Magic: the Gathering; Fate Core

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Sep 11, 2016 2:17 pm
I've started a game if any one wants to join.

I'm new to this site, so if there are any additional steps I need to take to get this to work, I'd like to know.
Sep 11, 2016 4:31 pm
Looks good, just concerned that I do t know MTG well enough to play.
Sep 11, 2016 5:02 pm
You don't have to be too familiar with the M:tG lore. The basic jist is that the characters are planeswalkers people who can travel between the various planes of existance within the multiverse. The five colors of magic each has a philosophy tied to it and are oversimplified as follows: White (Peace through Structure), blUe (Perfection through Knowledge), Black (Power through Opportunity), Red (Freedom through Action), Green (Growth through Acceptance).
Last edited Sep 11, 2016 5:04 pm
Sep 13, 2016 3:49 am
Actually, Dmsshdow, I need you to change your first planeswalk aspect. It's too specific to a single plane. It'll only ever come up when on Ravinca or when Renzil encounters a Dimir 'walker (both of which are unlikely. Please change it to reflect how that experience shaped the character personally.
Sep 13, 2016 4:54 pm
I have applied. I have long considered how to run a Magic the gathering game in fate. Looking forward to playing.
Sep 18, 2016 3:30 am
Alright, let's take a look at your character.
High Aspect
Escaped Mutant Shapeshifter Wizard
Sliver Corruption
Project Riptide Experimenter
The High Concept is fine if a bit clunky.
While your background would suggest a much narrower application of your trouble, don't worry, I'll find plenty of ways to compel it.
For what I can only guess is your Origin Aspect: I like it, but please label in the same manner as the others.
You still need a First Planeswalk aspect, but judging from your backstory, I'm guessing it'll be something along the lines of Fiercely individualistic.
blUe +4
Green +4
Personally, the character feels more Red than Green to me, but characters don't have to use the colors of magic that they are, so this is fine.
Pass Unseen
Once per scene, you can vanish while in plain sight by spending a fate point, using a smoke pellet or other mysterious technique. This places the Vanished boost on you. While you’re vanished, no one can attack or create an advantage on you until after they’ve succeeded at an overcome roll with Notice to suss out where you went (basically meaning they have to give up an exchange to try). This aspect goes away as soon as you invoke it, or someone makes that overcome roll.
First off: Boosts are not the same as aspects, they are never named (they're just boosts), and they automatically apply +2 to the next roll (or next roll of a kind specified by whatever generated the boost) that the character makes; that said, this stunt is a bit much. This is at least two stunts, "Once per scene, you may spend a fate point instead of rolling stealth and say that you got a Great (+4) total result." and "You get +2 to stealth to remain hidden while moving. This does not work if you attack this turn."
Laboratory Horrors
+2 to defend against Provoke attacks specifically related to intimidation and fear.
With a name like that, it make moresense to give the bonus to attack instead of defend.
+2 to Blue Overcome and Attack actions when flying would be a benefit.
Actually, Flight would be "Can move in all three spacial dimentions and can hover in place. At what altitude constitutes a new zone is up to G.M. discretion."
Succeed on a Green +2 roll to remove all physical stress.
This is better handled as a spell, not a stunts. No need to pay refresh for it.
Once per scene Nostra can succeed with style on a Attack action.
Specify which stress track this stunt affects and I'll let it succeed without style.

You're also missing your social stress track, which would have three stress boxes due to your Average (+1) Rapport. Your Mental stress track should have four stress boxes die to your Good (+3) Will.

Looks good otherwise.
Last edited Sep 18, 2016 3:32 am
Sep 22, 2016 10:32 am
Sorry, I'd missed the post as I'd not subscribed to the thread. I'll sort that apsect out asap :)
Sep 26, 2016 12:33 pm
Unfortunately I've decided to drop out of this game. It was taking a little while to start up, and a couple of other games came up that I wanted to join (I don't want to over commit to games so one had to go).


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