Mina winces. Her father had reacted poorly whenever she brought up her mother, and so Mina had gotten into the practice of avoiding her mention. Is... Is that something you could help me with?
Last edited March 5, 2024 1:34 pm
Mar 5, 2024 2:11 pm
Firelight Communion
There is a pause before the other being responds and you get a feeling of relief. I may be able to help. It would assist greatly if you have something of hers or would be willing to send a drop of your blood to me through the fire. Even without those I can at least give you some answers with additional information. A detailed description of her appearance, personality, and history. The more information the better the scrying results will be

As for your end of the bargain . . .The village is to your northwest a half days travel. The person you need to heal is a little girl. She currently suffers both physically and mentally from a heavy charm placed on her. The charm is such that if you can but make her aware of it, not just tell her as she will not believe, then it will break if she wishes. I was directed to you due to your healing magics as being able to accomplish this though I know not how.


An image of a young girl with fair features and hair is revealed in the fire.

She will be in the village center not the outlying farms or homesteads and you should have not difficulty finding her if you spend a day there.
Mar 5, 2024 6:21 pm
Mina heaves an inward sigh of relief upon seeing the young girl's face, immediately glad about offering her assistance.

Thank you. I will make my way there first thing in the morning. As for my mother... She bows her head, drawing upon what few childhood memories she had left. She was more fox than I am, if that makes any sense. Mostly red fur, pointed black nose, green-gold eyes. She was your typical foxkin, I guess, except... She exhales. Well, foxkin are usually more shy, I take it. Keep to themselves. She weren't like that. She-- She liked people. She left the country because she liked the city, liked meeting folks from all walks of life. Mina wilts a little, wishing she'd somehow inherited more of her mother's sociability. She glances off to the side, a little sheepish about the next bit. Father said she-- she was a little too friendly with others sometimes... She was beautiful, she offers quickly in explanation.

Mina pauses, thinking, then smiles nostalgically. She had a lovely singing voice... and a passion for jewelry -- turquoise in particular. She had her own street stand, where she sold jewelry. Mostly stuff she was reselling for a profit, though she was trying her hand at making some herself. Mina ponders her next words. She was a loving mother. I don't know why she left me and Father, only that she was headed this way and it seemed urgent. Oh, and I found this on her desk... Mina reaches into her backpack, pulling out the magical sheet of paper. I don't want to burn it, though, if that's what I'd have to do. I'd rather... I guess I'd rather do the blood thing.
Mar 5, 2024 11:49 pm
If Mina can offer the paper (without burning it) instead of offering up her blood, she will do so. Otherwise, she will use her dagger to make a small blood donation to the fire -- giving Ultime a heads up first, of course.

Firelight Communion


Mar 6, 2024 12:05 am
Firelight Communion

The voice explains that they will not need to destroy anything but will need to keep whatever you offer for at least 1 day. The blood would be consumed in the magics but she can preserver the paper.

After a bit more discussion you and the other person finish your exchange and exhausted by the events you quickly fade to sleep as Ultime keeps watch. With just the pre-light of dawn barely lighting the sky Mina is awoken by a bleary eyed Ultime who says he need just a bit of a nap and is quickly down and out

Let me know if there is anything else you wanted to know form the mage who contacted you as well as you plans for the day.
Mar 6, 2024 2:55 pm
Mina pulls her fur skin blanket tighter around her shoulders to keep out the chill as she sits watch. Beside her, her companion snoozes, almost instantly in deep slumber. She gazes momentarily at him, her brow crinkled with both fondness and puzzlement.

Last night, when Mina had determined that she'd rather offer a blood sample than risk losing her beloved penpal and last remnant of her mother, Ultime had tried to insist that they offer his blood instead. This, of course, made no sense whatsoever. After she'd explained the situation to him, he finally did he back off, wringing his hands.

His concern was endearing. No one had ever done anything like that for her before... What a sweet lad. But a little ... simple? He was strong and lithe, and he tried to make himself out to be very brave, but she knew that underneath it all he was terrified. She had felt his fear when he'd grabbed her arm during their first encounter with the werebear. Perhaps his trepidation was serving as a motivator for him to travel alongside her, a healer.... But what had driven him to adventure at all? she wondered. If, like her, he feared deep down he wasn't up to the task, why was he trying to pursue it?

Mina looks down and fiddles with a loose string on her gloves. She had spent a pretty penny on them back in the day, but now they were starting to wear thin. Still, they were extremely useful. Made of goatskin, they featured fingercaps that could be folded back and held out of the way magnetically. Most of the time, of course, she kept the fingers covered to prevent accidental contact with others. Healing and sensing ... she preferred to do these only with express permission from others. Though... it sounded like she might have to compromise on her values a little to help this bewitched child...

The foxkin frowns and chews her lip, recalling last night's encounter yet again. This being who had reached out to her... they had seemed trustworthy enough. Then again, perhaps Mina had been naive to offer her blood. Who knows what kind of evil magic could be done with such a sample?

She supposed the best she could do was to move forward with the plan: make headway toward this town and see for herself what was going on. While spying for the child, she would also try to pinpoint some of the most prominent figures in the neighborhood and see if she can earn their ... well, their appreciation, at least? Trust would be better... She needed to find a way to prove herself useful and benevolent.

It would be helpful if the little girl herself had a skinned knee or something -- a reason why a healer might approach her. As a last resort, maybe Mina could ask Ultime to "accidentally" bump into the child and knock her over?

Ugh, what a farce! Acting and lying were not exactly Mina's strong suits... She shakes her head. They will see what there is to see, and play it by ear as best they can.

Thoughts like these tumble through Mina's head until the morning sun finally makes itself fully known. The foxkin rises to her feet as Ultime starts to stir, preparing a simple breakfast over the fire that will hopefully last them until they enter town. Luckily for them, she had sniffed out these quail eggs the day before. (Though she'd prefer to eat them raw, she knows the human boy would probably prefer them cooked, so she does him that kindness. It's the least she can do...)
Mar 7, 2024 5:01 am
Ultime stirs as the smells fill the small camp and rolling onto his elbows, as his stomach rumbles, he smiles at you sheepishly. After finishing up the meal you set out, glad to know a town is not too far as your water skins are getting a bit low and villages area almost always built near a water supply.

Following the directions provided the day before you make you way towards the village. The sun rises in the sky as you follow the little track that winds between the sparse woods and rolling hills of the countryside. As the track crests a small gap between a couple of the larger hills you see a hunched form off the the side of the track in the shade of a tree. A ragged cloak covers the form but the size and shape hint at at small humanoid figure.
Mar 7, 2024 6:06 pm
Mina pauses in her tracks and reaches one hand out to warn Ultime. She pulls back her hood, her large, furry ears perking up. Though she has never personally stollen from another person, she has lived in destitution enough to understand how easily one could be driven to thievery. She turns her attention back and forth between the two hills to either side of the path and the tree, searching for signs of an ambush. With one hand she reaches into a pouch pocket.
Last edited March 7, 2024 6:07 pm


Hearing check -- Anything suspicious? - (3d6)

(231) = 6

Mar 7, 2024 6:08 pm
Uh oh. Haha!
Mar 7, 2024 11:36 pm
As you pause you can tell Ultime is readying himself to "protect" you from whatever danger the figure may present.. Straining ot hear anything out of place Mina's ears twitch an s swivel. But other than the wind at play with the local flora noting catches her attention.

The figure hunches over and shifts it's position, scrunching closer to a rock and you faintly hear some muttered words but the distance iis too far for its soft words to reach you clearly.
Mar 8, 2024 2:47 pm
Mina turns to Ultime and shrugs uncertainly before they continue down the path. As they approach the tattered figure, she pulls from the pouch a crust of bread. She veers off the path slightly, setting it next to the person's seated form with a tentative smile. She is prepared to keep on traveling without exchanging any words, not wishing to interrupt them in their... meditation....
Mar 8, 2024 8:21 pm
As you move close the figure starts and jumps back, dislodging the cloak, to reveal a hulking figure hunched over. It emits a loud hiss accompanied by low rumbling grunts and clicks and raises one of its massive arms. Ultime shouts in alarm and jumps between you and the . . . thing? brandishing a walking stick at it.

The creature surges to its feet and with a casual wave of its arm knocks Ultime back as it rises to tower over both of you waving hands and shrieking in a strange rasping voice.
Mar 8, 2024 8:41 pm
Hold, hold! Glancing quickly at Ultime to make sure he is okay, Mina raises her hands in a show of peacefulness and shushes soothingly at the creature. Not removing her eyes from the beast, she slowly removes her gloves, then leans over to pick up the crust of bread. She holds it out to the beast with a gentle, encouraging nod and studies its body language to see if her efforts are having any pacifying effect.
If she is unable to read the creature's body language, she will try to touch it with her finger if it accepts the bread and attempt to sense its mood.


Insight Check - (3d6)

(133) = 7

Mar 9, 2024 1:20 am
Your rolls have not been great. Luckily your intent is clear and does not rely solely on the success of a couple of rolls.

The creature stops its screeching and slowly lowers its hands. Pausing a moment it then quickly snatches the bread from your hand before backing up a step. Shoving the bread into its mandibles it bends down to pick up the tattered cloak and tries to arrange it over itself again. It's frame is too large to be completely hidden and if it did not look so pathetic it might be comical as the creature continually tries to crouch down and adjust the folds of the cloak to hide as much of itself as possible. As it does this a rasping sound is repeated several times before you realize it is trying to talk but its mouth is not quite shaped for the common tongue nks . . . . aa .. anks . . . T . . aa . . nk . . eww

Though the contact was too quick to sense much you are certain the creature is intelligent and upset.
Mar 9, 2024 1:51 pm
Mina hesitates before reaching out to delicately adjust the creature's cloak. She glances quickly at Ultime and nods to him reassuringly before turning back to the monster.

I'm Mina, she says gently, placing one hand on her chest. I'm a healer. I heal bodies and minds. Are you... hurting?
Mar 9, 2024 6:08 pm

The thing shudders and after a moment you realize it is crying? ess . . . k . . k . . cur . . sss
Mar 9, 2024 7:02 pm
Cursed? Mina frowns. My touch can sense... conditions ... that may be affecting you. Sometimes I can relieve symptoms. She reaches one hand out to touch the creature's arm. May I...?
Not entirely sure if I can lift a curse, but at the very least I can try to get a look into this creature's mind. Assuming that makes sense, I'll go ahead and attempt a roll to keep things moving along.


Spell to Sense and/or Help the Creature - (3d6)

(143) = 8

Mar 9, 2024 7:04 pm
Shucks! Poor creature! ... How long until I can try again?

I suppose this all assumes it lets me touch it in the first place...
Last edited March 9, 2024 7:07 pm
Mar 9, 2024 7:43 pm
The thing allows the contact and Mina spreads her senses over it, mind, body, soul. She is shocked to learn that like the lycanthropes she worked with before this is not the little girls natural form. Her magic eases some of the pain but the change to the girls body it too severe to treat all at once. Mina gets the feeling that the magic, like many curses, has latched itself to her spirit and if that connection can be broken then the body can more easily be healed back to it's natural state.


That tickles the little girl's voice coming from the hunched yet massive form is quite odd. The girl starts crying You, you fixed my voice.

As you delve deeper you realize there are actually 2 magics afflicting the girl and it is their conflict that is causing her so much discomfort.
In situations where you can just try again I just use rolls as a guideline for challenges you may encounter.
This will not be done in one roll, or even one minute. But if you want to work on this give me a proposed treatment plan with a couple of rolls and I will walk through the process and results
Mar 9, 2024 9:09 pm
Mina inhales and leans back. I see... she murmurs. She shudders briefly as she re-centers, then looks back to the altered child, her brow knit with sympathy. There are multiple layers to this curse. It's very entangled with your spirit. I'll have to tackle that before I can tackle the other curse and correct your physical form. It may take me a little time, but it shouldn't be beyond my capability, if you can be patient... She swallows, braces herself, then reaches out again.
Last edited March 9, 2024 10:42 pm


Remove curse - (3d6)

(221) = 5

Remove curse - (3d6)

(653) = 14

Mar 9, 2024 9:23 pm
Apparently, I either roll really well, or really poorly.
Mar 10, 2024 8:28 pm
As you expand your senses and let the girls spirit guide the healing. Your first attempt slides over one of the enchantments. This one feels a bit older and set in tighter. However the experience allows Mina to find the flaws in the second enchantments binding and you are able to dislodge it's anchors. Exhausted you retract from the girl to allow her and you to recover. As you pull your awareness back to your own body you feel that the one you were not able to remove settle in deeper. This heightens you suspicion that the two curses were clashing and not placed on the girl by the same source. You hesitate but sense it is not harmful so decide it is best for both of you to rest before attempting another time.

Blinking you look as the massive form slowly blurs and contracts in on itself. Over the next several minutes as the broken enchantment fades and it's effects dissipate. The entire process takes almost an hour with Mina occasionally sending healing energies to each the burden on the recovering girl. You look on as the form of a young girl presents itself to you and Ultime. Gathering your energy you inspect the girls condition and determine it is stable. With the worst of the danger passed you reach back into the girl and sever the second enchantment then sit back triumphant but exhausted.



Mar 10, 2024 8:28 pm
The sun gets higher in the sky and you find yourself watching the little girl munch on some of your provisions. She recalls nothing of her time while cursed. This is likely due to the fact that both curses were primarily mental in nature. You sensed as you removed the first that the physical transformation was simply a method used to circumvent the first curse.
Mar 11, 2024 12:09 am
Mina was unable to fathom the full extent of either curse. But the fact that someone used a curse to partially circumvent the first seems odd. All that is certain is that they targeted the mind to influence the girls thoughts. It did not control her but could have altered her opinions or perceptions of things (similar to hypnosis).
Mar 11, 2024 12:51 am
Multiple matters compete for Mina's attention at this time: 1) the many questions she has for this unfortunate child, 2) the need to fulfill her promise and get to town as swiftly as possible, and 3) the great, heavy blanket of weariness bearing down on her after all the exertion of being in this girl's head for the last couple of hours... Mina would certainly benefit from a long nap, but -- as is so often the case -- her thoughts are too guilty and restless to allow relaxation anyway right now.

Flopped on the ground next to the girl, the foxkin downs the last of her water, then sighs. Are you from this nearby town? she asks the girl, gesturing the direction they were headed with her water flask.
I assume you would have mentioned if this girl looks like the one presented to her in the fire.



Mar 11, 2024 1:05 am
The girl looks around. Having already grown accustomed to you she has greatly relaxed and nods her head. I think so? I'm not supposed to wander far from home. I must have gotten lost while playing in the woods? . . . and she trails off as if trying to remember But that hill over there with the lone tree atop it looks like the one daddy took me to last summer for our family picnik. Home should be that way. and she points confidently as her finger meanders over a section of the valley below. I see smoke and once we get near a house and see people I can tell you for sure.

I hope I won't get into too much trouble for getting lost.
she says finishing up the bread and fruit you gave to her.
Mar 11, 2024 2:46 am
Mina cocks her head at the little girl. Kids... So simple. They're so easy to talk and relate to compared to adults... Maybe because they've got fewer expectations about how you should behave.

If you do get in trouble, I will vouch for you, she assures. I will say that if you got lost, it was because someone played a nasty trick on you.

It occurs to Mina that it's quite possible this little girl's parents might have been somehow responsible for this awful abuse. Not all parents were trustworthy, after all. Her stomach sickens a little. She turns her head away and sighs. I suppose we should get going, though... She closes her eyes and takes a moment to brace herself to rise, then opens them to see Ultime leaning over to help her up. She starts with surprise, letting out a little bark of alarm as she shrinks away from his hand.

I-- I've got it. Thank you, she sputters his way, abashed about her reaction. She jumps quickly to her feet and shoves her hands back into her gloves before pulling her cloak tighter around herself protectively.

Mina turns back to the child. What's your name? she asks, trying to redirect everyone's attention away from her own awkwardness.



Mar 12, 2024 3:31 pm

I'm called Hany. What do I call you?
The girl stands up and walks over to stand next to your before simply reaching up and sliding her hand into yours.

You set out disc the trail and soon have a cure of the valley below. Hany gets very excited and starts pointing out houses and landed she recognizes. Her house is near the edge of the spread of village. Other than a cluster of larger structures near the middle of the low valley mist building come in small clusters of 1 to three. Hany explains most people are farmers and do have a home, barn, and occasionally a storage is work shed.

The girl begins skipping and as you get closer to her house pulling on your arm to hurry you along. As you break the treeline and come into view of the house you see several figures out in a nearby field. One must notice you and calls to the others. Soon the three, a man and 2 teens, boy and girl, are all looking at your age the man moves to get you.

At Hany's cry of popa the man stops in his tracks before shouting and running to catch the girl in his arms.
Mar 12, 2024 4:47 pm
Not wanting to interrupt, Mina stands back and watches the sweet reunion, an odd mix of emotions curling up in her chest. Relief and self-satisfaction over a job well done, certainly. But also... a touch of... bitterness? This was the sort of greeting she was longing for from her mother, was it not? But she was no longer the little girl her mother had left behind, and if her mother had really wanted a reunion, certainly she would have sought it out by now. More likely than not, this whole quest would end with dissatisfaction. All the same, she needed answers. At least at the end of all this she would have them (if she actually even managed to find her mother).

Mina shyly waits for the father to acknowledge her before speaking or stepping forward.



Mar 12, 2024 10:58 pm

The man talks with the girl for a moment as his family, the two teens, a woman and another youth from the house, rush to join them. Once his daughter is with her mother the man approaches.

I hear I am to thank you fo rfinding my daughter. This is Jestin's farm and I run it now. You are welcome. Please join us and you can explain, perhaps a bit more than my daughter who has been gone for over two months.

The family insist you join them in their celebration and you are guided/herded to the family homestead. A table is set up outside under a tree where you are seated with the father while the rest of the family prepares a meal and fret over Hany's return.

Now if you don't mind me asking how did you cone to find our Hany?
Where was she and why doesn't she remember what happened?
Mar 13, 2024 1:13 am
Mina sighs, wondering how to broach this subject.

Hany doesn't remember because somebody -- I don't know who -- has been mucking around in her head... she says seriously. Ultime and I found her sitting under a tree this morning, not far from here. Her shape had been altered to that of a strange-looking beast, and she was quite in despair over it. As I worked to remove that curse, I... I found there appeared to be more than just that one curse at play, and, well..... She pauses, unsure about how to proceed. She addresses Jestin with a sober look, then quickly averts her eyes. To put it simply, more than one person has been casting enchantments on her, and their goals seem... at odds... with one another....

She shakes her head as she shrinks a little. Unfortunately, I failed to figure out exactly what these spellcasters were aiming to do... she says, her voice sinking self-disparagingly. She lingers hunched for a moment, then her brows hop up and she straightens, turning back to the farmer. I can tell you that someone did something to alter her mind before the other altered her physical form, and that they were seeking to alter her perception of events. Is it possible...? Has Hany been witness to a crime, recently? Or... is there any other reason why someone would want to influence her opinion or beliefs?



Mar 13, 2024 12:14 pm

Wait,. You are saying some one put Hany under a spel and changed her to something else . . . What did she look like before?

So you are saying two people put spells on her? That doesn't make any sense. Who else would do that?
and he seems to b thinking about something then his face goes blank after a moment and he just shakes his head.

But why Hany? I mean your story sounds strange, and you are an outsider. It sounds so strange. If it weren't for some odd things that happened around here recently I doubt if I would believe you.

Excuse me, you seem nice enough but you have to admit the story is strange. There will likely be some who will say you are after something. Me, I'm just glad Hanny is back.

As for Hanny seeing something. Well, I don't know. The only trouble we have in these parts is with that hag. Been going on for a over a season now. We told her we had enough and chased her off , a bit before Hany and some of the other kids disappeared. Now if your story is true it sounds like the Hag did something to them. When the rest of the village hears about this there's going to be trouble again
and he sighs
Mar 13, 2024 3:53 pm
Mina blushes. I-- If folks think I'm after something, they'd be right. I wouldn't be out here at all if not for... See, I've also been looking for someone who went missing... a long time ago. A foxkin. My mother... She glances up at him hopefully. I don't suppose you've seen anyone around here like me, but... but foxier? she barks a self-conscious laugh and turns her face away, mumbling: In every sense of the word, I suppose...

As for this hag, I know nothing about that. I'm only here to offer my healing services and restock our supplies before continuing on my quest for my mother. What sort of trouble was the hag bringing you? Should we be wary if we encounter her on the road?

Mina gazes up at him with innocent pup eyes; it was a look she'd often found effective as a young girl, back during those dark months she'd been forced to beg on the streets for coin or food.
Last edited March 13, 2024 3:54 pm



Mar 14, 2024 2:33 am

The farmer shakes his head and answers Sorry but we don't get many strangers through here and beastfolk are rare around these part. I don't recall hearing of one passing here. However there are several neighboring valleys and the hunters and traders travel between them more than the rest of us so might have hear of your mother passing through.
and the man seems genuinely regretful that he is unable to help.

As for the hag, well that's an odd thing. This far out from cities and such we tend to bump into the fey more than most civilized folk. Though she never was close she, or others like her, have been known to trade with the locals since the Breaking. The hag mostly kept to herself but if you had need and tried you could usually find her. But recently, before even the trouble with the kids disappearing, she started sneaking around the valley and even came to shout at the village once or twice about returning what was hers. We figured some one must have gone back on a deal with her and got her mad but she says we stole from her and wants whats hers returned.

Then the misfortune started, standard stuff for fey you understand, with a bunch of 'unfortunate' accidents occurring daily and it got worse and worse. Then she comes into town and has a row with the priest who tells her she is unclean and should leave the people alone. Well that set her off and things got worse for a bit before the priest gathered the whole village and gave us charms to keep the hag away. Got mine in the house. My advice is steer clear if you see her.
Maybe she's just too old and lost her wits but none doubt that her magic still works. Thank goodness for the priest.
Mar 14, 2024 11:29 am
So the priest is keeping her away, then? He must have some powerful magics at his disposal.... Mina frowns and chews her lip. If the priest were one of the two forces warring over the minds of children, she might have a hard time convincing the townsfolk the truth of it. Did the hag mention what it is that she would like returned to her? Could there have been a... a miscommunication?



Mar 14, 2024 11:56 am

No. Which just makes it more confusing. I mean I want there personally but everyone in town agrees she just ranted about "Return what is mine!" Over and over
Mar 14, 2024 12:39 pm
Is this lunch we're eating? What time of day is it? Does Mina still have time to investigate in town?
Mar 14, 2024 1:02 pm
The sun is still a bit short of it's zenith as the family prepares the minor feast and midday meal. You learn that the village is little more than a couple larger structures that are supported by the spread otu community that fills the valley. Most of the people live in their own homesteads and only congregate when needed. There are weekly religious services that take up most of one day. The outlying families make arrangements with neighbors so that no are is totally abandoned though many will leave most of their families go to town for the first service and return after the last so that the women and children can socialize. The men get together to talk several evenings a week at the brewery, which has a small tavern. The town center is only several minutes away and Hany's older sister will take you there after the meal.
If you have no more questions I can move you on to town. Next time if you let me know that you are ready to move on if certain criteria are met when asking questions I can do so
Mar 15, 2024 12:32 pm
Sure, let's go to town!
Mar 15, 2024 1:57 pm
After finishing the meal make your way into the little village center with Hany's older sister, whom you now know is called Tilly. As you walk through the small and peaceful valley you see houses located near fields throughout the area but growing increasingly dense as you approach the middle. You pass and Tilly waves to several farmers working their fields on your way in to town.

The center of the valley has a crossroads which has a total of 6 buildings around it. A church, a warehouse, a smithy, a small inn , a brewery, and what looks to be a store. Each of these looks to be larger than should be needed and built mostly of stone with living spaces on the second floor of each. Perhaps they were, and possibly still are, also the local holdfast against unfriendly outsiders or overly energetic and dangerous natural events.

Sound from the open smithy as well as a trickle of smoke from its' forge is the first thing to greet you as you near the center of the village. One entire side of the smithy is open to the fresh air. A man is sitting on a stool with a few tools woking some woon in a small side yard next to the inn. Tilly heads to the inn with a skip waving to the man who merely looks you over and resumes work.
I am merging your story with one that has been ongoing HERE.

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