The Pinicon Belt

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Jun 8, 2024 9:19 pm
Using the Raven to jump-start the alien craft. This was the cue for Luna.
I'm sure I can get the Raven up to that big breach in the hull and close enough for us to initiate a power transfer. Do you think that would work? I'll return to the Raven immediately and pilot it here. she says and is off.

Once back on the Raven, Luna fires up the engines a makes a maneuver to get the runabout very close to the breach.
Spending one momentum to get another die.
Edit: Crap
Last edited Jun 8, 2024 9:20 pm


Control 11 + conn 4 (tn 15) focus small craft - (3d20)

(91619) = 44

Ship assist (engine+conn) - (1d20)

(20) = 20

Jun 8, 2024 9:32 pm
On a failed Task, the shuttlecraft takes 3 damage.

Want to try again?

Momentum: 11
Threat: 4
Jun 9, 2024 6:00 am
Jayce looks around at the alien symbols in the power chamber. He scans the symbols for patterns and recurring elements. Though not a language expert, he hopes his training in the psychology of linguistic components might provide a foundation for any deciphering he could do.

Any thing he can figure out he will share with Aurin-Ah to hopefully assist him in his work.
I could make an assist roll if it becomes applicable.
Jun 9, 2024 2:32 pm
Drake's eyebrows arch as his tricorder reading displays.

"The other crew are arming themselves with of phaser rifles, and oh boy, they have two rifles each. They are by the Sculptor machine."
Jun 9, 2024 3:37 pm for peaceful....
Jun 9, 2024 8:10 pm
Aurin works with Jayce to try and decipher the alien mathematics, translating known constants to exotic units of measure, so they can fabricate some kind of connector to bridge their shuttle and the alien power core.

Aurin blinked as the ensign put a warning over the comms that the other crew was armed. He glanced between the doctor and the commander, and then up to Jayce, as they pored over an alien sigil. There was no whispering in the vaccuum of space, but he die put in a tight channel. "Do you think we can reason with them?" His solid blue eyes were hopeful, but his voice took on a melancholic tinge.
Jun 9, 2024 8:30 pm
"Doubtful ..." Drake replies. "seeing as they are arming so heavily, but there is a chance they are after something else that they can see and we cannot. They might not be coming after us."

One could hope, couldn't they?
Jun 10, 2024 3:36 pm
Starfleet officers were the brightest and best individuals that the galaxy had to offer and clearly on display as each member of the crew took the initiative in their chosen fields and diligently attacked the challenges before them. Cole listened intently as Lieutenant Ah intelligently described the process he expected it would take to restore power to the station, his eyes drawing taut in contemplation as he considered the science officer's well thought theories.

Without being asked or ordered, Luna as their pilot and the one most qualified for maneuvering the runabout close, enthusiastically voiced her intentions to return to the Raven. "I'll join you Lieutenant," he stated simply, realizing that at this particular point in their proposed process the maneuvering of the shuttle into place posed the most immediate danger and warranted his attention. Moving to follow the young woman he paused, eyeing their lone security officer who was working at his tricorder, a small smile to his self in appreciation at what he guessed the Ensign was doing. "Doc. Jayce. Continue to assist Aurin in deciphering the alien script while Luna and I get the Raven in place," he ordered with a nod of his head, seeing the Counselor already deep in study.

Upon entering the runabout, Ensign Zarah's report on the activities of their dopplegangers elicited an unflattering and unbecoming of a Starfleet officer response from Cole, the uncouth words of his youth involuntarily leaving his lips. "Let's get power restored, he growled in frustration, "Then we can address our collueagues' intentions.". Taking a few calming breathes he took a seat next to Luna, offering the cerulean haired young woman an apologetic smile for his unsavory words.
@Qralloq - Would Luna be able to take the 'Success at a Cost' option? @Stefron - would you be willing to accept a Complication (to be spent immediatly or at a later time) for an automatic Success?
Last edited Jun 10, 2024 3:37 pm
Jun 10, 2024 4:03 pm
Totally happy with the Success at a Cost, if Stefron agrees. We can have minor damage to one of the Raven's systems as she jams the nose into the breach.
Jun 10, 2024 4:22 pm
"Yes Commander. I will continue to watch out for them. I fear we do not have that much time," he said, stating the obvious.
Jun 10, 2024 4:50 pm
"On the one hand," he reassured the ensign, "in the wartime conditions they are enduring, it could be standard operating procedure. The second rifles could be for us."

But he was very careful not to dismiss his legitimate concern. "On the other, if it's not procedure, well... wouldn't they have told us to expect an attack?"

His long tour in the Neutral Zone, with all its posturing and political feinting and provocation put the feathers on his neck in a ruff, awkwardly filling the bottom of his helmet.
Jun 10, 2024 5:04 pm
"I had thought that as well which is why I am suspicious of the way they are arming themselves," Drake replies. "They would have mentioned an impending attack unless they only recently discovered this information."
Jun 10, 2024 6:47 pm
Meanwhile on board the Raven, Luna lets out a few words that does not comply with Starfleet Protocol as a large squeaking noise of colliding metal is heard in the runabout.
This was definitly not the precision maneuver Luna was aiming at. She cast a quick apologetic glace at the XO.
Thanks, Seuss, I had forgotten about the succeed at a cost option. Happy to take a complication to save the ship.
Jun 10, 2024 9:17 pm
Your next task is to close up the breach (secondary) that the runabout is currently half through, and repower the crystal (primary). How are you going to get power from the runabout into the crystal?

With no ideas, a simple D1 Reason/Engineering test will reveal ways to do this, D2 I'll even make them safe!
Jun 11, 2024 2:58 pm
As the discussion on their mirror selves intentions continued Cole could only offer a non-committal grunt of acknowledgement, focused instead on assisting in what limited capacity he could their pilot in maneuvering the Raven into the breach in the station. Brow furrowed, his thoughts lent more to Drake's assessment over Aurin's. While he appreciated the optimism, his trust in their counterparts had not been great to start with and their actions only confirmed his prior suspicions.

He winced slightly at the metallic scraping sound of metal on metal as Luna eased the shuttle into the narrow hole in the station's hull, meeting the young woman's apologetic glance with a shrug of his thick shoulders followed by a small smirk at her use of unflattering words, his eyes indicating that he had certainly heard - and used - worse. While he wanted to think the hard part, getting the runabout in place, was complete he knew that their difficulties were only just beginning as they now had to figure out how to connect the Raven to the grid.
Engineering is not Cole's strong suit. However would he be able to provide Assistance? Using his Presence/Command or Reason/Comand including also his Focus in Team Dynamics and/or Lead By Example?
Jun 11, 2024 8:13 pm
my reason engineering is 9/3 not sure id be much help either
Jun 11, 2024 9:14 pm
Luna got 8/4 in reason engineering with a focus in space craft repair which arguably could be used since that gives knowledge of power sockets and such.
But Science guys are probably better at coming up with the ideas.
Jun 13, 2024 7:28 pm
Someone roll, please, haha.
Jun 13, 2024 7:49 pm
Drake is Reason 9, Engineering 2, so not him. 😂
Jun 13, 2024 8:26 pm
Seeing the others scratch their heads once the shuttle was wedged into the gap, Aurin took the lead in using the replicator and spare parts to fashion some kind of connector.


Reason (12) + Engineering (3) (+Testing a Theory) - (1d20, 1d20, 1d20)

1d20 : (5) = 5

1d20 : (5) = 5

1d20 : (3) = 3

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