Character Record: Jorgen

Mar 15, 2024 4:41 pm
A young man who works in the local tavern. Although it is less of a tavern and more of a general supplies store. He has listened to the tales told by the traders and caravaneers of the outlands since he was a young lad and was always captivated by them. But now there seem to be less traders coming thru, and the quality of Madame Tally's goods are not what they once where. Customers are grumbling, but then they are also fewer and visit with fewer coin. Jorgen's worlds seems to be shrinking and he wonders; "Maybe it is time I left. Time I saw these Outland tales in person?"

Occupation: Brewer (This is not all of your backstory, I know, but it is the closest thing on the table. If he has some other trade that he performs when he's not busy at the tavern, this could be adjusted.)
Starting Gear: Staff (close, 2-handed, 1 wt), cask of beer (2 rations, 2 wt), 2 coin

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