Chapter 6.1: Stellar Deliveries

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Apr 9, 2024 12:46 am
So with 3.2 tons, Mercer makes 28.8k?
44,800 actually, More if Peter helps. Daryen missed one die and I didn't realize when I first posted. I fixed the prices now. As a reference, 1 credit is equivalent to approximately 1 US dollar, in purchasing power. You're f*** rich.

PS: We will see what is available for purchase after we finish all selling
Apr 9, 2024 1:27 am
At a minimum, Hank wants to sell the Citrus, Extract, and his Platinum.

He's still deciding on the Grav Plates and Data Storage.

Also, we will list for the Medic. We need someone with at least a +1 modifier, however that is expressed in-game.

And if we do take the rescue mission, I assume we can't dilly-dally too much? Hank has some buying to do. Not just the new speculation, but he has some ship and shuttle improvements to get. Maybe we can do the frigate transport mission after all ...

@PhoenixScientist, Mercer doesn't need to buy any armor. One of the ship systems that Hank wants to get is an Armory, which will fix that issue directly.
Last edited April 9, 2024 1:32 am
Apr 9, 2024 3:00 am
A couple points of inquiry.
htech says:

Jobs and missions
Once in a lifetime opportunity to own a pre-tech refinery
- A harried engineer has discovered a partially-complete schematic for an ancient pretech refinery unit that produces vast amounts of edible compounds.
- Several remote chemical-reeking underways on the planet are indicated as having the necessary pretech spare parts required to build the device.
- Underways are vast, inter-continental subterranean tunnels, big enough for a gravcar to enter.

Prerequisites to receive the rewards:
- Have a small corporate headquarters in Zyronis (Cost to establish one: 10,000 credits)
- Hire a local NPC manager and put him in charge of all your company operations in the system (another short side quest)

- 49% ownership of the refinery unit. It is expected to produce 1d8 x 10 tons of edible kibble per month (its kibble is a Common, Agricultural product with a base/galactic price of $50/ton)
Tug a Spargel class Heavy Frigate from Zyronis to Englene Station (Dianreti system)
- The ship design is available in this link
- The frigate will be unmanned and mothballed. All the weapons and active defense systems will be disabled and it would take a week to hack and fiddle with enough wires and connections to use one without their activation keys (transported by someone else).
- You can temporarily transfer some of the CV's crew and/or synths to it, if you want to, for protection against boarding parties and/or operation of the non-weapons systems (system drives, navigation, life support, armory, etc). Without the weapons and related systems, it just needs 10 crew for basic operation.

- A cruiser-class ship with Shiptender mount to tug it.

- $100,000
The total monetary cost here is expected top be 10k, yes? What would the actual pay be? 49% of the gross profit?
How long would a trip from Xyronis to Englene Station take? How hard would it be to get a general crew of 10 from some sort of hiring agency or such? (assuming partial pay up front for a 1 time job?)
Last edited April 9, 2024 3:11 am
Apr 9, 2024 9:24 am
The total monetary cost here is expected to be 10k, yes?
Yup. But there are 2 quests involved: one for the refinery and a shorter one for the manager.
What would the actual pay be? 49% of the gross profit?
You would actually own 49% of the kibble. You can transport and/or sell it like speculative trading whenever you are in system or leave a standing order for the manager to automatically sell it on Zyronis and receive the profit.
And if we do take the rescue mission, I assume we can't dilly-dally too much?
You can :) Traveling takes waaay more (in game) time than trading, buying the ship fittings or going for all the quests. You can assume that as long as you don't ever go backwards until you get to Altairia, Prof. Stone and the Explorers won't mind the delay ;)
How long would a trip from Xyronis to Englene Station take?
6 days if you go straight, 8 as you need to get to Neptunia first as the Sentinel is waiting there.
How hard would it be to get a general crew of 10 from some sort of hiring agency or such? (assuming partial pay up front for a 1 time job?)
Nameless NPCs can be hired using StellarNet in major population centers. So... Not complicated.

I will post something in character for the selling today.
Apr 9, 2024 2:54 pm
For the record, Hank is willing to consider ferrying the ship, but it will require a serious investment for the required ship fitting. Not a showstopper. He will not consider hiring crew to take it for us. Mercer can do it on his own, but Hank would rather get the ship fitting and use that. In fact, I am coming around on it. We will have to spend $30K to make $100K. That seems a good bet.

Also, I have to admit I still have way too much Traveller in me. Passengers are just an invitation for drama and headaches. Luxury passengers will be a nightmare. Not because they are going to hijack the ship, but because they will be self-entitled jerks. Hiring a full new NPC crew with no history just says to me that it is guaranteed to have traitors in it. It just seems like a losing bet and I don't want that bet.

On the Kibble factory, if we were going to be sticking around, Hank would be all over that. But we're not. We are just passing through to somewhere far away. It will be at least six months before we come back this way. Probably way more. That mission just seems to be a lot of work for benefits we won't see until the campaign is over.
Apr 9, 2024 3:26 pm
Mercer was definitely looking at, and probably have mentioned both buying the factory himself (he will not be against splitting) and doing all the work required for the ferrying job. In fact if Hank, or anyone else, drags his feet Mercer will jump on both. If not he will split.
Will give everyone a chance to respond..
Apr 9, 2024 3:38 pm
Hank is out on the factory.

Hank is in on the ship as long as we can get the fitting from our proceeds.
Apr 9, 2024 6:40 pm
Does Peter have any ideas for using another skill to Aid the group? (Specially for the Citrus)
Not sure if i could do that, but Peter does not have much Charisma or Talk to help, but he could help with his security expertise, and add in parcel insurance with armed security all the way to delivery for a added cost.
not really sure what i would roll for that...
Last edited April 9, 2024 6:59 pm
Apr 9, 2024 6:59 pm
"Mercer, do you have any contacts planet side, i'm interested in buying at least a part with you if you are goung to go for it, but it would be good to have someone with experience in the planet, to know if everything is good in the deal and at least to keep an eye on it while we are out"

Peter expends a long time doing calculations on his datapad and taking a look at his money reserves, he has always depended only on his salary but after entering in the crew he noticed that he could earn way more with trading and trying his luck in other bussiness and havin a "steadyish" form of income would be a great deal for him.
At the moment Peter is low on funds, he would only be able to help with 15% of the value, but if they could wait for after the seeling of the starfire citrus he could go 50%
Apr 9, 2024 7:07 pm


Mercer Canaan Furio: Connect - Usual roll - (2D6+2)

(52) + 2 = 9

Apr 9, 2024 7:58 pm
Hank is selling the ship's Citrus. It is easy enough for Hank to include everything in on the sale, then just divide things out after the sale.
Apr 9, 2024 11:33 pm
We can create another thread for the Kibble mission later. You must do it one at a time (at least with the same PCs - ie. Peter and Mercer can't go for the factory and the rescue simultaneously)
Communicating with potential buyers via the ship's systems, Hank and Mercer negotiated favorable terms for the sale of the Citrus, Platinum and Nocturna's Blossom Extract with buyers from Zyronis.

Unfortunately, as the crew began preparing the cargo of Starfire Citrus, they soon discovered a troubling sight: approximately 16% of the fruit had succumbed to rot during the journey. Captain Zaytsev grimaced as she surveyed the spoiled crates, their once vibrant hues now marred by decay.
This is one of the possible Troubles that afflict traders. (Un)fortunately only the Citrus failed that roll.
With a heavy heart, Peter, Mercer and the rest of the crew set to work, carefully inspecting each crate to determine the extent of the damage. With gloves and masks to protect against the foul odor and potential contaminants, they gingerly removed the rotten fruit, discarding it into designated waste containers.

Despite their best efforts to salvage what they could, the loss weighed heavily on the crew. The aroma of fresh citrus mingled with the stench of decay, serving as a stark reminder of the fragility of their cargo and the challenges of space travel. Either way, they ensured that the remaining crates were properly inspected and accounted for. With the agreements finalized, Hank and Mercer coordinated the transfer of the remaining goods to the buyers' vessels, overseeing the loading process with meticulous care to ensure that the fruit and other stuff arrived in pristine condition.

Using the confusion as a cover, Mercer also surreptitiously unloads his "special boxes", secretly contacting the Ironsides representative to confirm their delivery to one of the Zyronis companies posing as Mercer's contractor. He receives a terse message saying that his debt is paid and that he can contact them again if he needs anything.
The Celestial Voyager receives 486,400 credits from selling the Citrus and the Extract.

Hank gets 3,600 credits from the platinum.

Mercer gets 37,632 credits from the Citrus and can consider his covert mission accomplished.

Peter gets 11,760 credits from the Citrus.

I have also transfered the CV's freight money ($150 from Mercer, $7 from Hank) to carry your stuff from Draco. The status character sheet and CV sheet are now up to date.

With the sale concluded, the Celestial Voyager gracefully disengages from the docking bay of the Stellar Express station, Captain Valeria Zaytsev summons the crew to the bridge. With a sense of urgency in her voice, she outlines a new mission—one that has come to their attention through the vast network of StellarNet.

"Gather round, everyone," Captain Zaytsev begins. "We've received a distress signal via StellarNet. A salvage crew is stranded near the Forbidden Regions, and they're in desperate need of our help.

It has been years since someone got close to the Forbidden Regions in Zyronis, but legends tell that within its lower levels lurked abominations, twisted creations of advanced technology gone awry. Bugs of metal and flesh, monstrous amalgamations of organic and synthetic, roamed the labyrinthine corridors.

Either way, we will be rescuing 4 people. Led by Captain Elena Ramirez, a seasoned ex-navy veteran, the salvage crew is known for their daring exploits and fearless determination."

Zaytsev displays a holographic picture of the crew. 2 men and 2 women.

"This is Jackson "Jax" Bennett, the crew's chief engineer and resident tinkerer. At Jax's side is Maya Chen, the crew's medic and morale officer. And rounding out the team is Luca Vasquez, the crew's navigator and communications specialist.

They were looking for a Drive-4 engine core from an old frigate rumored to have fallen through the ventilation shaft to the lower levels. They probably had some maps and time to prepare. Unfortunately, we don't. Lives are at stake, and it's up to us to answer the call.

I don't know if everybody is aware, but Hank and Mercer recently sold some trade goods and we were able to get an Armory. So I need volunteers for this mission, but you will be able grab your gear and suit up with the best equipment our technology can provide."
I will deduct the 250k to buy the armory from the CV's sales. This counts as weapons through, so your available freight in the SE Partnership program is higher now.

You can equip only TL4 items, but you can have whatever amounts of military-grade weaponry, gear and armor you want. Just remember the Encumbrance rules. You should also "loose / give back" what you won't carry during this specific mission. No need to track anything that you leave, as you can get whatever you want back later, now that the CV has both an Armory and Ship's locker.
"Jil has volunteered to pilot the Solaris and get you there and back. She will stay with the shuttle, though. Hank, I wanna check with you if you think we should sell the remaining goods and if we should contact the Imperial shipyards for new fittings or if you'd prefer to buy other trade goods. I can handle that with Mariella while you go on the rescue mission." - continued the captain.

Valeria looks around, making eye contact with all of you.

"Remember everyone, we're a team. Together, there's nothing we can't overcome. Let's show the galaxy what the crew of the Celestial Voyager is made of. So, who volunteers?"
What do you do?


Trouble rolls: Citrus, Platinum, Extract, plates, drive - (1d10, 1d10, 1d10, 1d10, 1d10)

1d10 : (3) = 3

1d10 : (8) = 8

1d10 : (8) = 8

1d10 : (10) = 10

1d10 : (8) = 8

How much was rotten (%) - (1d20)

(16) = 16

Apr 10, 2024 12:56 am
PhoenixScientist says:
He wants to get a Custom Combat Field Uniform, and get his Vibroblade Customized, and a Shield.
For customized equipment, you need the Fix skill and some time. Maybe you can ask Corbin to do it for you when you get back? Moreover, mods require maintenance to keep functioning correctly, so he will have to keep working on them from time to time (ie. commit some of his maintenance score)
Apr 10, 2024 1:03 am
arthur12320 says:
not really sure what i would roll for that...
I don't think that counts as Aid, unfortunately. And the description was pretty vague... So I kept the rolled prices. Either way, Hank had a good roll.
Apr 10, 2024 1:45 am
Mercer has also paid the CV the 150 for transporting his goods.
Mercer absolutely volunteers for the mission. Helping someone in need, and finding adventure and opportunity along the way? It's everything I'm out here for.
PhoenixScientist says:

If we're doing the mission, Mercer will upgrade his armor actually. He wants to get a Custom Combat Field Uniform, and get his Vibroblade Customized, and a Shield.

Combat Armor PG 65
Customized PG 91
Mercer still wants to get his own armor and weapon modification, both custom. He will continue to get it customized and does not want to do that to property that isn't his.
I assume the shield is super easy to get, I will wait for mods.
It would make sense to me that Customized wouldn't require maintenance, or at least no more than any other piece of equipment as it is, in the book, described as, "carefully tailored".
Though maybe I should pick up Fix 0 if that would help me with maintenance.
Apr 10, 2024 2:18 am
Not sure what fittings. I wanted to get an armory and ship tender for the CV. We got the armory, and I realized I read the price of the ship tender wrong. We can't afford that. At all. So, that's out. For the Solaris, I wanted to get extended stores and a ship's locker. We can't get the locker because it requires a frigate, not a fighter. And I'm not sure the stores are worth to mass it requires. So, no hurry on that.

The one new thing I am contemplating is getting a Laser for the ship, giving a nicer weapon, the putting the sandcaster back on the Solaris. That would hopefully give us an escort, helping with our freight allowance. But that can wait until we get more money.

"With the cost of the Armory, we probably want to get some more trade goods, if we can find anything with good prices. Also, we should take the two freight loads destined for Englene Station, since we can now carry them. (They will pretty much fill up our allowance.) This will give us a nice floor on funds."
Can Hank effectively use an assault suit? If so, he'll take that. If not, he'll content himself with an armored vacc suit. (He'll buy such a suit if he needs to.) He'll grab a laser pistol and a laser rifle. Also, even though Jil will stay on the shuttle, he wants her to be suited up and at least have a pistol.

Edit: I am making the assumption that we have to be prepared for vacuum. So a combat field uniform just isn't going to be enough as it isn't vacuum rated.
Last edited April 10, 2024 2:23 am

Captain Zaytsev


Apr 10, 2024 12:24 pm
Captain Zaytsev
Mercer still wants to get his own armor and weapon modification, both custom.
Makes sense. I will let you buy them for standard prices, no need for RP or further rolls. 1,010 credits for the armor + shield.

Modding though, is another matter. Rules are in page 90.
Page 90 says:
Mods have a minimum Fix skill required to install or maintain them; a Customized mod requires Fix-1. Mods take time to build and install. It takes one week for a Customized mod. (All) mods require maintenance to keep functioning correctly. If a mod goes without maintenance for 24 hours, it stops working
So you would need Fix-1 for a Customized gear. Or someone else to commit part of his maintenance score (also described in page 90) to keep your gear working. This is not only due to RP reasons, its also part of their game balance. Still wanna buy them?
I am making the assumption that we have to be prepared for vacuum. So a combat field uniform just isn't going to be enough as it isn't vacuum rated.
The Forbidden Regions (and Zyronis for that matter) have standard atmosphere. You can use a vacuum rated armor if you expect problems (poisonous gases, smoke, etc), but is not mandatory. :) A combat field uniform is enough. Hank cannot use powered armor (it needs at least a month of training). Corbin, Peter and Douklan (that had a military career) can.

Trade Era 1235, Day 162

Celestial Voyager's bridge

"With the cost of the Armory, we probably want to get some more trade goods, if we can find anything with good prices. Also, we should take the two freight loads destined for Englene Station, since we can now carry them. (They will pretty much fill up our allowance.) This will give us a nice floor on funds."
"Sure. I will get them. I think we also need a Cargo lighter to transport the tons of materials that we are regularly trading now. It can transfer 200 tons in a single trip, unlike the 10 tons of the Solaris, and you can also take the shuttle with you while I handle the rest. So I will buy one from the Imperial shipyards.
It's just 25k, you now have plenty to spare, and the cargo lighter is very useful for trading.
I will also check the trade goods. We got an offer of vibroblades and other advanced melee weapons, from the same company that I bought our Armory" - answered Valeria. - "We can check that when you get back from the mission. "
This post was just to answer Hank and OOC stuff. Let's wait a couple of (real time) days for volunteers. And then I will move forward to the surface. =)
Apr 10, 2024 12:36 pm
The only concern I have with getting more ship systems is that we lose cargo space fast. We need to keep that in mind, as I figure the smallest we should let our cargo hold get to is 1000 tons of capacity. 1200 is probably the better floor.

As a side note, except for the extra 100 tons of freight it allows, the armor has zero mechanical benefit. So, if we need the space, the first thing to go should be the armor. Eventually, I want us to get a Plasma Beam, which will completely compensate for the freight allowance. But we can't do that now. If we do need something now, we can swap the armor for a Laser. That would directly replace the freight allowance one-for-one and free up two ship mass points.

To be clear, Hank is good with getting a Lighter. It's just the cargo size he is concerned with. Also, this doesn't have to be solved now. We're not using all the cargo space, so we could have a smaller hold for now, then sell the armor later to free things up.
Last edited April 10, 2024 1:00 pm
Apr 11, 2024 3:50 am
I haven't been here very long but... What extra equipment do we have for rescue missions? Survival kits or light options or spelunking equipment or medkits?
I think we need a medkits, either glow ugs or lowlight Goggles, maybe some grappnels/climbing harness, survival kit
Apr 11, 2024 4:36 am
"Even if it was just to get away from the citrus mold smell, I'd sign up." Douklan jokes. "But a rescue mission? That is right up my alley."
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