OOC Rules Talk

Mar 14, 2024 5:33 am
This is where we can talk about and interpret rulings and tactics instead of stalling the in-character thread(s).
Mar 16, 2024 4:31 pm
I'd love to have a quick conversation about Target 20, AC, Saves, and the game!

If I'm reading Target 20 correctly, then there is still DM-facing information during combat for our rolls. Level+Stat Mod+AC, and you're trying to beat 20. Will you be telling us the AC during combat? Or are we only rolling the first two (level and stat bonus) and leaving the rest up to you? The first is much quicker in PbP, and I've never felt it removed the mystery. The second is more traditional, but slower and more likely to lead to confusion.

How are we calculating saves with T20? Is it Level + Save and trying to beat 20?
Mar 16, 2024 6:51 pm
This is a good time to clarify that I only want to use the Attack Roll section of Target 20. I think saving rolls and thief skills are simple enough to leave alone. I do plan to share AC during combat, as well as separate the classes into martial, semi-martial, and non-martial for the level adding.
Sep 20, 2024 4:54 am
From what I understand, Kraagor would have no chance of hitting the stirge since he has a Slow weapon. Since he always goes last, the stirge can use its full movement speed to get away before he rolls his attack. He can't chase it either since it flies faster than he runs. Honestly might boot the Slow rule since the lack of a shield seems to be balance/punishment enough for a high damage die. That change might wait until after the current dungeon crawl so as not to confuse things.

As you guys know, I want to lean closer to RAW but some things aren't covered by the rules or are too irresistible to implement. Strongly considering the free Read Magic house rule since I also want to implement advanced spellbooks: no new spells unless you can find and copy them yourselves (if you can find a magic teacher in the world, they'll have plenty of scrolls).
Sep 20, 2024 7:00 am
Sounds fine to me. We're not really playing the combat RAW anyway, right? With phases, declarations of intent, and so on.
Sep 20, 2024 2:31 pm
That's true. I have been trying to preserve declarations of intent (important for spellcasting), but I fear too much waiting for procedures would slow the game down to a crawl. Other than that, RAW isn't more important than just having a fun game experience.
Sep 20, 2024 10:00 pm
I certainly don’t disagree in the PbP context. And will admit that part of OSE / B/X doesn’t do much for me anyway…

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