Misadventures with Mina

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Mar 13, 2024 1:13 am
Mina sighs, wondering how to broach this subject.

Hany doesn't remember because somebody -- I don't know who -- has been mucking around in her head... she says seriously. Ultime and I found her sitting under a tree this morning, not far from here. Her shape had been altered to that of a strange-looking beast, and she was quite in despair over it. As I worked to remove that curse, I... I found there appeared to be more than just that one curse at play, and, well..... She pauses, unsure about how to proceed. She addresses Jestin with a sober look, then quickly averts her eyes. To put it simply, more than one person has been casting enchantments on her, and their goals seem... at odds... with one another....

She shakes her head as she shrinks a little. Unfortunately, I failed to figure out exactly what these spellcasters were aiming to do... she says, her voice sinking self-disparagingly. She lingers hunched for a moment, then her brows hop up and she straightens, turning back to the farmer. I can tell you that someone did something to alter her mind before the other altered her physical form, and that they were seeking to alter her perception of events. Is it possible...? Has Hany been witness to a crime, recently? Or... is there any other reason why someone would want to influence her opinion or beliefs?



Mar 13, 2024 12:14 pm

Wait,. You are saying some one put Hany under a spel and changed her to something else . . . What did she look like before?

So you are saying two people put spells on her? That doesn't make any sense. Who else would do that?
and he seems to b thinking about something then his face goes blank after a moment and he just shakes his head.

But why Hany? I mean your story sounds strange, and you are an outsider. It sounds so strange. If it weren't for some odd things that happened around here recently I doubt if I would believe you.

Excuse me, you seem nice enough but you have to admit the story is strange. There will likely be some who will say you are after something. Me, I'm just glad Hanny is back.

As for Hanny seeing something. Well, I don't know. The only trouble we have in these parts is with that hag. Been going on for a over a season now. We told her we had enough and chased her off , a bit before Hany and some of the other kids disappeared. Now if your story is true it sounds like the Hag did something to them. When the rest of the village hears about this there's going to be trouble again
and he sighs
Mar 13, 2024 3:53 pm
Mina blushes. I-- If folks think I'm after something, they'd be right. I wouldn't be out here at all if not for... See, I've also been looking for someone who went missing... a long time ago. A foxkin. My mother... She glances up at him hopefully. I don't suppose you've seen anyone around here like me, but... but foxier? she barks a self-conscious laugh and turns her face away, mumbling: In every sense of the word, I suppose...

As for this hag, I know nothing about that. I'm only here to offer my healing services and restock our supplies before continuing on my quest for my mother. What sort of trouble was the hag bringing you? Should we be wary if we encounter her on the road?

Mina gazes up at him with innocent pup eyes; it was a look she'd often found effective as a young girl, back during those dark months she'd been forced to beg on the streets for coin or food.
Last edited Mar 13, 2024 3:54 pm



Mar 14, 2024 2:33 am

The farmer shakes his head and answers Sorry but we don't get many strangers through here and beastfolk are rare around these part. I don't recall hearing of one passing here. However there are several neighboring valleys and the hunters and traders travel between them more than the rest of us so might have hear of your mother passing through.
and the man seems genuinely regretful that he is unable to help.

As for the hag, well that's an odd thing. This far out from cities and such we tend to bump into the fey more than most civilized folk. Though she never was close she, or others like her, have been known to trade with the locals since the Breaking. The hag mostly kept to herself but if you had need and tried you could usually find her. But recently, before even the trouble with the kids disappearing, she started sneaking around the valley and even came to shout at the village once or twice about returning what was hers. We figured some one must have gone back on a deal with her and got her mad but she says we stole from her and wants whats hers returned.

Then the misfortune started, standard stuff for fey you understand, with a bunch of 'unfortunate' accidents occurring daily and it got worse and worse. Then she comes into town and has a row with the priest who tells her she is unclean and should leave the people alone. Well that set her off and things got worse for a bit before the priest gathered the whole village and gave us charms to keep the hag away. Got mine in the house. My advice is steer clear if you see her.
Maybe she's just too old and lost her wits but none doubt that her magic still works. Thank goodness for the priest.
Mar 14, 2024 11:29 am
So the priest is keeping her away, then? He must have some powerful magics at his disposal.... Mina frowns and chews her lip. If the priest were one of the two forces warring over the minds of children, she might have a hard time convincing the townsfolk the truth of it. Did the hag mention what it is that she would like returned to her? Could there have been a... a miscommunication?



Mar 14, 2024 11:56 am

No. Which just makes it more confusing. I mean I want there personally but everyone in town agrees she just ranted about "Return what is mine!" Over and over
Mar 14, 2024 12:39 pm
Is this lunch we're eating? What time of day is it? Does Mina still have time to investigate in town?
Mar 14, 2024 1:02 pm
The sun is still a bit short of it's zenith as the family prepares the minor feast and midday meal. You learn that the village is little more than a couple larger structures that are supported by the spread otu community that fills the valley. Most of the people live in their own homesteads and only congregate when needed. There are weekly religious services that take up most of one day. The outlying families make arrangements with neighbors so that no are is totally abandoned though many will leave most of their families go to town for the first service and return after the last so that the women and children can socialize. The men get together to talk several evenings a week at the brewery, which has a small tavern. The town center is only several minutes away and Hany's older sister will take you there after the meal.
If you have no more questions I can move you on to town. Next time if you let me know that you are ready to move on if certain criteria are met when asking questions I can do so
Mar 15, 2024 12:32 pm
Sure, let's go to town!
Mar 15, 2024 1:57 pm
After finishing the meal make your way into the little village center with Hany's older sister, whom you now know is called Tilly. As you walk through the small and peaceful valley you see houses located near fields throughout the area but growing increasingly dense as you approach the middle. You pass and Tilly waves to several farmers working their fields on your way in to town.

The center of the valley has a crossroads which has a total of 6 buildings around it. A church, a warehouse, a smithy, a small inn , a brewery, and what looks to be a store. Each of these looks to be larger than should be needed and built mostly of stone with living spaces on the second floor of each. Perhaps they were, and possibly still are, also the local holdfast against unfriendly outsiders or overly energetic and dangerous natural events.

Sound from the open smithy as well as a trickle of smoke from its' forge is the first thing to greet you as you near the center of the village. One entire side of the smithy is open to the fresh air. A man is sitting on a stool with a few tools woking some woon in a small side yard next to the inn. Tilly heads to the inn with a skip waving to the man who merely looks you over and resumes work.
I am merging your story with one that has been ongoing HERE.

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