Introductions & Bonds

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Mar 21, 2024 5:56 pm
This is probably better handled in a thread of it's own, so let's have intro for everyone and THEN we'll do bonds.

For these, to make sure everyone has links with everyone else, go ahead and select one of your choice from the list below and discuss who you'd like to share that link with you.

We'll fill in the gaps afterwards with random ones.
Mar 22, 2024 3:48 am
Oxana doesn't entirely trust Brother Irwin, he's a devotee of that new religion of the empire and she's not sure what to make of all that. It sounds weird and honestly, how could one god possibly be in charge of all the little things that happen in the world? It's just far to much to comprehend.
Mar 22, 2024 10:33 am
Brother Irwin respects and is a little wary of Johnsan for the other man's familiarity with wild places, whereas being outside the village confines is something that he himself has never found comfortable.
Mar 22, 2024 1:31 pm
@Drakis2,@Ysolde,@GameMaster - Just tagging those who haven't posted yet so we're all on the same page. Not trying to rush overly much.
Mar 22, 2024 3:06 pm
Johnsan will convince Brother Irwin of the value of his knowledge of the land and the surrounding regions. This will be a long and dangerous journey, and Johnsan will be vital in acquiring food and scouting.
Mar 22, 2024 7:35 pm
@gamemaster - I think that's basically the other side of the same Bond, so there's no need for both of you to have it. You could do something along the lines of 'Irwin and I seek knowledge about the world beyond our travels,' or something like that.
Mar 22, 2024 9:37 pm
Okay, how about something like Oxana and I seek knowledge about the beasts and monsters that roam the land. They seem to be surviving well, so I am interested in how they stay alive, and Oxana may be interested in the things we can make from their pelts and bones and the like.
Mar 23, 2024 9:22 pm
@Emberskyes: choosing Oxana because of the big differences in their roles/duties in the village. Also, Jorgen is so obsessed with being "important"
I will convince Oxana of the value of my knowledge.

They mocked me for being a "simple tavern boy", but I’ll prove to them I am more than that
Last edited March 23, 2024 9:25 pm
Mar 24, 2024 4:29 am
"I lied to Oxana about my feelings."
Tatianna finds herself attracted to the smith. Any time Oxana has asked her either about the village boys Tatianna might like or about their friendship Tatianna has lied either by omission of her true feelings or by suggesting that Tatianna has feelings for one of the boys in the village.
Mar 26, 2024 3:34 pm

Oxana doesn't entirely trust Irwin.
Irwin respects and is a little wary of Johnsan.
Johnsan and Oxana seek knowledge about the beasts and monsters that roam the land.
Jorgenwill convince Oxana of the value of his knowledge.
Tatianna lied to Oxana about her feelings.

Oxana has plenty of bonds now, with four.
Johnsan has two.

@Drakis2,@Ysolde,@testlum - Irwin, Jorgen, and Tatianna each have one. Go ahead and roll one random bond each and suggest one of these three (Irwin, Jorgen, or Tatianna) to share it.
Mar 26, 2024 3:41 pm
So roll on the table and suggest a bond for someone else?


Bond /Random - (2d10)

(104) = 14

Mar 26, 2024 4:37 pm
Just need Drakis, Ysolde, and testlum to do it. You're pretty much set unless you just want another bond.
Mar 26, 2024 7:18 pm

Tatianna does not trust Jorgen because they think they are better.

or at least she perceives him as thinking he's better.
Last edited March 26, 2024 7:21 pm


Bond - (2d10)

(109) = 19

Mar 26, 2024 9:19 pm
Gotcha, rolling.

EDIT: Hmm, 17 huh. Brother Irwin thinks that Tatianna will do great things in the future because of how others seem to trust and confide in her.

I'm a bit stumped on this one, but hopefully the above fits her character.

Wait I can't math. It's 12. Brother Irwin trusts Tatianna because of how her friends and even strangers seem to confide in her.
Last edited March 26, 2024 9:29 pm


Bond - (1d10)

(5) = 5

Bond - (1d10)

(7) = 7

Mar 26, 2024 10:17 pm
Ysolde says:

Tatianna does not trust Jorgen because they think they are better.

or at least she perceives him as thinking he's better.
It's because he lives in a pub isn't it? Big city type guy, probably has indoor plumbing and such... nothing but trouble.
Mar 26, 2024 10:33 pm
Jorgen has much to teach Brother Irwin about teamwork.

He has learned so much working at the tavern about how what he does fits in with so many others. He can show Brother Irwin this, for he strikes Jorgen as a loner, and no one can survive alone.
Last edited March 26, 2024 10:37 pm


Bond - (2d10)

(78) = 15

Mar 27, 2024 4:00 am
I will protect Tatianna from the darkness in the wilds. As two of the few people who venture beyond the immediate village lands. Oxana for wood and Tatianna for herbs Oxana is concerned about her welfare and safety.
Mar 27, 2024 6:04 pm
Emberskyes says:
Ysolde says:
Tatianna does not trust Jorgen because they think they are better.

or at least she perceives him as thinking he's better.
It's because he lives in a pub isn't it? Big city type guy, probably has indoor plumbing and such... nothing but trouble.
It was actually what I was

Anyway I think this is what we have now:

Oxana doesn't entirely trust Irwin.
Oxana will protect Tatianna from the darkness in the wilds
Irwin respects and is a little wary of Johnsan.
Irwin trusts Tatianna because of how her friends and even strangers seem to confide in her.
Johnsan and Oxana seek knowledge about the beasts and monsters that roam the land.
Jorgen will convince Oxana of the value of his knowledge.
Jorgen has much to teach Brother Irwin about teamwork.
Tatianna lied to Oxana about her feelings.
Tatianna does not trust Jorgen because they think they are better.

Not a basis for any conflicts or drama at all....
Mar 27, 2024 9:10 pm
Should be much fun had by all. So we've got these down. Now, regardless of whather you have a HOOK with another PC or not, you've all grown up (or at least lived in) this village for years. No one is a stranger. And everyone is at least a little familiar with the area around Immenost. So here's what I want you to do:

1) Tell me the farthest your character has travelled from Immenost (in hours or days).
2) Tell me about an area (and roll a d4), a nearby village, or a point of interest near Immenost that your character knows about, and which direction it is in (North, Northeast, East, Southeast, or South). If you don't have anything particular you'd like to add, just roll 5d6 and 1d12 and we'll see what pops out.
3) Tell me about something that leads off the edge of the map that you've seen from afar, but never had the chance to explore. (e.g. a river, path, or valley)
Mar 27, 2024 11:52 pm
Which way goes the road to the empire? Are we at the extreme north or NE? NW? Or is this something we get to decide as a group?

1 - Oxana has been as far as the closest large settlement. It is inland, a number handful of days to the southwest southeast, depending upon the weather, through a gap in the hills and is home to several thousand inhabitants. has rammed earthen ramparts and towers of stone. Some of the walls are stone while others are wood.

2 - Not far from town is a small gorge with thermal springs. Warm water bubbles up through fissures in the rocks and the locals have built a small cobblestone wall to create a pool. This makes the waters of the stream that flows around the southern edge of town vaguely tepid year round.

3 - Off the coast a ways is a craggy island with a ruined tower. The tower is old and decrepit and rumours in the village are that it is haunted by the fae. While not directly visible from the village there's a headland to the north where one can easily spot the ruin.
Last edited March 28, 2024 7:41 pm
Mar 28, 2024 2:07 am
1) Johnsan has traveled two days from the town (with two days back).

2) Johnson usually travels to the South of the town to hunt. There are moutains there where he can occasionally find wandering game, and a few small streams where he can usually collect enough water to make it through the day.

3) From Johnsan's hunting perch at the top of the smallest mountain by the town, he can see the peaks of the rest of the mountains looming taller in the distance. He has never been there, but has occasionally seen smoke drifting up from the tallest peak, as if someone was tending a fire. Could there be another settlement in the mountains? How were they faring?


Description of place by the town - (1d4)

(1) = 1

Mar 28, 2024 3:20 am
1. Brother Irwin's longest trip away from Immenost was a one-day pilgrimage to the nearest village during the high priest's visit there.

2. The abbot has made a few offhand remarks about the burial spot of a saint to the east, but has always dismissed Brother Irwin's questions about it when asked.

3. A traveling merchant once brought a songbird to the village that she said was caught near some distant cliffs. It died before the merchant departed, but Brother Irwin still remembers how it sounded.
Mar 28, 2024 1:55 pm
1) I have travelled north into the forest nearly half a day's journey. (10 hours)

2) I sat at the foot of the The Great Oak, the one that can be seen even from the village, grandmother says it is only a small bud of the great world tree. Those who visit the great oak, like I did, are sometimes granted a vision. I do not speak to anyone of my vision or if I even had one. Such things are personal and private.

3) I climbed up some of the branches of the Great Oak, high indeed, and from there I saw the edge of the Great Ice. Grandmother said that the Great Ice extends forever, that it is the realm of the frost giants and of death. I have not explored there, and she begged me to heed her warning to never venture that far north ever, lest I be frozen solid.
Mar 28, 2024 2:54 pm
Emberskyes says:
Which way goes the road to the empire? Are we at the extreme north or NE? NW? Or is this something we get to decide as a group?
The only things that are set in stone are that Immenost is on the west coast oof the continent and that the Imperial Road heads pretty much due east.
Mar 28, 2024 7:05 pm
I've got everyone's map additions plotted except for @Drakis2. Once I get this one, I'll post the map. I'm not going to make it superfancy, but it should be passable.
Mar 28, 2024 7:32 pm
Okay, so I'll modify my thing a bit to reflect west coast. Where it's raining.
Mar 28, 2024 9:20 pm
1) Jorgen has traveled for a half-day to the caravanserai to deal with the traders

2) In the swamp to the south-west Jorgen has caught immature eels which are served in the tavern's speciality soup. He often explores the swamps, finding strange water creatures which fascinate him. He spends many hours, or wasted if his employer is listened too, just sitting by the swamp.

3) The traders talk of the great river, but Jorgen only knows of it thru their tales. He so very much wants to see it for himself, and the barges that travel along it.
Last edited March 28, 2024 9:23 pm


Point 2 roll - (1d4)

(2) = 2

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