If you go under Game Details, Edit the game (if allowed to), then scroll down to Advanced Rules Definitions, Lasers & Feelings should be a thing you can click.
[ +- ] Lotsa Screenshots!
Game Details is at the bottom right from the screen we’re in right now, at least on a phone or iPad.
On the orange bar that displays the title of your game, there should be an edit option on the right.
From there, scroll way down until you see THIS spoiler.
Open it up and you’ll find the Lasers & Feelings button.
Click it. When it turns red, all you gotta do then is scroll down and save.
If you follow the steps in the above spoiler, all of the rolls I’m adding here will have red numbers for feelings, blue for lasers and green for laser-feelings, and the total will be 0 to 3. (Without the code, it’ll just show white numbers with totals 3 to 18.)
[ +- ] Screenshot of Die-Rolling
You need to type LASERS or FEELINGS (not case-sensitive) and your number.
There must be a space between the word and number. I think you can type other stuff too, as long as it’s before or after the "Feelings 2" and separated by a space.
The result should look something like this:

Last edited April 22, 2024 10:18 am