Verrain says:
... How old were you when your visions began? ...
How old are you now? Roughly? I.e.: Roughly how long ago was this?
Verrain says:
... ... parent's ... would be divorced within the year and he knew that too. ...
Are you still in touch with your parents?
Verrain says:
... lived in London for about 5 years ...
Where did you grow up? Another large city? A rural community? Does it matter?
Verrain says:
... nomadic lifestyle ...
How extensively have you traveled? Abroad?
Verrain says:
... visions of London occur in the rain ...
Even before you came to London?
Does actually being out in the rain help? Or is it more about the mood?
Verrain says:
... every roof top seems to have a raven or crow, gathering in anticipation ...
Verrain says:
... Malachi can feel London is on edge ...
Since when?
The persistent rain has only been a few weeks. Has this feeling of impending doom been bothering you for longer than that?
Verrain says:
... his benefactor led him to set up shop in London ...
When you are ready we can talk about your Benefactor and iron out the details.
Verrain says:
(in Playbook)... • Rare tomes and grimoires (i.e. lost scrolls, secret books, etc.) ...
Maybe you knew Jacob? His shop dealt in old books and such. With him suddenly absent, maybe that creates a link to
Benji who is 'looking after the shop while it is closed'? Or maybe we don't bother with that connection?
Whether you knew Jacob or not does not affect how you wish to introduce your character to the group. It could through that connection; or it could be because you had a vision about one (or both) of them; or it could be that they come to you, looking for your help. Whatever tickles our fancy can easily work to get you into play when the time comes.
Verrain says:
(in Playbook)... •
Dual Loyalty: ...
Can I ask why you selected Dual Loyalty for your second Move? Having a second Circle association can be useful, but, just so you know, the City Move stuff is not going to come up very often. We can leverage that in the fiction as greater influence over what is happening to compensate, but that is mainly flavour text, so no promised you will get the full benefit from that Move.
I am always generous with allowing changes to these starting picks (Moves, Stat allocations, whatever), so long as they have not had a measurable impact in the story. So, if it does not work out, you may be able to swap this Move for another down the road.
Remember that you add 1 to a Stat and Circle Rating as part of the Character Creation.
Do you need anything from me or the other players? There is no rush and we don't want to nag you, but we also don't want you to feel like you are being left out in the cold. Let us know how much input and involvement you want, at each step of the process.