0a. High Sun Games.

Apr 23, 2024 4:57 pm
What part did you play in the high sun games/Forge Fitzwilliams downfall?
Apr 27, 2024 12:56 am
As Anon Pointed out the dates of the Volcano Eruption and the relatively short lives of most of your characters (at least compared to Dwarves and Elves) would lead to forcing all of your characters to be on the older side which I don't want to do.

So Instead of forcing you all to play the elderly, I've changed the backstory/prelude bit of this for everyone but, Gearspark so that Instead of the Eruption being our Prelude bit the High Sun Games that were run By Forge Fitzwilliams during his single year of reign are the event we will be focusing on.
I won't say that the events of the D&D movie happened but I also won't say they didn't, Forge did fall from power and the Games did happen, the Thay Wizard part maybe not, but who knows...
Apr 27, 2024 1:38 am
Warin was serving the Neverwinter Guard when Forge Fitzwilliam's reign came to an end.
Apr 27, 2024 6:14 pm
Truk was still working as a pickpocket and second rate con artist during Fitzwilliam's time as Lord of Neverwinter.
Apr 28, 2024 2:21 am
Mazda was performing as part of his troupe during the days leading up to the event, and was the only in the troupe lucky or unlucky enough to get a ticket to it. This means that while he watched the event, the rest of the troupe performed outside for other people who had been unable to get tickets. This lead to the other members being in prime position to collect the wealth that was dropped across the city, and soon after, the dissolution of the troupe. Without a troupe, he spent some time as a freelancer working for some the local theaters, where he caught the attention of someone from the newly formed NSA, who then offered him a job where he works to this day.
Last edited April 28, 2024 2:22 am
Apr 29, 2024 1:03 am
Gworgi was a bounty hunter at the time of Forge Fitzwilliams' downfall. He was staking out (as he was wont to do) a comely young wife accused of infidelity by her old and portly husband. He was partly correct (she was seeing someone), but he was wrong on whom she was seeing (she was seeing teacher to learn the lyre).

This was a typical mission for Gworgi. Alas, kobolds are not often trusted, no matter his skillset, and this event was one of the reason he began thinking of going back to see Dr. Brevard and rebuild burnt bridges.

Forge Fitzwilliam


Apr 29, 2024 2:21 am
🕰️ 5:00pm
"What a profound joy it is to welcome you, the good people of Neverwinter, to the resumption of the High Sun Games! …Do not leave the arena until the close of the Games, as there will be a wonderful gift for each and every one of you!" Forge says from his perch above the crowd, above the floor in the balcony he'd built above the amphitheater.

From one of the balloons there is a shower of tulips as the clock strikes 5.

"Let the games Begin!" Forge yells and the teams rush forwards, into the Maze before them, away from the displacer beasts behind them.
Warrin stands by the edge of the arena, the high sun games are deadly everyone knows that yet the orders and the rest of his squad revived were clear 'nobody helps the contestents they know what they signed up for'
Truk stands by the edge of the seating area he never would've been able to pay for a seat, but maybe he can leave with enough to pay for a seat, not that he would ever spend so much in one place. He couldn't afford to not now, maybe someday...
Mazdu's Troope finishes their set and the platform they were standing on falls, it looks for a second liie it's going to fall all the way into the pit but stops for just enough time for you're troope to exit.
Gworgi You'd followed the lady to the high sun games, not really a surprising location to find someone but she'd said she couldn't go with her husband and now she playing the lyre, in a disguise with a group of acrobats and entertainers, perhaps there was one she was into, and that was why she hadn't gone with her husband to the games but at this point it was seeming that whatever was going on was much more mundane which meant you probably wouldn't get payed. again
The Game goes on for some time, and it's not easy to track especially not from the standing room the maze is raised to the point that you can barely see people and only mana
Forge Fitzwilliam
ge to catch sight of those that fall behind.

A large magical hand punches it's way through the side wall of the arena. That wasn't supposed to be possible not with the magic dampening cuffs the contestents were wearing.
Shortly after two young girls rush through the hole, they don't look like any of the contestants but who else would be in there?
Apr 29, 2024 2:47 am
• Have job today
• Balls not itch, was just bug bite!
• High Sun Games today

• Have job today
• Job booooooooringggggg

• Murder bad guy

Gworgi's eyes were glued on the game, immersed in the spectacle of it all, but his training was seeped deep into his bones, and he couldn't pluck the investigator eyes out of his sockets if he tried, and so those eyes wandered, and they calculated, and they questioned everything.

Stop looking around, Gworgi! Have fun! Why Gworgi never can have fun! He chastised himself mentally.

He saw the large magical hand punching the side of the wall and immediately questioned how that was possible, given the supposed magic dampeners. And those two girls, they looked sneaky.

Not sneaky—suspicious! Use big word! Females like big words! And other big things, heh heh heh—focus! Where you go sneaky—suspicious girls? What are you up to?
Last edited April 29, 2024 3:01 am
Apr 29, 2024 11:35 am
I snap my eyes to the magical hand punching through the wall, and the girls that come through the hole. I give a hand signal to my squad (that's Sgt. Warin to you, I work for a living) to hold their position and observe. No reason for action yet.
Last edited April 29, 2024 11:38 am

Kira Darvis


Apr 30, 2024 12:37 pm
Kira Darvis
Mazdu recognizes one of the girls, she's a tumbler from your troope, she wasn't even supposed to be onstage with you.so she couldn't have fallen off and if she had you would've seen it.

The girl walks straight over to Turk pushing Warrin and Gworgi aside "I another cutpurse when I see one," she whispers to Turk, I need the keys to those power cuffs, there's people in there Forge is trying to kill."
Apr 30, 2024 12:52 pm
I keep my eye on this girl that I've seen with Fitzwilliam. I respect his position but not the man, so I wonder if there's something going on here that's not on the level.
Apr 30, 2024 2:34 pm
Mazdu notices the tumbler in the group and decides to approach. "Kira? What where you doing in the arena? Did you sign up for the games?"

Kira Darvis


Apr 30, 2024 2:42 pm
🕰️ 5:02pm
Kira Darvis

"My dad is in there." She responds, "He's not supposed to be in there... I can't let them die!

Kira had never mentioned her dad before, there were whispers that he was in prison, it wasn't clear how he got there, but most people in the troope didn't like to share to much about they're past.
Apr 30, 2024 3:13 pm
"Damn. I though they where all supposed to have been volunteers, but I suppose Forge does not really look like the most trustworthy sort." Mazdu sighs. "Well you have my magic if you want it. Having innocents die when I could have something to help would not weight well on my conscience."
Last edited April 30, 2024 3:13 pm
Apr 30, 2024 3:17 pm
Warin is wondering what is going down between this performer and an associate of Fitzwilliam. Signaling his unit to stay put, he walks over to them. Is there some sort of problem here?
Apr 30, 2024 11:00 pm
Gworgi shuffled a bit closer. It was crowded and raucous, but he had keen ears.

So... someone in trouble, but maybe it's trap! Hmm, is it trap? So hard to tell looking at stupid tiny human snout—oh no, nonono, go away goblin! Big problem or big trap not for big fathead with tiny brain! Aaarrgghh!

"Gworgi always have fix everything!" He muttered under his breath, before shouting at the girl and moving up to them. "Hey you! Have problem? Gworgi good with problem. Gworgi help human hatchling find her papa." He pointed a clawed thumb at his chest.
Apr 30, 2024 11:15 pm
I'm the authority here, micro-dragon. Let the young lady speak.

Kira Darvis


Apr 30, 2024 11:57 pm
🕰️ 5:06pm
"As In you'll try and kill my Dad?" Kira said, "I thought Forge was good but he betrayed my dad, with his authority."

"Unless you can and will stop the games somehow I don't see how much use you are."

She points at the arena, "My dad and some other people Forge doesn't like are in there, because he thinks it's a good way to make sure they die."
Kira Darvis
Apr 30, 2024 11:59 pm
Gworgi rolled his eyes so far back. "Ooh, yes, yes, authority. You is so big and strong and so smart. So smart that authority let her papa in there. Yes, yes, let's listen to authority."

Gworgi turned back to the human hatchling. "You point him out to Gworgi. Gworgi save your papa!"
Last edited May 1, 2024 12:01 am
May 1, 2024 12:42 am
Move aside, lizard. Now, young lady, which one is your father? I wouldn't put anything beyond Forge Fitzwilliam.
Do I have the ability to halt the games?
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