Character Record: Oxana Goranova

Mar 15, 2024 4:29 pm
Despite numerous attempts to have a son to pass on his Smithy too, Goran (also maybe) eventually resigned himself to the fact that his eldest dotter was to follow in his footsteps his last apprentice having left the village several years back.

While she's mostly involved in the recycling of materials from the village Anika knows how to swing a hammer and craft things as well.

Occupation: Apprentice Blacksmith
Starting Gear: Hammer (close, 1 wt), burlap sack (0 wt), 1D4 iron ingots (1 wt ea.), 3 coin
May 24, 2024 3:05 pm
Congratulations. By her own pronouncement, you've saved Tatianna from certain death. You gain the Defender Starting move now. Your current XP is not affected. When you gain a new level, you can now choose any Advanced Move, or a Defender Move.

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