Chapter 6.2: Daring Rescue

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Jul 5, 2024 12:21 pm
"Hank, I'll trust you guys to figure out the logistics of getting these things out of here. I've got my hands full breaking the drive apart. "

Corbin focuses on his task and leaves the transport arrangement to the others.
Jul 6, 2024 11:18 am
Trade Era 1235, Day 163. 16:28 UTC

Underworld, Zyronis

Hank Heron tightened his grip on the controls of the gravsled, his eyes straining to pierce the darkness that enveloped the underground corridors of Zyronis. The hum of the gravsled's engines was a comforting constant amid the oppressive silence. Peter sat beside Hank, his gaze scanning their surroundings with a vigilance born of experience. His hand never strayed far from his weapon. Behind them, Dr. Maya Chen meticulously reviewed the data on her bioscanner device, her mind racing to understand the implications of the strange readings in Hank and Mercer's blood.

As they sped deeper into the underworld, Hank's instincts began to tingle with unease. The darkness seemed to grow thicker, the passages narrower. He glanced at the speedometer and his heart skipped a beat. They were moving too fast for his piloting skills. In this oppressive gloom, even with the gravsled's sophisticated sensors they could be compromised. He could hit something and put everything at risk.

"Hold on," Hank muttered, his voice tight with urgency. He eased back on the throttle, the gravsled responding immediately. The deceleration was palpable, the engine's hum lowering in pitch.

Peter glanced at him, concern etched in his features. "Everything alright?"

"Just a little too fast for comfort," Hank replied, his eyes fixed ahead. "Can't afford any mistakes down here."

With their speed reduced, Hank felt a slight relief, the tension in his muscles easing just a fraction. The gravsled's lights cast eerie shadows on the walls, but the slower pace gave him more time to react, more control over their precarious journey.

Dr. Chen looked up from her device, sensing the shift. "Are we stopping?"

"No," Hank said, shaking his head. "Just being cautious."

The gravsled continued its course, now at a safer, more manageable speed.

Trade Era 1235, Day 163. 16:56 UTC

Underworld, Zyronis

The gravsled navigated the labyrinthine corridors. Despite the tension, Hank couldn't help but marvel at the sheer scale of the underground network. The Elders had built Zyronis with an awe-inspiring blend of artistry and engineering, creating a planet that was both a sanctuary and an advanced industrial complex.

"We are approaching the Solaris," Hank said.

"Let's hope Jil and Erin are ready," Peter replied, his tone grim. "The last thing we need is to attract any unwanted attention down here."

As they approached the tunnels where the Solaris was parked, the tension in the gravsled was palpable. Hank slowed their approach, the gravsled's lights illuminating the ship in the distance. Its silver form stood out against the dark, a beacon of hope in the gloom.

Hank's comm unit crackled to life. "Hank, do you read me? It's Jil. It's good to see you."

"Copy that, Jil," Hank replied, his voice steady. "We're on approach. Prepare to open the ramp to the cargo hold so we can quickly transfer the equipment"

The gravsled glided into position beside the Solaris, and Hank stopped. Soon, Erin and Jil came to help. Peter moved to the cargo bay doors, his posture alert. "I'll keep an eye out. Just in case."

Hank and the remaining crew worked together to detach the drive core from the gravsled. This part was a massive, cylindrical device still humming with residual energy, its surface etched with intricate patterns reminiscent of Elder technology. They maneuvered it onto another hover platform attached to the Solaris cargo holds, guiding it carefully toward the ship.

Peter's voice cut through the relative calm. "We've got movement. Something's out there."

The team tensed, their eyes darting to the darkened corners of the tunnels. The eerie silence was broken by a distant, echoing clatter. Hank felt his heart rate spike, the fear of the unknown creeping in.

"Stay focused," Jil said, her voice a steady anchor. "We need to finish this."
Fortunately, the shadows remained just that—shadows. No hostile figures emerged from the darkness. The clatter faded, and the only sounds were their own breathing and the hum of the equipment.

Hank exchanged a quick glance with Peter, who nodded. "All clear for now," Peter said, his voice low.

With renewed determination, they resumed their task.

Trade Era 1235, Day 163. 17:20 UTC

Underworld, Zyronis

The drive core was secured within a special containment unit designed to keep the cargo stable during transport. The unit was equipped with shock absorbers and magnetic clamps, so it could ensure the core remained firmly anchored within the cargo hold.

"All set," Erin confirmed, wiping sweat from her brow. "Let's get out of here. But, unfortunately, the gravsled doesn't fit inside with this drive part in the shuttle. We can't take it all flying. Should Peter and I stay with the sled while you get Maya’s shuttle here, should we leave it in the tunnels for now and come back later, or should we let RB fly here before Jil departs?"

Hank frowned, considering their options.

"Leaving the gravsled in the tunnels is risky. If something goes wrong, we might not find it intact when we return." - said Peter.
Hank, what do you do?


Hank Heron: Pilot DC8 - (2d6+0)

(34) = 7

Gravsled transit (minutes) - Base time - (2d6+10)

(22) + 10 = 14

Parking and unloading (minutes) - (1d20+10)

(14) + 10 = 24

Gravsled transit (minutes) - Extra time - Reduced speed - (3d6)

(614) = 11

Secret Roll

Secret Roll

Secret Roll

Jul 6, 2024 1:32 pm
I'm not sure what the issue is if we have a shuttle, we just put the core in it? It can hold the core right? If it can hold the core we have no issue, everyone just heads back to get the next section?
Last edited July 6, 2024 1:40 pm
Jul 6, 2024 2:00 pm
It cannot hold the core and the gravsled simultaneously. Maya's shuttle is miles away, near the exit tunnels.

Hank said he is going with Jil to Maya's shuttle and is going to bring it back to this location.

Will you leave the gravsled unattended? Leave Hank alone in Maya's shuttle? Let RB pilot?
Jul 6, 2024 2:05 pm
I'm still not sure what the issue is. The core is in our shuttle, right? They can just travel together with the gravsled, sans core, to Maya's shuttle? Nothing needs to be left behind?
Jul 6, 2024 2:07 pm
Here is the map. Mercer is at number 2, Maya's shuttle at 1, Hank and the Solaris at 3.

He said he would bring Maya's shuttle from 1 to 3.

Jul 6, 2024 2:08 pm
I'm still not sure what the issue is. The core is in our shuttle, right? They can just travel together with the gravsled, sans core, to Maya's shuttle? Nothing needs to be left behind?
Oh, I got it now, he can. Drive instead of flying. Gonna do that?
Jul 6, 2024 2:11 pm
(You can probably even drive with our shuttle caravaning both directions.)?
Jul 6, 2024 2:14 pm
It can. I didn't think of that. Fair enough. Let's move on. Results in my next post.
Jul 6, 2024 2:19 pm
Trade Era 1235, Day 163. 17:23 UTC
Underworld, Zyronis

With the first part secure inside the Solaris, Hank opened the channel to RB. "RB, we need you to move the shuttle down to meet us."
This dialog is part of Hank's original plan. Daryen changed that based on an OOC / dice calculation, so I’m giving an IC reason for it.
RB's voice came back with its usual confidence. "Of course. Downloading piloting protocol now."

Before Hank could respond, Maya intervened. "Wait, Hank. RB’s never flown the shuttle before. Despite his confidence, it’s risky to let him try now."

RB’s voice sounded almost offended. "I assure you, my capabilities are more than sufficient for this task."

Hank sighed. "Sorry, RB, but Maya’s right. We can't take that chance. Stay put. I’ll fly it back myself."

RB grumbled, "The lack of trust in my skills is disheartening, but I shall comply."
And back to the plan...
Trade Era 1235, Day 163. 17:24 UTC
Underworld, Zyronis

The Solaris hovered steadily above the gravsled, its lights slicing through the oppressive darkness of the underground tunnels. Jil’s hands moved deftly over the controls, maintaining a precise altitude and speed to match the gravsled’s pace below.

Inside the gravsled, Hank gripped the controls with steely determination. Peter sat beside him, his eyes scanning the shadows for any sign of movement. Above them, inside the shuttle, Erin monitored the scanners, her expression tense but focused.

"We're close," Jil’s voice crackled over the comms, a steady anchor in the uncertainty. "Just a few more turns and we'll reach Maya's shuttle."

"Copy that," Hank replied, his eyes darting between the path ahead and the readouts on the display. The gravsled's lights carved a path through the gloom, revealing the intricate network of tunnels carved by advanced machines. The walls here were adorned with ancient symbols and patterns, a testament to the long-forgotten Zyronis Empire.

As they approached a particularly narrow passage, Hank slowed the gravsled, navigating the tight turn with caution. The Solaris adjusted its position above, Jil’s expert piloting keeping the larger craft in perfect sync.

"How's it looking up there?" Maya asked, her voice tense.

"All clear so far," Jil responded. "Keep moving. We’re almost there."

Peter’s hand never strayed far from his weapon, his gaze flickering to every shadow that seemed to shift and move in the darkness. "I don’t like this," he muttered. "Too many places to hide."

Trade Era 1235, Day 163. 17:34 UTC
Underworld, Zyronis

The tunnel widened ahead, revealing a larger chamber shrouded in complete darkness. The only indication of Maya’s shuttle was the faint outline against the deeper shadows. Hank eased the gravsled into the open space, the Solaris descending slowly to hover just above the shuttle.

"We’re here," Jil announced. "Let’s make this quick and quiet. We don’t want to draw any attention."

Hank powered down the gravsled and climbed out, Peter and Dr. Chen followed closely. He then opened the channel to RB once more. "RB, we are here."

RB's voice came back with its usual confidence. "Of course. Opening doors now."

Trade Era 1235, Day 163. 17:42 UTC
Underworld, Zyronis

The shuttle's engines hummed softly as it cut through the void, making its way back closer to the crash site. Hank piloted with practiced ease, eyes fixed on the control panels, but his ears buzzed constantly with RB's grumbling.

"I still find it rather unnecessary for you to pilot, Hank," RB complained. "My diagnostics and internal simulations clearly show a 99.8% success rate for my piloting abilities."

Hank sighed, adjusting the thrusters.

"Yes, yes, I understand the need for caution," RB continued, sounding exasperated. "But if you humans would just trust in my capabilities, we could operate far more efficiently."

Maya, sitting beside Hank, couldn’t suppress a small smile. "RB, we know you're capable. It’s just that experience counts for a lot in situations like these. You’ve never actually flown a shuttle before."

RB's voice carried a hint of wounded pride. "I am more than just a collection of parts and programs, you know. I possess the capacity to learn and adapt. The lack of faith in my skills is rather demoralizing."

Hank glanced at Maya, shaking his head with a wry smile.

"RB, you're doing a great job with the repairs. Let’s just focus on getting everyone back safely and out of here. That’s the priority." - the doctor said.

There was a brief pause before RB responded, his tone grudging. "Very well. But I still maintain that my skills are being underutilized. I was designed for more than just maintenance and diagnostics."

Trade Era 1235, Day 163. 18:09 UTC
Underworld, Zyronis

Hank and the crew arrived back in the underground room. The first part of the drive core, already secured in the Solaris and going into orbit, had been a significant achievement, but the work was far from over.

Corbin greeted them, barely looking up from his work. "I’ve dismantled the remaining two parts of the core drive. We need to get one of these into the sled for transport."

Hank nodded, appreciating Corbin’s efficiency. Soon, they began the work.

"This part is crucial," Corbin explained, his voice steady despite the urgency. "It contains the primary power regulator. Without it, the core drive can’t function."

As they worked, the oppressive darkness of the tunnels seemed to press in on them, a constant reminder of the dangers lurking just beyond their sight. The team moved swiftly, securing the drive part within the gravsled’s containment unit, its clamps clicking into place with the same satisfying finality as before.

"We're set," Erin confirmed, stepping back to inspect their work.

Hank glanced at Corbin. "What about the last part?"

Corbin sighed. "It's the most delicate component—the metaspace inverter. We’ll need to handle it with extreme care."

James checked the controls of the gravsled, ensuring everything was in working order. "So, we’ll take the second part to Maya’s shuttle?"

Peter nodded, his hand resting on his weapon. "Let’s move. The sooner we’re out of these tunnels, the better."
Any reactions? Change of plans? Move on? My dice results have been incredibly boring so far... =)


Elapsed time (driving) - (3d6)

(635) = 14

Flying maya's shuttle (minutes) - (2d6)

(44) = 8

Gravsled moving back (minutes) - (5d6+10)

(55241) + 10 = 27

Secret Roll

Secret Roll

Secret Roll

Secret Roll

Jul 6, 2024 3:15 pm
Douklan tries to distract himself from paranoid thoughts about Elder AIs, nanotechnology, and other mythological horror stories by focusing on the more practical matters at hand. They've very nearly completely failed their rescue mission - only one survivor, and some members of the team have been "infected" - and somehow they've gotten distracted with this salvage operation. How did we come to this? Are all Explorers this mercenary? The lieutenant then muses on what that means about him, that he has passively gone along with all this, following rather than leading.
Jul 6, 2024 9:50 pm
Well, two things:

1) Yes, we are this mercenary. In fact, Hank offered to skip the whole thing if we wanted to, but that opening was completely ignored by everyone.

2) I thought part of the rescue mission was to finish the original team's mission.

Also, Hank wants to keep Maya *and* RB. I love that little guy. :)
Jul 6, 2024 9:54 pm
I want to see RB get to copilot so he can earn our trust
Jul 6, 2024 10:02 pm
BTW, as part of Hank's plan, Maya is free to stay with RB if she wishes. She doesn't have to go back to the site if she doesn't want to.

For the second trip, Hank's plan is for everyone to come back to RB's shuttle. While this leaves the third component alone for a while, it also means that we can handle any obstacles as a full team and reduce our chances of being overwhelmed. However, he will freely admit that he is NOT the trained tactician. Douklan and Peter, and probably Corbin and Erin, have way more experience with this kind of operation. So, if they have any suggestions on how to manage these last two loads, I am completely open to hear them! Better ideas gladly accepted!

I guess this means Hank will fly RB's shuttle back up to the ship with the second component while everyone else retrieves the third component and is picked up by Jil.

One other point of question is, can we fit the hoverbikes in the Solaris with the third component? Does Hank need to come back down to collect the vehicles? How long does it take to go up to the ship, unload the components, then return? Is it worth the extra shuttle trip?
EDIT: P.S. Boring dice are great dice! I hope it stays boring the whole time!
Last edited July 6, 2024 10:03 pm
Jul 7, 2024 4:07 pm
can we fit the hoverbikes in the Solaris with the third component?
The hovercycles are 1 ton each (see the rulebook, pg78) so they fit with the 8 tons from the third component precisely into the Solaris cargo holds (10 tons). You got lucky there.

The gravsled doesn't, though. I'm using half of a gravcar, so 5 tons.
How long does it take to go up to the ship, unload the components, then return?
At least 2 hours.
Does Hank need to come back down to collect the vehicles? Is it worth the extra shuttle trip?
Your call. Maya doesn't want them, so if you do its yours.

Trade Era 1235, Day 163. 18:10 UTC
Underworld, Zyronis

With the second part of the core drive secured, the whole crew climbed into the gravsled and hovercycles. With Hank in the controls, the gravsled’s engines hummed to life once more, and they began their cautious journey through the labyrinthine corridors.

The darkness seemed thicker this time, the shadows more oppressive. Hank’s eyes flicked to the speedometer, ensuring they maintained a safe pace. Beside him, Peter remained vigilant, his gaze sweeping the tunnels for any sign of movement.

Trade Era 1235, Day 163. 18:37 UTC
Underworld, Zyronis

"We’re almost there," It was Erin's voice, a steady anchor in the uncertainty.

As they navigated the final turn, Maya’s shuttle came into view, its outline barely visible against the dark backdrop. Hank slowed the gravsled, guiding it into the open space. The hovercycles also hovered nearby, their lights providing a faint glow.

"Let's make this quick and quiet," Hank said, his voice low.

The team moved on, transferring the second drive part into Maya’s shuttle. Corbin’s instructions let everyone do that swiftly, simultaneously reminding them of the delicate nature of their cargo. After some minutes, the containment unit slid into place, the clamps securing it with a soft click.

"All set," Erin confirmed, her voice barely above a whisper.

As the shuttle engines started, Maya approached Hank, her face serious. "Hank, RB and I will stay with our shuttle. This adventure is over for us. I will let you do the orbital transfer of the core drive to your ship and then will take my shuttle and get some sleep at home. It will take me a couple of days to handle the funerals and all the paperwork for the Ramirez Salvage Team, but you will surely receive my resume and a job application after that. Thank you. For everything."
Hank, what do you do? Do you wanna go fast (roll for pilot) or safe (takes longer) to orbit with Maya’s shuttle and the second drive part? Please describe the reactions to what happened so far.
Trade Era 1235, Day 163. 18:59 UTC
Orbit above Zyronis

The Solaris glided smoothly into orbit above Zyronis, the planet’s surface a distant, dark expanse below them. Inside the cockpit, Jil activated the communications array, her fingers flying over the controls with practiced ease. She adjusted the frequency to contact Mercer and the rest of the crew on the surface.

"Mercer, this is Jil. Do you read me?" Jil’s voice was calm and steady, cutting through the static.

After a brief pause, Mercer’s voice crackled through the comms. "We read you, Jil. What’s your status?"

"I am in orbit and preparing for docking," Jil replied, her eyes scanning the readouts on the console. "My ETA for landing is 20:25 UTC. Let the crew know and be ready to load the final core drive part and the hovercycles by them. Good luck."

Trade Era 1235, Day 163. 19:00 UTC
Underworld, Zyronis

"One more part to go," Peter said to the remaining crew, his voice filled with determination. "Let’s finish this. Who will pilot the gravsled?"
What do you do? Who stays and who goes back to orbit with Hank? Why? Whoever pilots the sled, gimme a pilot roll, please.
More boring rolls from me... Nothing happened yet =) Sorry if it feels more like a book than an RPG adventure now, it will change soon, one way or the other.


Gravsled transit - Hank piloting (minutes) - (5d6+10)

(54544) + 10 = 32

Jil’s piloting - (2d6+2)

(46) + 2 = 12

Jil’s orbital trip - (1d60+60)

(27) + 60 = 87

Jil’s docking and unloading (minutes) - (1d20+10) - (1d20+10)

(11) + 10 = 21

Jil’s landing back for part 3 - (1d60+10)

(53) + 10 = 63

Parking and loading - second part (minutes) - (1d20+10)

(12) + 10 = 22

Secret Roll

Secret Roll

Jul 7, 2024 5:17 pm
Does Hank need to come back down to collect the vehicles? Is it worth the extra shuttle trip?
Your call. Maya doesn't want them, so if you do its yours.
Yes, they're 5k each, and they could be useful in the future. Even if not that's a fair amount of creds.
The gravsled we should absoloutly keep, it would help with loading/unloading/transporting cargo.
PS. Mercer would say this if it was brought up

Mercer is willing to do whatever role is needed... But he has no pilot.
Last edited July 7, 2024 5:20 pm
Jul 7, 2024 7:03 pm
On the piloting of the grav sled, there are only five people now: Corbin, Mercer, Douklan, Peter, and Erin. So, they only need one grav bike. So, let's put one grav bike on Maya's shuttle. We'll take it back with the component. James will go with Hank since he's non-combat, and his technical knowledge isn't needed now. This also gives the team maximum firepower. Corbin and Douklan can figure out which vehicle they want to pilot.

Hank is not an expert pilot, so he's gonna go slow and easy to get back to the ship. Since Maya and RB are gonna dip out, Hank can't come back for the sled, so that's likely a loss. I doubt it's worth the risk to come back for it. Pity, but it is what it is. Even if the core drive is unrecoverable, its value is unimaginable. The sled isn't even a rounding error. Since the bikes fit, no reason not to.

When he gets back, Hank wants to have an urgent meeting with both the Captain and Prof Stone.

Also, before she leaves, Hank tells Maya, "Take your time to think it over, but my offer stands. We'd love to have both of you join us." He smiles and adds, "Besides, I would greatly appreciate your help with my mysterious condition!"

EDIT: Actually, before the above, Hank asks Maya to stay on the ship until the other team gets back. If something bad happens on the third trip, they'll really need her help when they get up to the ship.
Last edited July 7, 2024 7:16 pm
Jul 7, 2024 8:51 pm
Trade Era 1235, Day 163. 18:39 UTC
Underworld, Zyronis

After Hank asked James to go with him and Maya on the second trip, the Synth waits for the chief engineer's confirmation:

"Should I leave now, sir? Are you going up or staying?"

If it came from a human, Corbin would think it was worried.
Corbin, what do you do?
Trade Era 1235, Day 163. Evening
Maya’s shuttle

Hank asks Maya to stay on the ship until the other team gets back. After she agrees, he says:
"Take your time to think it over, but my offer stands. We'd love to have both of you join us." He smiles and adds, "Besides, I would greatly appreciate your help with my mysterious condition!"
"Oh, I didn't know the offer included RB. That's even better. It will surely help us. Just one condition, for it to work as part of the crew and join us, RB's memory cannot be wiped. Ever."
What do you do?
Jul 7, 2024 9:18 pm
For the first part, Hank says, "Don't worry, James, he'll be fine. There just aren't enough seats and pilots to go around."

To Maya, Hank says, "Originally, it was just you. But RB is clever and resourceful, and we always need that. And I now understand how much a part of the team he is, and I don't want to break that up. I will have to get buy-in from the Captain, but, yes, I agree we will not wipe his memory, and I will fight to maintain that. Obviously, if the Captain disagrees, we have no deal, but I doubt she will disagree."

This also likely means that we need to reevaluate wiping the synths. Something is going on, and we're likely going to need to start taking risks. Something for Hank and Corbin to discuss when we are not under huge pressure. Like now or the last time we did a wipe.
Jul 8, 2024 12:50 pm
" Go on up James, we're wrapped up here. Once your on the ship, start a routine level 2 diagnostic. I'd like to know all systems are green when I get there. That way we're ready to move if the Captain needs us to."
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