The Pinicon Belt

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Jun 14, 2024 11:31 am
Just in case it will be allowed?

An additional success?
Last edited Jun 14, 2024 11:31 am


Assistance: Reason (9) + Command (4) (+Team Dynamics?) TN 13 - (1d20)

(9) = 9

Jun 14, 2024 11:51 pm
Aurin-Ah uses the tools at his disposal to analyze the crystal and the runabout's design. He determines there are two methods that could be used to recharge the crystal.

The phasers. Tuning the phaser emitters from the runabout to the proper resonant frequency will deliver vast energy to the crystal capacitor without harming it. Getting that frequency wrong would be disastrous, but there are safe ways to test it first.

A cable. The antimatter dilithium reactor can be channeled through a high energy power conduit. This would require some cannibalizing of parts from either the runabout or the station.

Lastly, thinking about the runabout, he realizes that the shield generators from the Raven can be used to create a force field to seal the breach against atmosphere leakage. The Raven would need to remain in the hole, but it could give you time to effect the repairs in a comfortable environment.
I'll also bank two Momentum.
Momentum: 13
Threat: 4
Jun 17, 2024 1:43 pm
Pensively Cole listens to the ideas and recommendations set forth by Aurin, finding his self nodding in approval in the more comfortable confines of the Raven's interior. The look he passed to Luna showed not only how impressed he was with his Science Officer's proposals but included also his young pilot's abilities to maneuver the runabout within the chaotic confines of the asteroid field.

"Aurin. Begin modulating the phasers to the appropriate frequency," he ordered, including Doc and Jayce in the team as well, "Drake. Inform our compatriots of our plan --- I don't want to touch off an incident when we start firing the phasers."

Turning to his blue-tinted haired pilot he offered a small smile, indicating that he had not forgotten about her role, "Hold her steady --- and see if you can seal the breach with the shields."
Second roll was for Luna and the shields (should any of them be allowed or pertinent)
Last edited Jun 17, 2024 1:44 pm


Assistance: Presence (10) + Command (4) + (Team Dynamics?) - Aurin's team - (1d20)

(12) = 12

Assistance: Presence (10) + Command (4) + (Team Dynamics) - (1d20)

(1) = 1

Jun 17, 2024 5:43 pm
The runabout is positioned in the hole and Luna makes sure it stays there. Then she turns on the shield to try creating a more safe environment in the station.

"Let me know if you need me to do anything to connect the power, Aurin"
Any rolls required for this action?
Jun 17, 2024 8:26 pm
"At once, Commander.

Drake informs their mirror images of their plan while he burns to ask them why they are doubly arming themselves. Perhaps after he apprises them of what his crew are up to, they will offer that information.
Jun 17, 2024 11:44 pm
The rolls have already been made for this action.
By Luna's hand and with Aurin's guidance and monitoring, the runabout's phaser banks charge the crystal. The capacitor stores the energy, and you tune the frequency a few times before cutting off the power transfer.

Once the crystal is charged, the first key task is complete, and the away team can now transfer power to the archives chamber, the Sculptor apparatus, and the station’s environmental systems to re-establish atmosphere and artificial gravity.

When Drake communicates with the other team, they indicate that something is happening there, and recommend that you send someone to observe.
Jun 18, 2024 1:37 pm
I'm not sure I fully trust them. If we send someone alone it could end with them not returning
Jun 18, 2024 7:04 pm
"I agree," Cole grunted, scowling at wondering just what the other team was up to and what possible issues they could have run into, "Drake, Jayce --- go check it out."

Reluctantly putting his concerns towards their dopplegangers aside he viewed the now glowing and powered crystal through appraising eyes. "Let's hold off on powering the Sculptor apparatus for now and concentrate on the stations environmental systems and archives. I'd rather know what we're dealing with before firing up the quantum device."
Jun 18, 2024 7:50 pm
"Agreed. They weren't very forthcoming. I think they are hiding something. Maybe someone else is there with them or nearby. Let's go Jayce."
Missed the Jayce piece - edited
Last edited Jun 19, 2024 1:45 am
Jun 18, 2024 8:50 pm
"If there are any troubles fall back to this room. The Raven could can give us superior firepower if things come to that." Luna advises
Jun 19, 2024 4:22 pm
Aurin breathed a sigh of relief as the phaser array, designed to blast space debris and the occasional belligerent, yielded to their deft hand. He thanked Starfleet for its foresight, knowing that any energy emitter could be a scientific instrument. He couldn't imagine trying to wire a disruptor for the task.

"I think we are holding steady, Commander. Luna, I am trying to try and use the mining tractor array to give us some remote control - let me know if you see it come up on your console." He hoped the fine controls he had installed in the tactical pod would let them manipulate the crystal to fine tune the flow of power, and tried to wire the various linkages they had installed to bridge the gap to computer controlled conduits - ones which they could open and close remotely from the Raven to distribute (or cut) power to various compartments on the station.

His hand bumped awkwardly into his helmet as he tried to massage his brow. He let the frustration of the moment simmer away as he monitored the foreign displays. He turned to the M'Ress. "Doctor, do you think you can calibrate life support in the computer banks to support Class M conditions? I can try to route power there. We can use that as a staging area... and I think we should get some atmosphere somewhere on board if people are, well... if it comes to the worst."
Is it possible to spend Momentum to wire remote controlled access to the engineering controls to a console in the Raven? Aurin is willing to remove the converted tactical pod to leave in the station as a component to control the engineering through computer interface, the tractor beam, and the mining phaser.
Jun 19, 2024 5:36 pm
I'll give it a shot. Seems one of the safer options at the moment
what would the appropriate roll be in this situation
Jun 19, 2024 7:17 pm
"The console is showing a safety error in the Mining Tractor Array" Luna replies "But I can do a manual override. Hang on." Luna presses a few buttons on the screen and soon the red flashing sign is replaced by all green power supply statistics.
Jun 19, 2024 11:11 pm
The wiring setup proposed by Aurin-Ah sounds entirely reasonable to me.
[ +- ] Momentum Uses
Doctor M'Ress can make a simple (D1) roll for Reason+ Medicine.
Jun 22, 2024 11:13 am
medicine roll


Reason 9 medicine 5 - (1d20, 1d20)

1d20 : (15) = 15

1d20 : (18) = 18

Jun 23, 2024 3:04 pm
Jayce accompanies Ensign Drake. He prepares to deescalate hostility if needed, but hopes the reason they are being summoned proves not to be adversarial.
Jun 23, 2024 4:52 pm
Doctor M'Ress, despite her profound medical knowledge, is unable to make sense of the baffling options available from utilizing the Sculptor technology. Specifying an Earth-like atmosphere eludes her.
Jun 28, 2024 4:46 pm
Despite her best efforts, the Doctor could not make heads nor tails of the alien technology in an effort to bring breathable atmosphere to the station. Cole shrugged, giving the felinoid medical officer and appreciative nod for the effort, before stating aloud that they would just have to get comfortable with their suits. Turning to Lieutenant Ah, "The archives then --- let's see if we can figure out what we're dealing with or in the very least see what these species were attempting to accomplish."

Frowning slightly, "Drake. Jayce. SitRep?"
Jun 29, 2024 4:43 pm
The investigative team heads toward the archives, now with power, to see what they can learn about the station and most importantly how this multiverse scrambling effect might be reversed.

This spherical, sparsely furnished room features engravings in the walls roughly shaped like hands with the fingers spread open, though each hand engraving has only four fingers. Scores of these handprints cover the walls of the chamber.

Tricorder scans of the room show a crystalpowered computer mainframe with virtually limitless amounts of data storage capacity. Aurin-Ah, M'Ress and Luna upon inspecting the room quickly suspect the machinery here stores vast quantities of information and may even facilitate an advanced form of artificial intelligence.
Meanwhile, Drake and Jayce head toward the doppelgangers. Do they call you that? you might wonder. They find the other team soon enough, working away.

This spherical chamber features a single computer terminal at its center, and crystalline material rings the walls and ceiling. Long corridors meet at opposite sides of the room, stretching to the other sections of the space station.

They've stripped two of the phaser rifles down in and apparent attempt to use them to power the apparatus, but now that power is on, they're examining the computer terminal.

Captain Walker asks, "We've got power, good work. I think we'll need the databanks to make sense of the functions of this device, but it appears to have a neural interface."
Jun 29, 2024 5:05 pm
Aha! So that's why they have so many rifles. Whew.

"Looks like you are getting things figured out. Can we help in any way?" Drake is eager to approach the terminal and see what they are seeing, but he treads carefully. They still have working phaser rifles. When mention is made of a neural interface, he wonders who will volunteer to connect to it.
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