The Pinicon Belt
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Apr 4, 2024 12:14 pm
Slightly calmer, but hands still shaking, she sets up scans to be sure there isn't any volitile/dangerous materials
Apr 4, 2024 5:15 pm
Drake felt bad for both the doctor and the pilot. Self-doubt was a mean master. He wouldn't trade places with them for a galaxy of planets. As it was, he was still trying to prove himself so it helped that the Commander seemed pleased with his actions so far. But now the crew would be at even greater risk if one of them was to leave the ship and be tethered among the tumbling asteroids.
"This is very dangerous, I have to point out the high risks we are subjecting ourselves to. A chaotic field of moving asteroids with no predictability at all?"
He doesn't voice his thoughts that it feels like madness.
"Dr. M'Reiss, what do you see in your scans? I am going run a predictability analysis. See if there is any kind of pattern to their movements. This might help give us a safer window in which to explore."
"This is very dangerous, I have to point out the high risks we are subjecting ourselves to. A chaotic field of moving asteroids with no predictability at all?"
He doesn't voice his thoughts that it feels like madness.
"Dr. M'Reiss, what do you see in your scans? I am going run a predictability analysis. See if there is any kind of pattern to their movements. This might help give us a safer window in which to explore."
Should I make some kind of roll for this?Apr 4, 2024 11:17 pm
There is nothing to scan at the moment, or rather, the intense quantum interference has rendered scanning to be nearly useless. The samples will have to be obtained by spacewalk, by physically drilling into an asteroid, then carried back aboard. The scanners can be set up to work in the airlock, of course, so that anything objectionable can be kept separate from the biome of the runabout's interior.
Apr 5, 2024 12:18 pm
Devar wonders, "Lieutenant Ah, is the Raven equipped with work bees that could assist the process remotely?"
Apr 5, 2024 4:13 pm
Qralloq says:
Traveling into the heart of the Pinicon Belt puts the away team in position to collect the three asteroid samples required by Starfleet for in-depth research. However, the quantum interference continues to increase, and prevent the transporters from being of much use in extracting samples. It's with some reputation that you realize one or more members of the away team will have to drill for the samples by hand. This is a three-step process that will require an officer to move into close proximity with an asteroid, identify a suitable chunk of rock with a tricorder, then extract the sample with a hand drill. The person attempting to do so will have to wear an EV suit, exit the shuttlecraft through an airlock and drift to the asteroid.
The plan was never to use the transporters except in the last stages of the process. Aurin wanted to configure the mission pod to extract the samples mechanically, and use a craft with tractor beams specifically to avoid this situationGreyGriffin says:
When Engineering arrives, Aurin would like to repurpose a tactical mission pod. He would like to adjust a phaser for low intensity cutting to separate samples, mount a micro tractor beam for fine manipulation, and retrofit the torpedo tubes to accept specimen containers. Aurin's plan is to use the phaser (if necessary) like a mining laser to cut away samples, and tractor them into an internally shielded hazmat containers in the mission pod, then, if it seems safe and stable, to beam the samples aboard into the cargo bay, where they can be examined before they are brought on board the ship proper.Apr 6, 2024 1:22 am
As the science officer prepares the drilling rig, the rest of you make your own preparations.
The interference will make remotely operating the rigs difficult, but infinitely safer. There are two steps:
1) identifying an appropriate sample (you need three) *;
2) extracting the sample. Robot lasers should handle this part easily.
The runabout has several computer interfaces. Multiple people can assist by helping stabilize the interference, analyzing the readings, and keeping the science people synthcaffeinated.
* Reason + Science Task with a Difficulty of 2 (+1 for the interference, -1 for the machine, so still 2).
The interference will make remotely operating the rigs difficult, but infinitely safer. There are two steps:
1) identifying an appropriate sample (you need three) *;
2) extracting the sample. Robot lasers should handle this part easily.
The runabout has several computer interfaces. Multiple people can assist by helping stabilize the interference, analyzing the readings, and keeping the science people synthcaffeinated.
* Reason + Science Task with a Difficulty of 2 (+1 for the interference, -1 for the machine, so still 2).
Apr 6, 2024 12:07 pm
The Doctor will happily assist with identifying, if for no other reason than to try and avoid potentially hazardous ones
Reason 9 Science 3 - (1d20, 1d20)
1d20 : (13) = 13
1d20 : (12) = 12
Apr 6, 2024 3:22 pm
Drake goes on a coffee run and brings the dark liquid back for the crew members that want the caffeine kick.
"I might be able to help with identification too once we have the samples," he offers.
"I might be able to help with identification too once we have the samples," he offers.
Reason 9, Science 1 (Xenobiology focus) - (2d20)
(418) = 22
Apr 6, 2024 8:15 pm
"So no EVA this time?" Luna has recovered enough from the shock earlier to be back to her old confident self. The question carries just a bit more disappointment than relief. The chance for a dangerous space walk only comes around every once in while.
She checks her monitor to try and help. "Would this one be a good sample?"
She checks her monitor to try and help. "Would this one be a good sample?"
Reason 8 + science 1 - (1d20)
(12) = 12
Apr 7, 2024 11:52 pm
Aurin took a deep breath, letting it puff out as he leaned over the console. "Let's all... just see what there is to see. It won't look too good if we come back empty-handed, hmm?" Trying to make good use of the extra eyes, Aurin calibrated the sensors to a broad, diffuse short-ranged scan, counting on Luna to get them close to potential sample sites, and sending the signal to multiple consoles for analysis.
Reason (12) + Science (5) (Sensor Operations) - (2d20)
(1711) = 28
Ship's Die - (1d20)
(2) = 2
Apr 8, 2024 12:07 pm
Taking the offered cup of coffee with a grunted thanks, Cole watched the team work with pride as they all effortlessly combined their extraordinary skillsets in a dance of efficiency flawlessly. Feeling confident of their success, particularly now that it seemed their pilot had found her usual brashness, he stoically observed the proceedings over the lip of his mug. Despite the caffeine, he always felt the hot, dark liquid calming.
Apr 9, 2024 2:00 am
"Thank you Ensign," says Jayce to Drake as he accepts the welcome hot beverage.
As Jayce sits back with Commander Walker, he notices the pride the commanding officer takes in seeing his team work efficiently and effectively. As the ship counselor, Jayce is glad to see Walker present in the moment. Command is good for the officer and always seems to focus him.
"You have a good team here, ey Commander?"
As Jayce sits back with Commander Walker, he notices the pride the commanding officer takes in seeing his team work efficiently and effectively. As the ship counselor, Jayce is glad to see Walker present in the moment. Command is good for the officer and always seems to focus him.
"You have a good team here, ey Commander?"
Last edited Apr 9, 2024 2:02 am
Apr 9, 2024 2:28 pm
The team gets to work, efficiently using the tractor beams, the sensors, and the mining rig to check asteroids for the densest concentrations of the quantum signatures, drill out a sample, then get them on board. It's tense work, with Luna moving the Raven twice in order to avoid oddly moving asteroids. After the doctor has scanned them with toxin and bio filters, they're brought on board.
They're nothing but unremarkable space debris, indistinguishable from rocks without the sensor readings.
A few minutes after you complete the extractions, alarms sound on both the runabout's sensors and on any tricorders being used. Investigating the alarm reveals that this entire section of the asteroid field now resonates with a new quantum signature, meaning the entire area has passed through a massive quantum fissure into a different quantum reality. The away team no longer exists in the universe from which you originated but have entered an alternate reality that could be different from your home universe in limitless ways.
They're nothing but unremarkable space debris, indistinguishable from rocks without the sensor readings.
A few minutes after you complete the extractions, alarms sound on both the runabout's sensors and on any tricorders being used. Investigating the alarm reveals that this entire section of the asteroid field now resonates with a new quantum signature, meaning the entire area has passed through a massive quantum fissure into a different quantum reality. The away team no longer exists in the universe from which you originated but have entered an alternate reality that could be different from your home universe in limitless ways.
Apr 9, 2024 2:40 pm
"Commander, I recommend shields be set to maximum. I'll scan for nearby ships."
While Drake may have kept his voice steady, he was feeling anything but calm.
While Drake may have kept his voice steady, he was feeling anything but calm.
Apr 10, 2024 11:49 am
Stolidly Cole observed the extraction of the ordered samples, pleased despite the lack of outward emotion, as he watched the team work. They managed to collect the samples quickly and efficiently, even with Luna having to maneuver the runabout out of the patch of wayward asteroids twice, and he was on the verge of offering a congratulatory comment when the piercing sounds of the alarm klaxons filled the Raven's interior. Jaw firmly set, eyes narrowed, and keeping his tone even, "Report."
Apr 10, 2024 1:05 pm
The doctor's hackles raised, and she managed to partially stifle an unhappy feline sound growing in the back of her throat, before she stood and moved closer to the monitors. Tell me theres a malfunction and we havent just changed realities...
Apr 10, 2024 6:05 pm
Drake looks up. It feels like his heart has jumped into his throat.
"Commander, I ..." The security officer stares into his screen as if he might see through to the other side of nothing. "There's nothing recognizable. We are in an alternate reality. Have we become the other ship?"
"Commander, I ..." The security officer stares into his screen as if he might see through to the other side of nothing. "There's nothing recognizable. We are in an alternate reality. Have we become the other ship?"
Apr 10, 2024 7:05 pm
"I have no idea what just happened." Luna replies "Let me just check the controls." She tries the ship's control to see if everything is working as it should. Then she proceeds to ping the Christa. Finally, looking at the navigation map to see the surroundings.
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