Chapter 6.1: Stellar Deliveries

Apr 4, 2024 5:35 pm
As the Celestial Voyager departed from Verdura, Lt. Douklan Paravides maneuvered the ship smoothly through the vast expanse of space, his steady hands guiding the vessel towards their next destination: Zyronis. With Peter Morgan diligently manning their only gun, Mercer keeping a watchful eye on the cargo bay, Corbin McRogers analysing the output of the ship's engines, and Hank Heron managing comms and serving as the first officer, the crew of the Celestial Voyager worked in harmony under the command of Captain Valeria Zaytsev.

Their next stop and goal was clear: deliver vital supplies to the Stellar Express major trading station orbiting Zyronis. Among their cargo were mail packages eagerly awaited by those stationed there, clothing destined for weary travelers and workers, and the precious cargo of 300 tons of Nocturna's Blossom Extract. This freight delivery will give 19,613 credits to the CV coffers and complete Mercer's contract with Stellar Express.

Hank could also sell some of their speculative cargo to the Stellar Express brokers, if he wanted to, or wait a little and negotiate directly with other companies from the ecumenopolis.
Please describe what your PCs did during the journey and/or feel free to interact among yourselves or with NPCs between the moment you left Verdura and before your arrival at the station. Otherwise, if everyone is ready "to go" and don't have anything relevant that you wanna do in those days, just say so and I will arrive at the Stellar Express station.
Apr 4, 2024 8:26 pm
Since this is in-system traffic, we should probably be able to communicate with Zyronis Prime on the way in. So, Hank will start doing some preliminary work:
1) Do initial research on trade goods and markets. See if they have any stupid laws and such.
2) Work on and post a listing for a new doctor (again).
3) Make initial contact with Stellar Express to see if there is anything special we have to do to deliver their freight.

If time allows, he'll spend some time socializing, too.
Apr 4, 2024 8:54 pm
Mercer will spend time getting to know people, setting up games, and doing check ins of the cargo bay every couple hours.
Mercer will also help Hank with any trade good research..
Apr 4, 2024 11:24 pm
Hank is happy to confirm that Zyronis has pretty regular laws, taxes and such.

He also learns from a Stellar Express (SE) representative that they now can buy, for 50 credits, a special device that connects their regular dataslabs with StellarNet - a proprietary system and communication network where you will be able to find freight, brokers, passengers, special deals, gigs, crew members, mercenary jobs, second hand ships and fittings, etc. He suggests you wait to use that instead of the regular planetary bulletin boards to look for a doctor.
Will you?
Hank also learns that there is nothing special necessary for the delivery. Just dock, transfer the cargo under Mercer's supervision, sign some stuff and you're good to go.
Mercer gets to know more of the crew. He also receives an offer from Captain Zaytsev to join them after his current job with Stellar Express. She thanks him for his collaboration and contacts in the Starfire Citrus deal.
What do you do?
Apr 5, 2024 12:13 am
"It sounds like a great opportunity. Assuming there are no surprises at Zyronis I would love the steady work. "
Apr 5, 2024 1:46 am

Hank will definitely be getting that 50 credit device! In fact, he is going to get a second dataslab to go with it. (That way it can be used purely for Stellar Express stuff, and keep his personal stuff personal.)

And, yeah, he'll wait to make the posting.
Apr 6, 2024 12:03 am
Mercer, the captain smiles and agrees with you. She is eager for you to join the crew and share your experiences.
Moving on to the next day, after our departure...

Trade Era 1235, Day 161

Celestial Voyager, en route to Zyronis

The Celestial Voyager hummed softly as it traversed the vastness of space, its crew engaged in a rare moment of leisure. Gathered in the ship's common area, Mercer shuffled a deck of cards with practiced ease, a mischievous glint in his eyes.

"Alright, everyone," he announced, his voice carrying a playful tone, "who's up for a game of cards?"

Peter Morgan, Douklan, Corbin McRogers, Hank Heron, and Erin exchanged knowing looks, their faces breaking into smiles at the prospect of some friendly competition. But before they could start, a voice piped up from the doorway.

"I hope you don't mind if I join in," said Mariella Solbjerg, the journeywoman from the Explorers Division, stepping into the room with a grin.

"Of course not, Mariella," Erin replied warmly, gesturing for her to take a seat at the table. "The more, the merrier."

With everyone settled around the table, Lt. Paravides dealt out the cards, the anticipation in the air palpable as they prepared to test their luck and skill against one another.

The game commenced with lively banter and good-natured ribbing as the crew played hand after hand, each member revealing different facets of their personalities with every card laid down.

As the card game progressed and the banter flowed freely around the table, Douklan found his mind drifting to weightier matters.

Finally, unable to contain his thoughts any longer, Douklan turned to Mariella Solbjerg, who sat across from him, her expression a mix of concentration and amusement as she considered her next move.
Douklan, do you wanna talk to her now? Or will you just leave it be and ask her about your conundrums in another opportunity? =)
Apr 7, 2024 9:35 am
In the meantime, does Peter or Corbin want to do anything special between the time you leave Verdura and before you arrive at the station or just the normal stuff?
Apr 8, 2024 12:13 pm
Corbin sticks to the 'normal stuff'. He's still working on losing the visions of the ship with a massive hole in it and getting used to a routine where the synth's are always up.
Apr 8, 2024 12:22 pm
Peter also sticks to the normal stuff he keeps a eye in the defense systems and makes sure all the weapons are locked and safely guarded.
Apr 8, 2024 4:28 pm
"...and that's why everyone called him 'short stack!'" Douklan grinned at the punchline, then profferred the deck to Mariella to cut. "Life in Destroid was hard, but it had its lighter moments. And no," he glanced at Corbin, "I don't just mean the microgravity!" They smiled at the running gag, and Douklan began to deal cards for the next hand. "But I am curious about life in the Explorers, Mariella. As a boy, I dreamed of becoming an Explorer, myself." He smirks in a bit of self-deprecation. "Mostly I think I just dreamed of a way out of Destroid. Aces low, Queens wild." He picked up his hand of cards and theatrically tried to hide a wince. "But I remain curious. What is life like, as an Explorer? Do you ever find it difficult to move on from a system?"
Apr 8, 2024 7:46 pm
Trade Era 1235, Day 161

Celestial Voyager, en route to Zyronis

Mariella smiled warmly as she listened to Douklan's words, her black-ish eyes reflecting a hint of nostalgia for her formative years under Master Alaric. "Life in the Explorers Division is certainly an adventure," she began, her voice carrying a sense of reverence for the work they did. "Every system we visit, every planet we land, every station we dock holds its own mysteries and wonders, and there's always something new to discover. But it's not without its challenges."

Mariella’s expression grew contemplative as she reflected on Douklan's implicit question.

"You know, Douklan, you've touched on something that many of us in the Explorers Division grapple with from time to time," she admitted. "The allure of the unknown, the thrill of discovery—it's what drew us to this life in the first place. Yet, there are fleeting instances when we feel that unbearable lightness, as if we're adrift between worlds, devoid of significance, without a genuine care or connection to anything tangible."

She glanced down at her cards, the weight of her words settling over the table like a solemn reminder of the transient nature of human existence. "So, indeed, there are times when we yearn for something more, something stable and grounding. We see the communities we visit, the bonds they share, and we can't help but wonder what it would be like to have roots of our own."

"It can be especially difficult when we encounter groups, civilizations or cultures that leave a lasting impression. But part of being an Explorer is understanding that our journey is ever-forward. We carry the memories and lessons of each system with us, but we also have a duty to keep exploring, to keep pushing the boundaries of what we know."

Mariella's gaze shifted to the viewport, where the stars painted a tapestry of distant worlds against the black canvas of space. "So for some of us, the call of the cosmos is too strong to resist. We may dream of settling down someday, of building a home among the stars, but for now, our place is out there, among the unknown."

As she spoke, Mariella glanced around the table, meeting the gaze of each crew member. "And moments like these," she continued, gesturing to the camaraderie and shared laughter around the card table, "they help remind us of why we do what we do. It's not just about the destinations, the planets, the cities, the ruins; it's about the journey, the people and the bonds we form along the way."

With a wistful smile, she looked back at Douklan and the rest of the crew. "But who knows what the future holds? Perhaps one day, I'll find my place among the stars… In a way I never expected." Turning her attention back to the game, she added, "But for now, let's see if the cards are in my favor this round."
Trade Era 1235, Day 162

Celestial Voyager, Zyronis orbit

From space, the ecumenopolis below sprawls like a pulsating organism, its metallic veins stretching across the planetary surface, weaving a tapestry of light and life. The planet is adorned with the glimmering jewel of civilization—a metropolis that knows no bounds.

As the Celestial Voyager orbits over the planet's curvature, the first sight that captures the eye is the luminescent network of highways, crisscrossing the landscape like glowing arteries, pulsing with the constant flow of traffic. Towers of carbon and steel pierce the sky, reaching towards the stars with an insatiable ambition, their surfaces reflecting the orange glow of artificial illumination.

Clusters of districts form intricate patterns, each with its own character and purpose. The residential sectors, marked by their towering skyscrapers, appear as glowing beacons of humanity's collective existence, where millions reside in vertical cities that never sleep. Commercial districts bustle with activity, neon signs flashing in a kaleidoscope of colors, enticing denizens and visitors alike with promises of luxury and convenience.

Above the bustling streets and towering edifices, hundreds of small stations float like islands in the sky, their delicate structures defying gravity's pull. Each station is a microcosm of human endeavor, housing laboratories, factories, and living quarters for those who toil in the void above the city. Tethered by slender spires of carbon nanotubes, these stations serve as hubs of innovation and industry, their presence a testament to humanity's ingenuity and adaptability.

As the Celestial Voyager gracefully maneuvers through the orbital traffic lanes, its destination becomes apparent—a behemoth among the floating stations, the Stellar Express Hub. The hub emerges like a colossal celestial beacon, its sprawling structure dominating the view.

Approaching closer, the enormity of the hub becomes even more apparent. Its colossal docking bays stretch out like yawning chasms, eagerly awaiting the arrival of vessels from across the galaxy. With a gentle maneuver, the Celestial Voyager aligns itself with one of the gigantic docking bays, guided by the deft hands of Douklan Paravides. The bay's metallic doors yawn open with a low hum, revealing a cavernous expanse within—a vast hangar large enough to house entire fleets of spacecraft. Massive cranes and gantries hover overhead, their mechanical arms poised to assist with the delicate process of docking and unloading. Within the confines of the docking bay, vessels and workers clad in protective suits scurry about, their movements synchronized with the precision of a well-oiled machine as they attend to the needs of incoming starships.

With a soft thud, the Celestial Voyager completes its docking maneuver, securely mooring itself. As the vessel's engines power down, Mercer, Hank and other crew members prepare to unload the precious cargo and mail destined for the heart of the ecumenopolis below.

The process begins with cargo handlers and automated systems work in harmony to offload the hundreds of tons of goods from the hold of the Celestial Voyager. Cranes and conveyors whir into action, their mechanical arms reaching out to grasp containers and pallets, transferring them with effortless grace to waiting transport vehicles below.

As the bustling activity of unloading continues, a figure enters the starship and strides purposefully towards Hank and Mercer. Looking like a Stellar Express manager, he carries a dataslab in hand, accompanied by a humanoid droid bearing the sought-after StellarNet communication device. With a nod, he greets Hank and Mercer, acknowledging their safe delivery of the cargo.

"Good morning gentlemen," the Stellar Express manager begins, his voice carrying an air of authority tempered with appreciation. "I come bearing the StellarNet communication device you procured. This droid is equipped with the necessary knowledge for installation. Were should we put it?"

After Hank's answer, the manager presents the dataslab, indicating where Hank and Mercer should affix their signatures—a formality marking the successful completion of their transaction. As the signatures are obtained, the manager offers his congratulations, his demeanor exuding genuine gratitude for their contribution to the smooth operation.

"Congratulations on your first successful delivery," he says, a warm smile gracing his lips. "Your efforts ensure that the wheels of commerce continue to turn smoothly within our bustling metropolis. Future transactions will be handled using StellarNet, so you probably won't see me again. Safe travels on your next journey, and may fortune favor you along the way."

With a final nod of acknowledgment, the Stellar Express manager departs, leaving Hank and Mercer to continue their duties aboard the Celestial Voyager.
This freight delivery will give 19,613 credits to the CV coffers and complete Mercer's contract with Stellar Express. Mercer, receive 300 credits and you can keep the weapons and armor you got from them.

With the Stellar Express manager's departure, Hank and Mercer turn their attention to the droid carrying the newest StellarNet communication device. Effortlessly, the droid navigates through the ship's corridors to the designated installation point, its movements precise and efficient. As it reaches the designated spot, the droid unfurls a series of appendages, each one designed for a specific task.

With a soft hum, the droid begins the installation process, its mechanical limbs working with remarkable dexterity as it integrates the device into the ship's communication array. Wires are connected, circuits are aligned, and within moments, the installation is complete. The droid emits a cheerful beep, signaling that the task is done. Then, with a graceful turn, the droid exits the ship, its mission accomplished. Hank wastes no time in booting up the interface of the newly installed StellarNet device.

The interface springs to life with a burst of green light, illuminating the screen with a myriad of options. Deals, jobs, and communication channels flicker into view, each one a potential opportunity waiting to be explored. Hank's eyes scan the interface, taking in the wealth of information at his fingertips.
Welcome and thank you for joining us! StellarNet provides a suite of features and tools that can help you connect with thousands of customers and suppliers, including the Stellar Express megacorporation.

The following is almost completely randomized. I rolled the dice in the background.

Weekly deals
Top deals
Adrenal Suppression Pump
$30,000 $24,600
(Save $5,400)
Recommended for you
Armored Undersuit (AC13)
$600 $558
(Save $42)
Best deals - Ships and Fittings
Survey sensor array, for Cruisers
$125,000 $115,000
(Save $10,000)
Jobs and missions
Transport prisioner to trial at Englene Station (Dianreti system)
- The prisioner is a suspected murderer and deep-dwelling prophet who considers "the sky" a blasphemy to be quelled.
- He is part of the deep-dwelling sect. There is another sect in Englene Station of the same religion but with opposite views. People in those sects hates each other bitterly.
- He lives in Zyronis but the crime happened at the station, so he is being transported back there.

- $500 credits
- 0.5 tons of religious clothing and arts (Cultural, Religious) - Base price: $10,000 per ton
Once in a lifetime opportunity to own a pre-tech refinery
- A harried engineer has discovered a partially-complete schematic for an ancient pretech refinery unit that produces vast amounts of edible compounds.
- Several remote chemical-reeking underways on the planet are indicated as having the necessary pretech spare parts required to build the device.
- Underways are vast, inter-continental subterranean tunnels, big enough for a gravcar to enter.

Prerequisites to receive the rewards:
- Have a small corporate headquarters in Zyronis (Cost to estabilish one: 10,000 credits)
- Hire a local NPC manager and put him in charge of all your company operations in the system (another short side quest)

- 49% ownership of the refinery unit. It is expected to produce 1d8 x 10 tons of edible kibble per month (its kibble is a Common, Agricultural product with a base/galactic price of $50/ton)
Rescue a salvage crew stranded near the Forbidden Regions
- $2,000 (crew alive) or $500 (proof of death)

Other possible rewards (extra, not given by the sponsor, no guarantees):
- Drive-4 core that the crew was looking for (Frigate size, worth up to $300,000 credits, takes 24 tons to transport)
- Other salvage (equipment, drones, artifacts, etc)
- New crew members
Tug a Spargel class Heavy Frigate from Zyronis to Englene Station (Dianreti system)
- The ship design is available in this link
- The frigate will be unmanned and mothballed. All the weapons and active defense systems will be disabled and it would take a week to hack and fiddle with enough wires and connections to use one without their activation keys (transported by someone else).
- You can temporarily transfer some of the CV's crew and/or synths to it, if you want to, for protection against boarding parties and/or operation of the non-weapons systems (system drives, navigation, life support, armory, etc). Without the weapons and related systems, it just needs 10 crew for basic operation.

- A cruiser-class ship with Shiptender mount to tug it.

- $100,000
Freight and passengers
Cargo: Colonial Survival Supplies
Amount: 61 tons
Destination: Neptunia
Payment: $1,525
Cargo: Fusion Plant parts
Amount: 470 tons
Destination: Englene Station
Payment: $35,250
Cargo: Parts, Basic Industry
Amount: 97 tons
Destination: Englene Station
Payment: $7,275
Cargo: Postech Building Material
Amount: 79 tons
Destination: Neptunia
Payment: $1,975
Cargo: Regular passenger
Amount: 2 people
Destination: Altairia
Payment: $5,100
Cargo: Luxury passenger (need the Luxury cabins ship fitting)
Amount: 1 person
Destination: Castand II
Payment: $10,500
Deals, jobs and freight are updated weekly or as soon as you arrive in another star system!
What do you do?
Apr 8, 2024 9:35 pm
Golfclap for that post.

Mercer, always on the lookout for the next opportunity, is look at the available jobs.
Looks like there are two freight jobs, and a valuable tow job, all with Englene Station as a destination. It may make sense to take them all. I know the CV doesn't have a Shiptender, but with a payout like that it may make sense to get one fitted.
Besides, I would like to know where the next destination is, once the CV is done here. And when we plan to head out.
If we have time I may be looking to pick up this Transport or Rescue mission.

Mercer will probably buy that Armored Undersuit unless someone else wants it.
Also, at some point Mercer will bring up, probably to Hank (or the Captain) Hey, I'll need to unload the cargo I have been contracted to guard soon once we arrive. Unless you need me for something I'd like to do it first thing
Last edited April 8, 2024 10:04 pm
Apr 8, 2024 11:22 pm
Is Neptunia the world between Castland and Altairia? That world is currently unnamed in the Stellar Cartography topic.

Where is the Forbidden Regions? Is it in this system, or is it in another system or somewhere else?
"Our next destination is the Dianreti system, which includes Englene Station. Our terminus is Altairia, where we become a full charter. The stop after that is Castland. With as much time as we lost on Draco, I imagine we can't afford any side trips. So, yes, I am grabbing the two freight loads to Englene Station.

On the rest, I don't know if we want two passengers underfoot for four jumps. We don't have luxury fittings (either the cabins or the personnel). I don't want to bother with a nutcase murderer. We don't have a Shiptender mount and we don't have the crew needed to run both our ship and that ship, so we are kinda locked out of that effort.

For the rescue/salvage mission or the pretech factory, those are decisions above my pay grade."
And ... we'll need to get prices for our speculative cargo and what speculative cargo is available to us.

I guess it is time for some rolls! The first set of rolls are to determine the price Hank can get for the various goods he is looking to sell. The last two rolls are to see what he can try to buy here.
He wants to take both the Fusion Plant parts and Basic Industry parts to Englene Station. If the Salvage job interests the Captain, we can try that out, too. Wish we could transport the frigate, but we just can't take that job for the reasons he said to Mercer.
Last edited April 8, 2024 11:23 pm


Hank Heron: Trade: Starfire Citrus Price - (3d6h2+2+2)

(331) + 4 = 10

Hank Heron: Trade: Platinum Price - (3d6h2+2+1)

(662) + 3 = 15

Hank Heron: Trade: Nocturna Extract Price - (3d6h2+2+2)

(644) + 4 = 14

Hank Heron: Trade: Grav Plates Price - (3d6h2+2)

(226) + 2 = 10

Hank Heron: Trade: Data Storage Device Price - (3d6h2+2)

(144) + 2 = 10

Speculative Trade Good Roll 1 - (1d10)

(8) = 8

Speculative Trade Good Roll 2 - (1d10)

(8) = 8

Apr 8, 2024 11:40 pm
Neptunia is where the Sentinel is, another planet in this system. You have to go there, unless you don't wanna your Navy escort ;)

About the freight, your Stellar Express points just let you take a maximum total of 330 tons of freight simultaneously, now that Mercer is not working for them (unless you do some of their side jobs first and get more points). See the Celestial Voyager character sheet for more details.

About the rescue mission, the Captain will follow what the players (not necessarily the crew/pcs) wants. Do you wanna take it? The Forbidden Regions is in Zyronis. More details about it are here

Prices and trade goods in my next post.

Let's take the rescue side-quest Public

No, let's move on.
Apr 8, 2024 11:58 pm
Ok, since we can't get the one freight worth anything, we might as well grab the other three. At least two will be in-n-out.

As for the rescue/salvage mission, Hanks ready to go! He will buy an armored vacc suit, however before we head out.
Apr 9, 2024 12:00 am
can I Aid that Starfire Citrus price with Talk?


Mercer Canaan Furio: Talk - Usual roll - (3D6h2+3)

(461) + 3 = 13

Apr 9, 2024 12:13 am
You probably forgot about Friction and Mercer bonus. It's also 3 not 2 dice. Its not a regular trade roll. ;) I will keep your dice, but I will roll one extra and calculate the correct DMs.

Does Peter have any ideas for using another skill to Aid the group? (Specially for the Citrus)

Merchant’s group: Hank (Trade 2, Specialist 1) + Mercer (Connect 0, Charisma modifier 2)
Group's Expertise: 4
Friction: 3

Market modifiers: -2 Consumer, -1 Tool, +1 Mineral, +2 Agricultural

Selling your Trade Goods in Zyronis (not in the SE station)
Starfire Citrus
Modifiers: +4 expertise, -3 friction, +2 agricultural
Roll: 4d6h3+3 = 14
Sells for: $14,000 / ton

Platinum ingots
Modifiers: +4 expertise, -3 friction, +1 mineral
Roll: 4d6h3+2 = 16
Sells for: $3,600 (your 0.1 tons)

Nocturna Extract
Modifiers: +4 expertise, -3 friction, +2 agricultural
Roll: 4d6h3+1 = 15
Sells for: $3,200/ton

Grav plates
Roll: 12
Sells for: $27,500/ton

Data storage drives
Roll: 13
Sells for: $12,000 (your 0.2 tons)


Roll for Citrus, Platinum, Extract, plates, drive - (1d6, 1d6, 1d6, 1d6, 1d6)

1d6 : (5) = 5

1d6 : (1) = 1

1d6 : (3) = 3

1d6 : (3) = 3

1d6 : (4) = 4

Apr 9, 2024 12:16 am
can I Aid that Starfire Citrus price with Talk?
No, because you're part of the main group. We need your charisma, it's the best modifier. Mariella doesn't help, because she is worse or equal to Mercer in all relevant DMs
Apr 9, 2024 12:18 am
So with 3.2 tons, Mercer makes 28.8 44.8k?number edited
If we're doing the mission, Mercer will upgrade his armor actually. He wants to get a Custom Combat Field Uniform, and get his Vibroblade Customized, and a Shield.
Combat Armor PG 65
Customized PG 91
Last edited April 9, 2024 1:11 am


Mercer Canaan Furio: Sneak - Usual roll - (2D6+1)

load next

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