Feb 2, 2025 9:59 pm
vagueGM says:
Cool. Do you have any ideas about how your deal was made? Crossroads at midnight? Corporate offices? Mountains of fine-print-paper-work? Etc?about the future with this money. She was all in. it was only then that my friend explained that the "investor" is very old school and idiosyncratic, from the old country, and he likes to hold a formal ceremony when deals are struck. You know, kind of like getting initiated into a secret society or something. Seemed weird, but she agreed. Thus when she arrived and was brought into a ritual chamber (modern, classy, but indubitably a ritual chamber, with sigils and folks in robes, incense and fire), she was willing to go along. The very last thing required was to sign in blood. That's when my "friend" made the truly hard sell, badgering me with reminders of what life was like before, how I'd destroy my parents, my family, my life, my future. How I [I]had no choice.[/I] I broke. I signed.
As for meeting Emma, I am fine with hand waving that. Maybe I had been avoiding her and finally saw her out somewhere. So I pulled the trigger and sent a text. An d then she invited me over "tomorrow". And even if Emma has forgiven or forgotten about Persephone's ghosting, Persephone hasn't and she feels guilty about it. Pers won't reveal the true nature of her employment, however. She tells everyone she works in HR, headhunting for new recruits, and completing contracts. "It's boring corporate stuff, but it pays the bills!"
And I think when I am executing one of my patron's contracts, I am not getting my patron to do anything for me at all. On the contrary, I wish it wouldn't[/I] happen. My job is to get a signature; after that, I may be required to watch, though I do what I can to avoid that. I can't invoke my patron to suck someone away in a vortex like an ability or anything. At other times, though, I can call on my patron for a favor or for assistance, in which case I might Let It Out or call in a Debt. But sure, I would imagine that my patron wants to gradually increase my Corruption, slowly turning me away from what little of my humanity remains. I'm happy to let you decide which jobs actually give me Corruption and which are merely distasteful corporate nonsense. I mean, some of the work is probably more like when a bank agent forecloses on a house -- it's gross and can be horrible, but it doesn't incur actual metaphysical Corruption.
To an uneducated outsider this may look a lot like [i]you are the one responsible for these deals. You might want to keep these actions secret from Emma?
Drgwen says:
... to collect their souls. This does not mean executing people ... her patron sucks them down to hell in a vortex of hellfire or something. So she just has to watch. ...(Doing it yourself does not lead to Corruption, so that tells us something.)
Drgwen says:
... makes sure all the forms are signed ... so that the deal is binding ...It sounds like it should, or do you try to weasel out of that part even though you Patron wants you to? What does that cost you?[/quote]