Western Remnants

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Apr 5, 2024 6:15 pm
Blornvid shakes his head. "I get the whole Matrix thing, but these 'Borders' just give me a headache."
Apr 5, 2024 7:23 pm
ForeverDED says:
Blornvid shakes his head. "I get the whole Matrix thing, but these 'Borders' just give me a headache."
Yeah, I'm with you. I can't grasp the concept. The city I lived in didn't have boarders or whatever they are.

Ealdwig tries to grasp the concept. Scratching his head, didn't we just walk through two of these boarder things? I didn't like it but other than feeling a little ill, nothing else happened. This one is different? You think we'll get sent somewhere we don't want to go?

Thinking about it some more, if we went one at a time would we still get to the same place or will we all be separated?

What is the point of them? Why would you want to risk it?
Apr 5, 2024 7:39 pm
Kaarik does not seem very convince by the idea.
I am not sure that this is less dangerous that entering a remnant full of goblin. We could be directly in danger after crossing and then not able to cross once again anymore.

Are we even sure that the border would not move in the time we cross it and recross it once again?
Apr 5, 2024 8:55 pm
Exactly! That's what I meant!! Arc said to Skeeve.
And I do think we would get separated Arkmenos.
Now, I understand that the border is within the walls, but It is very instable.
So much unstable that nobody can truly conquer and use this remnant as a fort to take all the area we are in. Not in the common strategic sense.
Also, if we had paid them, I think they may have let us go in without rope, so we would be lost.

When listening to Kaarik... You have a good point there, danger not only traveling but also on the other side. Although I do prefer having my chances against some goblins than get thown to the south pole alone without a way to get back.

Arc remembered how those goblins spotted him, and what they shouted. He thought he was been careful enough not to be spotted, but their shouts clearify their intentions. Arc is almost always for peace, but this combination of evil intensions with lack of respect is very hard to deal with for Arc. And with this thought he became strongly aware of his bow in the right shoulder.

I'm curious about what they are actually doing there, but not THAT curious to risk being lost in borders.
Last edited April 5, 2024 9:31 pm
Apr 6, 2024 1:19 am
Though you are not well versed in the mechanics of the Borders you do know that the expedition members have been using the Library and residential remanent without concern for several weeks now. Entrance and exit by the gates seems to be standard and other than the nausea there are no difficulties. As the goblins are also focusing on the gates it seems reasonable that the gates are fixed crossing points but over the wall . . . . That seems much more perilous to cross though not impossible.

Apr 6, 2024 3:59 am
Really, I was just wanting to pop up to the top of the wall and see what I can see. But I only wanna do that if the wall (or at least the top of the wall) is outside the border.
Apr 6, 2024 8:03 am
Is there a pre-crossing sensation or feeling, something that would alert us a few metters before the actual crossing?
Apr 6, 2024 3:08 pm
Borders are almost equally detectable to all senses. Most people notice the visual distortions first but there is also a faint audible hum, and strange scents detectable at range. There is also a tingling sensation and task of sour electricity as you cross the border. Border thickness vary from a single foot to yards or possibly longer. Telepaths and those sensitive to magic can also detect Borders but no better than others with more common senses. The Borders at the Remnant gates are very quick, about 1/2 to 1 foot wide. Arc is unsure where the border is atop the walls but it may be possible to climb them though the view would essentially be the same as what he has already observed.
Apr 6, 2024 6:29 pm
Let's take all of these questions as an indication that trying anything tricky right now is probably a not a good idea.

"Let's head on to the other Remnant and see what we can see there. Based on the evidence of traffic we can see, someone is likely managing that one, too. We need to at least know what the situation there is."
Apr 8, 2024 11:26 am
"That sounds like a good plan. Unfortunately, I will not be joining you. I have pressing matters that I have to attend to away from this wonderous domain. Fairwell friends and be careful.", Barley says after consulting with Malachi, the spirit cat. The cat trots back towards the city and then looks back chirruping. Barley waves once more and then follows Malachi down the road., He bows and continues back towards the city.
Hi all! It is a pleasure playing with you, but do to real life commitments, I can't keep up with this posting rate. So, I think I need to bring Barley's journey to an end. Have fun, beware the tall grass!
Apr 8, 2024 12:59 pm
microtheMacroBear says:
"That sounds like a good plan. Unfortunately, I will not be joining you. I have pressing matters that I have to attend to away from this wonderous domain. Fairwell friends and be careful.", Barley says after consulting with Malachi, the spirit cat. The cat trots back towards the city and then looks back chirruping. Barley waves once more and then follows Malachi down the road., He bows and continues back towards the city.
Hi all! It is a pleasure playing with you, but do to real life commitments, I can't keep up with this posting rate. So, I think I need to bring Barley's journey to an end. Have fun, beware the tall grass!
Ealdwig says bye, good luck. to Barley.
Nice to meet you. Good luck and take care.
Apr 8, 2024 1:48 pm
"Fare thee well!"
Glad you were able to play when you could. I enjoyed reading the exploits of Barley and his group's adventures.
Apr 8, 2024 2:08 pm
"It was a pleasure meeting you elven friend."
All the best!
Apr 8, 2024 2:12 pm
After quick farewells Barley hours to catch up with Vaun and the rest of you turn south.

The trail enters thick trees and your visibility drops from hundreds of feet to dozens of less. Making your way through the thick trees. The path runs it's way through them and you come to the far side of the trees to see another walled Remnant. Again they're are two sets of gates to a side. Both the mother's gates are slightly open and the haze of the Border can be seen over the walls.
Date&Time(Alpha): 19@10:45
Apr 8, 2024 3:12 pm
Do we see any guards hanging around these gates? I'm assuming not, but figured I'd specifically ask.
"Well, let's get a closer look. Arc, would you do some recon?"
Wow! It is really convenient to have some aerial scouting available!
Apr 8, 2024 7:42 pm
Yes it is.
Is this one the same as the others? Ealdwig looks unhappy at the prospect, are we going to get sick again? I really didn't like that.
Apr 8, 2024 9:36 pm
"It would appear that all of these Remnants have Borders. Maybe the only reason they still exist is because of the Borders. Not sure on that."
Apr 9, 2024 12:10 am
Can we get around the border, somehow? Thinking that isn't possible, unless we stay on the outside. Is getting sick a the worst thing that an happen? What is to stop it from shooting us around time and space? Scary.
Apr 9, 2024 5:17 am
There are no guards. The discomfort from crossing Boarders will decrease with each crossing. Usually...
Apr 9, 2024 2:58 pm
With no guards, Skeeve is ready to charge on in, once the initial surveillance is done. Then we can search again once we're inside.

New question: how many recent tracks do we see? Does it look like we should expect to see other explorers on the inside?
Last edited April 9, 2024 2:59 pm
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