Western Remnants
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Mar 27, 2024 9:09 pm
Hearing Arc speak, Ealdwig pulls his sword and has it at the ready. He continues to look around for danger
Mar 28, 2024 1:03 pm
Making your way west across the grassy countryside with ocasional clusters of trees, low hills, and crumbled remains of structures long fallen to ruin. The trail has obviously been used by carts, wagons, and much foot traffic from the base. Likely the researchers come this way with some of the guards when exploring the ruins and remnants. The dinosaur herds prove to react much as other beasts would. The herds of larger beasts barely reacting at all with those of maller size shifting nervously if you get too close.
You soon loose sight of the swamp behind the hills and trees as you follow the trail. However the walls of your first remnant grow bigger as you near them. The walls are about 30' tall and there are 2 sets of wide doors closed on the western side of the square. The walls are of simple solid stone and the doors are heavy timbrs bound with metal and are in good condition. As you get closer you see a faint shimmer in teh air over the walls much like heat waves in the dessert.
You soon loose sight of the swamp behind the hills and trees as you follow the trail. However the walls of your first remnant grow bigger as you near them. The walls are about 30' tall and there are 2 sets of wide doors closed on the western side of the square. The walls are of simple solid stone and the doors are heavy timbrs bound with metal and are in good condition. As you get closer you see a faint shimmer in teh air over the walls much like heat waves in the dessert.
Mar 28, 2024 3:02 pm
"I guess we probably should have asked for any extra information on the two known Remnants. Kinda missed opportunity, there ...
"Well, if the walls and doors are in good condition, let's see if there are any current occupants."
"Well, if the walls and doors are in good condition, let's see if there are any current occupants."
Mar 28, 2024 3:32 pm
What's that shimmering? You see that? Ealdwig tries to get a better angle. Doesn't seem natural. Think it's magical in nature? Maybe a ward?
Mar 28, 2024 3:34 pm
You know from overheard conversations at the cantina and tavern that no one from the expedition stays out at the Remnants overnight. Typically they will make a day of it with several researchers and guards around with a squad of scouts that patrol the area. This really in the morning you are here before any other teams but may see some later in the day.
The Remnants are said to be odd as they only show normal wear and tear for being abandoned. The rest of the city however was thoroughly destroyed and aggressively overtake by plants and animals giving the service of having been destroyed centuries ago. No one knows why but the Remnants were protected and seen cut off summit from informed going into or out of them.
The Remnants are said to be odd as they only show normal wear and tear for being abandoned. The rest of the city however was thoroughly destroyed and aggressively overtake by plants and animals giving the service of having been destroyed centuries ago. No one knows why but the Remnants were protected and seen cut off summit from informed going into or out of them.
Mar 28, 2024 3:38 pm
The doors open easily enough and the latch seems to have been repaired recently. Swinging the doors in you see crumbling building and paved streets. Though a few small plants struggle to grow in the area, mostly in what looks to be planned gardens or planter boxes, there are no sounds and it feels oddly empty on the far side of the doorway.
Mar 28, 2024 5:45 pm
"Should we go through the Remnant, or should we go around? I'm good for going through."
Mar 28, 2024 6:16 pm
Vaun followed the party and was fascinated to see the large herbivore dinosaurs. In the beginning of his journey he and his friend was attacked by some of this carnivorous hunters. He could remember it as Arc mentioned about them. The scenic beauty was so exhilarating that Vaun continued to sketch dinosaurs at different poses, going about eating trees and grazing around. If he could find a dead one, he would love to dissect it and find more about their reptilian anatomy. Ofcourse he would need lots of people working alongside him in skinning and separating the organs of these huge beasts. As the party planned to make a circuit in the Westward area, Vaun followed on trying to make some landmark sketch of the regions. Hopefully, they could update the map back in the expedition base.
When the party stopped in front of the Remnant he expressed his desire to explore it. Afterall, they were all competent adventures, and with two healers in the party, what could go wrong?
OOC: @Psybermagi sorry for the late posting. I am neck deep in workload for the next two weeks. My posting can be sparse, and I will try to come online but if I am not present can you direct my character. I apologise!
When the party stopped in front of the Remnant he expressed his desire to explore it. Afterall, they were all competent adventures, and with two healers in the party, what could go wrong?
OOC: @Psybermagi sorry for the late posting. I am neck deep in workload for the next two weeks. My posting can be sparse, and I will try to come online but if I am not present can you direct my character. I apologise!
Last edited March 28, 2024 6:16 pm
Mar 28, 2024 6:56 pm
Blornvid answers Skeeve, "Aye, we can go through it. But do you think Ealdwig has a point about that shimmer? Is it just heat, or do ya think it could be some magic?"
Mar 28, 2024 7:07 pm
"He just might. Let's see if I can feel anything.", Barley closes his eyes and reaches out with his spirit trying to gleem the nature of the shimmer.
Spiritual - Nature of the Shimmer - (2d6)
(24) = 6
Mar 28, 2024 7:25 pm
Barley reaches out then quickly pulls back as good sense touch something he is already familiar with. A Border. Normally Borders are massive and found between land of the Mortal Realm. However this is clearly restricted to the Remnant.
[ +- ] Borders
The Shattering resulted in the creation of the Borders, regions where planar forces isolate and connect the lands, like cracks in ice. Scholars say the Mortal Realm always had weak points where the influence of other Realms could be felt of even Rifts allowing passage to these Realms. Borders can be nearly invisible but some are easily identified by the sudden transition of terrain or weather. Crossing Borders subjects you to the forces of the other Realms but allows passage to other lands, but not always the same destination. Some Borders are static, most are cyclical but some random Border transitions occur. Some sages have managed to create anchors that allow the borders to be manipulated so that crossings can be predicted or controlled.
Mar 28, 2024 7:45 pm
Blornvid notices the sudden change in Barley's manner. "What's wrong? What did you detect?" After Barley explains, Blornvid's eyebrows rise in surprise. "Maybe we shouldn't go in there then. No telling where it'll lead."
Mar 28, 2024 8:12 pm
Ealdwig's curiosity if peaked. This seems like it's the ultimate adventure. Wonder is there is a way to get paid to investigate this? He smiles broadly. [d]Do you think if we went in there we would come out on another plane?[/b] I didn't even know there were other planes.
Mar 28, 2024 8:12 pm
As you discuss the situation you note that the tracks from wagons and feet on the road lead into the city remnant.
Mar 28, 2024 9:53 pm
Kaarik looks at the tracks.
It seems to me that the expedition is using these roads, if there were any risk on going through the remnant, I believe they would have warned us. I am with Skeeve here, let's go.
It seems to me that the expedition is using these roads, if there were any risk on going through the remnant, I believe they would have warned us. I am with Skeeve here, let's go.
Mar 28, 2024 11:26 pm
You tentatively step across the boundary and into the remnant. As you do you all suffer waves of vertigo and a mild headache. Roll a save test
Those who have crossed a border or been subject to a Border Storm recognize the feeling and push through. Physically the barrier poses no limit to any of you but many who cross a Border, especially for the first time, find them very uncomfortable. Players can determine themselves if it their character has encountered a border before as long as their background or history would have included extensive travel
As you regain your senses and stabilize yourselves you look around. The interior of the remnant is much as you saw from outside but you fell something is subtlety wrong but you can't put your finger on what.
The streets are wide but you can tell the area is not laid out for large amounts of traffic as they turn or split often. Along the sides of the road are round patches of dirt with dead plants, trees, and a smattering of weeds and small scrub brush. The buildings are mostly single story structures with shallow roofs. A few look to have had second stories in the past but the upper levels are crumbling much more severely. Doors and window covers are tattered and falling off or gone completely.
Glancing inside one of the building you see it is mostly clear with a smattering of cracked bricks, dust, and others signs of neglect though it looks as if some areas have been cleared of rubble. Though lacking furniture the building bring to mind a residential neighborhood. Some of the scattered ruble looks to have ben shifted or piled together to clear out other areas..
Those who have crossed a border or been subject to a Border Storm recognize the feeling and push through. Physically the barrier poses no limit to any of you but many who cross a Border, especially for the first time, find them very uncomfortable. Players can determine themselves if it their character has encountered a border before as long as their background or history would have included extensive travel
As you regain your senses and stabilize yourselves you look around. The interior of the remnant is much as you saw from outside but you fell something is subtlety wrong but you can't put your finger on what.
The streets are wide but you can tell the area is not laid out for large amounts of traffic as they turn or split often. Along the sides of the road are round patches of dirt with dead plants, trees, and a smattering of weeds and small scrub brush. The buildings are mostly single story structures with shallow roofs. A few look to have had second stories in the past but the upper levels are crumbling much more severely. Doors and window covers are tattered and falling off or gone completely.
Glancing inside one of the building you see it is mostly clear with a smattering of cracked bricks, dust, and others signs of neglect though it looks as if some areas have been cleared of rubble. Though lacking furniture the building bring to mind a residential neighborhood. Some of the scattered ruble looks to have ben shifted or piled together to clear out other areas..
Mar 28, 2024 11:58 pm
The movement of the debris makes sense if it is being frequently visited by researchers from the Base.
Skeeve is very familiar with Borders, having had to negotiate one in his introductory adventure. And that wasn't even his first time from his pre-game travels. Doesn't help with the Save, but he knows what to expect.
He also checks to see what other subtle changes happened, especially things like time of day, season, or apparent age of the buildings. It looks like it wasn't an issue on the buildings.
Skeeve is very familiar with Borders, having had to negotiate one in his introductory adventure. And that wasn't even his first time from his pre-game travels. Doesn't help with the Save, but he knows what to expect.
He also checks to see what other subtle changes happened, especially things like time of day, season, or apparent age of the buildings. It looks like it wasn't an issue on the buildings.
Skeeve: Border Save Test DC: 5 - Basic - (2d6)
(32) = 5
Mar 29, 2024 12:24 am
Looking through the tumbled down ruin you can see that the center of the area is an open plaza with a couple large stone pavilions in it.
Mar 29, 2024 12:42 am
Blornvid shrugs when the others insist on going through anyway. Proceeding through—and apparently through a boundry—instills feelings of vertigo in him. He's feeling a bit queasy, but manages to push through it. Apparently, no worse than drinking too much ale.
Last edited March 29, 2024 12:45 am
Blornvid: Test DC: 5 - Basic - (2d6)
(15) = 6
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