Lightning in a Bottle (RP)

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Mar 29, 2024 1:56 pm
Albert shows everyone the vial and makes a mental note of 'the Trapper of Dalhurst' when nodding to Ezme after the introduction. That name rang a bell. He had probably heard stories about this in his tavern, but there was no time to dwell on that right now.
Mar 29, 2024 7:53 pm
Roald is completely in awe of the smoke/mist in the vial.
When it is passed to him he has to be nudged to pass it on to the next person.
How in Raynor's name is this possible
He has heard of magic before, but never seen it in this way. Performed by a devine intervention yes, performed by a human on his own... No.
He even forgets to introduce Ezme to the others.
Mar 30, 2024 1:23 pm
Gronk sees the mixture of awe and uncertainty on everyone's faces, something he is used to seeing as a professional stage performer, and decides to continue with his work.

"For my next trick, I will make this mist-" he gestures to the mist thickening around them- "disperse with only the strength of my will. A moment of silence, if you please."

When the audience falls quiet, Gronk begins to concentate, eyes closed. After a long pause, he picks up a challace on the table and takes a large gulp. (The challace contains the quicksilver necessary for the ritual). As liquid fire courses through his body, he begins to glow a faint but perceptible light, and the space around him feels tense, as if magically charged.

With another flourish, the flaming bowl shoots higher than before, Gronk adds a new ritual vessel to the flames to contain new magic components. To this bowl, he adds a dash of quicksilver from the challace, and he begins a rhythmic chanting. The language is strange and cannot be understood, even by Gronk, but the sound is primal and feels like it resonates through the space and adds structure to the tension. After a few moments of chanting, Gronk picks up the ritual blade on the table, swishing it deftly from hand to hand in a form of ritual dance designed to honor the blade and the tradition surrounding it. All eyes are captivate on this man dancing and chanting in the fire light, when he lets out a scream louder than before. The knife glints as it slices through the darkness, leaving a short, jagged gash across Gronk's forearm. The blood that drips from this wound is collected in the ritual bowl for several moments before Gronk bandages his arm with a grimace.

"An offering to the spirit who will be my lovely assistant for this one," Gronk adds by way of explanation. In a booming voice, he intones, "Come forth, Obscurios, and be bound by my magic. Enjoy the feast that I have set for you, and lie in readiness for my command."

An eerie feeling creeps over the table and the nearby audience. The tension feels thicker, more sinister, as Gronk resumes his chant and dance as before. Within a minute, the scent of his blood fills the air, mingling with the smell of smoke and quicksilver. The fire grows continually higher, without any assistance from Gronk, until it threatens to engulf the whole table in flames. Gronk is sweating from the heat and the exertion, and his sweat falls into the ritual bowl as he works. At the height of the ritual fervor, an inhuman screach fills the area, mixing with Gronk's own shriek. The fire extinguishes, silence falls across the clearing, and Gronk lies motionless on the floor for a moment. After he recovers slightly, he raised his hands, still lying down, and says, "Ta-da...." His hands fall back and he rests for a minute.
Mar 30, 2024 3:49 pm
This is the roll to see how the ritual goes!


Ritual - (2d6+2)

(15) + 2 = 8

Mar 30, 2024 4:00 pm
Heck ya! I did it!!

On a hit the mist clears.
On a 7-9 choose 1, on a 10+ choose 2, on a 12+ all three:
· the effect lasts for a while, else the mist will be back before you can complete your task.
· the effect is far-reaching, else it is local to the party.
· it does not attract unwanted attention, else it does.

After a brief theatrical pause, Gronk stands up (hiding his wooziness) and bows.

"The mist is gone from this place. We should not see it for a while longer. It may still be elsewhere, but that is not our concern."

Gronk stops to think for a second. "Once the mist is gone, we may be able to find the Beasts that hide within." He looks around curiously, enticed by the thought of another sample.
Mar 30, 2024 4:13 pm
The mist that was collecting around the party —making some of you quite nervous (presuming you have NPCs or want to be nervous)— is pushed away in a circle around the party, centered on Gonk, or is it centered on the vial of contained mist, you can experiment to see (player choice).

As the expanding circle of clear air passes the end of the bridge, you see the figure of a girl, watching. She looks around in surprise at the effect and, apparently realising it was 'magic' does 'a sign to ward off evil' with her hand, gives a little scream, and runs off. She is quickly swallowed up by the mist that hangs on the edge of your vision.

What do you do?
Mar 30, 2024 4:15 pm
- Ezme -

Do you, maybe, know the girl? Maybe she is someone from the town who has become enamoured by you and wants to emulate you and your ways? If so, how do you feel about her being out here now, and the risk she has put herself into by going back into the mist? (Maybe the others need to tell you about the danger, or maybe we can assume they did while the ritual was ongoing and the mist was gathering?)

What do you do?
Mar 30, 2024 7:07 pm
Ezmaray is disturbed both by the mystic's methodology and by the spell's apparent effectiveness. Body tense and prepared for flight or fight, she looks around herself as the mist disperses, then straightens with undisguised shock at the sight of the girl beyond the bridge.


Had Richie TOLD his little sister where they'd fled to? The trapper's brow furrows into a concerned frown, her hand reaching out to warn the girl just before the young one disappeared into the mists.

"Frack!" the trapper curses under her breath. Without further ado, Ezme charges in pursuit of the little girl.
Mar 30, 2024 7:26 pm
- Ezme -

Fleet as she is, you have no trouble following Shireen, even after the enveloping mist makes it hard to see more than a few feet ahead. Maybe you hoped she would head back to town, but you quickly see her tracks are leading in the wrong direction for that, she missed a turn and is now wandering onto the heath.

If you charge ahead at full speed you should be able to catch up to her, her legs are short, but if you lose the trail it might be a challenge to find her at all. If you slow down you are confident you can follow her trail indefinitely, but she may be getting further and further ahead. Surely her stamina can't hold out for long, though? Surely she must tire and stop running? Especially if she knows it is you coming after her.

As of yet, you see no signs of 'creatures in the mist', though the normal sounds of animal noises are strangely absent.

What do you do?
Mar 30, 2024 7:27 pm
What do the rest of you do as Ezme charges off into the mist? Most of you will be unable to keep up with the fit, young woman at the pace she went.
Mar 30, 2024 7:52 pm
Ezme slows her pace a little to make sure she doesn't lose the girl's trail.

"Shireen?!" she calls. "It's Ezmaray... House Felder!"
Mar 30, 2024 8:02 pm
- Ezme -

Cold, little drops collect on your hair and skin. All is deathly quiet in the mist. You see that Shireen's pace is starting to slow.


Die of Fate - (1d6)

(2) = 2

Mar 30, 2024 8:04 pm
- Ezme -

... Then you hear a scream from off to the left. There is a far-away glow in that direction.

What do you do?
Mar 30, 2024 10:21 pm
I think Gronk will stay where he is and try to recover.
Mar 31, 2024 10:24 am
If Roald was shocked by the mist in the vial, the second part of the ritual really blows him of his feet. The fire, the chanting,... Gronk does know how to make a show, and Roald is taking it all in like a 4 year old.
He whispers to Albert from the corner of his mouth:
'' I don't like this Albert, it gives me the creeps... Ya think it's...evil? ''
Then the mist starts to clear and the silhouette of a girl emerges from it. Roald squints his eyes to get a better look at her but almost immediately she makes a sign and runs back into the mist.
''NO, don't!''
He stretches his arm as if to grab her and hold her back.
He hesitates, asking himself if he should go after her... But the mist... Just thinking about it makes his face itch.
Then Ezme storms into the mist too and he is both relieved and worried at the same time.
Under normal circumstances he would follow her without giving it a second thought but this evening has been too much already.
He walks to the edge of the mist and starts calling her name.
Mar 31, 2024 7:55 pm
Ezmaray freezes momentarily in her tracks, head darting in the direction of the scream and the glowing light.

"Trackers don't get sidetracked." Her father's stony voice springs to mind. She snorts once through her nose, her eyes squinting, then turns back to the path before her. She wouldn't go stumbling into the evening mists in pursuit of some anonymous sound or light without even a trail to follow. That person, whoever they are, would have to fend for themselves. But Shireen -- she was just a kid.

"Stop, Shireen. Let me catch up to you," she calls a little softer now, keenly aware that dangers lurk in their midst.
Mar 31, 2024 8:08 pm
- Ezme -

The trail twists and turns around hummocks of reed and small trees. It is hard to keep track of direction in the mist, but either the glow is moving around you or Shireen has circled round —as blind-navigators are wont to do— because the glow is now off to your right and the now-muffled-sounding-scream comes from right in front of you, just past a wall of reeds.

"Ezme! Help me!" You think you hear, along with the sounds of something moving on the ground.

What do you do?
Mar 31, 2024 8:11 pm
- Roald -

You think you hear what might be a scream, but it also sounds a lot like the night-birds you have heard before out in the wild places.

What do you do?
Mar 31, 2024 8:23 pm
Ezme will not leave the track. If it leads into the reeds, then she will quickly follow it there. Otherwise, she will ignore the voice. Something is odd here, and she doesn't fully trust her senses.

The trapper pulls out her hunting knife, gripping it tightly. Her eyes keep darting in the direction of any sounds she hears, on guard against attack, but honestly, she acknowledges that her stealth and her scouting skills are probably her greatest protection in this moment.
Mar 31, 2024 8:34 pm
- Ezme -

The tracks lead round and then through an opening in the wall of reeds, it appears they have been pushed aside so someone could get through.

As you carefully step trough the gap a creature —it might be a porcupine? no more like a monkey? a badger? it is hard to see— is lying in wait to ambush you, but your highly tuned sense give you the edge, just before it can jump at your face you have time to act.

What do you do?
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