
Apr 26, 2024 7:02 pm
This is where we can have gameplay! I wanted to begin with a few opening scenes to set up the game:

Deep in the heart of the Egyptian dessert, everything is still. The sand sits in massive dunes, the sun beats down, and nothing moves. Underground, far beneath the dunes, the Mummy lies, unmoving. Waiting. Biding its time with a patience unknown in our day. Nothing moves for thousands of years.

As the ages pass, empires rise and fall, and still the Mummies lies undisturbed.

Until now.

A great storm brews on the horizon. The winds whip by with supernatural speed, picking up the sand and flinging it into the air. There is no rain, but the clouds are an angry black. The storm rages by in a fantastic display of force, carving a crater into the sands. A small glint of metal is visible just beneath the surface of the dunes, revealed by the fury of the storm. The Lost City has been uncovered.
Apr 26, 2024 7:02 pm
The Investor takes his morning coffee from his favorite arm chair, as he does every morning. He reads his paper, taking note of the market and the politics of the time. When his assistant knocks and enters, he tells the Investor that there is a report from the search team. The Investor sips his coffee and munches his pastry as he reads the report. Perfect.
Apr 26, 2024 7:03 pm
Let’s begin with the party in Cairo, meeting up for the first time. The Investor has told the party to assemble here at this time, but is not present yet. I was thinking we could start by talking about where we were before this (like our normal lives), what the Investor offered us to join this team, and what we bring to the investigation.
Apr 27, 2024 5:41 pm
Dmitry lounged on the most comfortable chair he had been able to find, looking disheveled in his hodge-podge of old uniform pieces mixed together haphazardly with local garb. One hand rested across his eyes, shielding them from the bright Egyptian sunlight streaming in through the slatted windows. The other lay draped across the bottom half of his rumpled uniform jacket, covering a Nagant M1895 revolver. The muezzin's call to prayer had woken him early. Too early by far, considering how hungover he was. Ordinarily the silence in the room would have been just the thing to help his aching head, but today he felt he needed something to distract him from the uncomfortable gurgling in his stomach.

He dropped the hand covering his eyes, surveying the rest of the people in the room blearily before speaking. So, we are all set to be companions, eh? We ought, perhaps, to be making introductions then. I am Dmitry Shukolov, former officer with the Russian Imperial Army. Now it is your very good fortune to have me as your protection from adders, bandits, and all other manner of dangers out upon the accursed desert. Why would one such as myself risk this, you may ask? I am no scholar, no lover of histories after all. No my friends, the answer for me is being much more simple--just gold he grinned, a set of gleaming white teeth showing beneath his impressive, carefully waxed moustache.
Apr 27, 2024 6:06 pm
A man wearing a shirt with rolled up sleeve with a sleeveless jacked on top was scribbling notes on a notepad in between wiping away his sweat with a handkerchief he kept in his breast pocket. A press pass with the word "PRESS" highly visible was tucked in his hat.

"Timothy Garrick with The Daily Telegram." The man answered with a thick Bostonian accent. "I was sent here to get the scoop on the discovery of that new tomb, but I bet I could write another interesting article on how you managed to survive the Bolshevik revolution Mr. Shukolov."

Scribbling a few more notes in his notebook he then looked over at the other guest. "I'm sure what the other guests will also have interesting stories to tell as well..."
Apr 27, 2024 10:24 pm
A young woman sits in the chair closest to the window. She is dressed in the latest fashion with a hat and veil that has been artfully hooked out of the way as she sips her iced tea. A parasol leans against her chair and piles of luggage are stacked behind her. She looks quickly back at her luggage. "All necessary, darlings. How else will we be ready for the desert sun and recording our discoveries?"

She nervously twirls a gold pendant on a necklace and takes an occasional glance out the nearby window. Upon closer inspection, one could identify the pendant as a gold coin. She quickly tucks the coin and necklace back into her high-collared jacket and focuses on the others as they speak.

"My, what an exciting start to the adventure already! An officer and a member of the press. And is that a Boston accent I hear? How wonderful to have a fellow American along. Truly a pleasure to meet you all. My name is Sarah Bishop, of the Bishops Brooklyn Cannery. Do you really think we'll find something amazing to add to the Met? I would love to show my parents this is more than just a girlish escapade."

She gracefully turns and smiles at the next adventurer who has yet to speak.
Last edited April 27, 2024 10:25 pm
Apr 29, 2024 12:51 pm
" I'm Tomas, Tomas McAngus. Recently of the British Expeditionary Forces. I'm a medic and I served from fifteen to early seventeen in France before being redeployed to Sinai for the remainder. Kind of liked the area, and, as Dmitry points out, we all need to have some income."

Tomas is an 'average' looking Brit, nothing dramatic about his features or baring, except for the slightly hollow look in his eyes.
Last edited April 29, 2024 12:52 pm
Apr 29, 2024 1:28 pm
Aldus looks up from the book he was reading. "I believe that leaves me. Sir Aldus Lemmington-Smythe, at your service. Been potty about Egypt ever since I first heard of the Pharaohs. Badgered the folks at the British Museum until they couldn't answer my questions so I found better people to ask. Couldn't pass up a chance to put all that knowledge to the test."
Apr 29, 2024 3:14 pm
@Mhoram100 Looks like we are only waiting on Reem. I think if he does not show up initially, we can get started and have him arrive late. I'll move things forward tomorrow.
Apr 30, 2024 3:46 am
A busboy arrives at the table and begins distributing small cups of intense looking coffee to the guests at the table. "Saba7 elkheer, honored guests. A courtesy from the Suliman Cafe next door." The figure stumbles and bumps into Miss Bishop, spilling one of the drinks, forcing them to begin mopping the spilt liquid off the table, bumping into the Russian officer. They beat a hasty retreat, full of "Ma’lish" and "Law smaHt"s.

A few moments later a dark-haired, dark-eyed, young woman in a loose embroidered blouse, her waist tied with a sash of bright blue silk slinks up to the table carrying the same silver tray as the Bellhop. On it, an assortment of unguarded pocketings taken moments before from the gathered guests. In a voice accented after British soldiery, she greets the party. "Hello honored travelers. All apologies for my intrusion." She glances at the host as she settles impudently onto the empty chair. "That’s a fine weapon you have there, Mr. Russian. I daren’t have taken it, but I had to get a good look."

She offers her hand with a delicate turn to the Englishwoman, "My lady, lovely to make your acquaintance" she offers in an awkward imitation of a posh British accent.

"I am called Reem, your expert in local customs, guide extraordinary, and the most essential friend that you’re all likely to make here. I’m instructed to ensure that you all find whatever you need to complete your investigations successfully."
Last edited April 30, 2024 2:45 pm
Apr 30, 2024 5:41 pm
Sarah takes the hand of Reem and looks a little put out upon seeing her items so easily pickpocketed. She pouts a little, but then smiles at the girl.

"I'm a little distressed my pocket change was so easy to take, but I can see I need to be more careful in the future. It's refreshing to meet a woman not boxed in by social mores. This will be fun!"

She gathers her items, but is more careful in securing them away this time. She then takes a small fan out of her purse and waves it rapidly.

"It is awfully hot. Does anyone know when our benefactor may appear?"
May 2, 2024 3:31 am
Sorry guys, we are moving into a new house this weekend so I've been a bit swamped.
Off camera scene-

A hazy room, full of fat rich men in old suits smoking fine cigars and drinking whiskey from old glass tumblers. The room smells of sweat and spices from the lunch that was served a bit ago. In the center of the table lies an ancient stone artifact, still covered in sand that partially obscures the hieroglyphs carved into it. The men are looking at it with interest.

Eventually, the presider begins a bidding war, with each bid being quickly outdone by the next man at the table. When the bid reaches $100 million, the men fall quiet, thinking hard about their options. In the silence, The Investor speaks up, his voice having not been heard in the bidding yet:

"I'll bid a billion."

The other men seem stunned, and one goes so far as the get out of his seat, angry that he was outbid by such a margin.

"You don't have the faintest idea what you are doiiiii..."

Before he can finish that sentence, The Investor pulls out a small revolver and deposits a bullet in the man's chest, silencing him. His eyes remain steady, his face betrays no emotions as he adds, "Any more objections?"

When the room remains silent, he stands, pockets his gun, takes the artifact from the table, drops a pre-written check for $1 billion, and leaves without a word.
May 2, 2024 3:36 am
"Speak of the devil and he shall appear." In walks The Investor, in a fine suit and smelling vaguely like cigars and vodka. There is a slight and barely noticeable bulge in his jacket, and one in his pocket (the gun and the artifact).

"Sorry I'm late- I had some ... business ... to attend to. Money talks, but some men don't know how to keep their peace.

Anyways, it looks like the group's all here! If you'll come with me, we can begin our travel immediately."
May 2, 2024 3:39 am
At these words, servants come from behind all of you, taking your luggage.

"Our excavation site is a few hours outside of Cairo, and your bags should be waiting for you when you arrive. Please follow me."

With this, The Investor leads you to a waiting helicopter that will fly you to the site.
May 2, 2024 3:42 am
The trip is a few hours long, but the chopper has AC and is rather comfy. The Investor sits at the front with the pilot, and you get the distinct impression that he is polite but does not want to mingle with the group as a peer.

Upon landing, he says, "Take today to explore the campsite and to set up your gear and rest. Tomorrow we will start, just after breakfast."

He turns and leaves without another word, headed towards a large tent guarded by two security guards carrying large guns.
May 2, 2024 3:46 am
So now you guys have a little down time to do whatever you want. It's a good time to explore, to set up your stuff, to talk to each other or NPCs, etc. Everyone only has the one skill, "Do anything Lv I," so if you feel like a roll is called for, I can set a DC and you will roll 1d6 (we can also do opposed rolls if it is appropriate). The game will go better if you get a roll or two in before the action starts so you can have some starting skills.

Good luck!
May 2, 2024 2:57 pm
I’m a little uncertain what the culture here is in terms of making up the environment and assuming problems into existence to justify rolls
Reem spent the helicopter flight over asking the guests after themselves and their backgrounds and generally getting their temperatures. She particularly wants to know what each of them is expecting to find under the ancient sands.
May 2, 2024 4:44 pm
Feel free to make up whatever about the environment you want. I think it's safe to assume that this is a fully functioning camp with a mess hall and individual tents for everything and things like that. Since it is so well funded, you might even find expensive equipment or tools that might be helpful (and you could roll to see how well you can use them or how much you know about them).
May 2, 2024 6:39 pm
Timothy was sweating. Part of it was the ever present, sweltering Cairo heat, but mostly it was their so called benefactor. Who on God's green Earth has a billion dollar to spend on a piece of rock? And then to so callously gun down a man for objecting? In front of a member of the free press no less!

"And I thought the gangsters in Chicago were tough cookies..." he mused.

There was no doubt in Timothy's mind that their benefactor was a very powerful and dangerous man. One Timothy knew he could not afford to make an enemy of.

"Now I can't put the part where the murder happened in my article, he's gonna have me whacked!" he thought.

Or perhaps it was just the oppressive heat... Yeah, the heat... Timothy had heard that when the weather gets warmer, the amount of violent crimes increase...

"Yeah, it must have been the heat! There was no other reason to just gun another man down." he reasoned.

Still, he wasn't looking up at the prospect of interviewing their benefactor, not just yet at least... Perhaps Timothy could buy himself some time by going around the camp and interviewing other people in the meantime.

Timothy was a bit annoyed. He really wanted to start on his interview with their benefactors as soon as possible, but he had retreated in his tent guarded by two large, mean-looking armed men. Timothy knew enough from his coverage of the gangsters in Chicago what that meant: "Stay away!"... Still, he needed to start his interview somewhere...

This is when he got an idea and turned to Reem. "Say, our benefactor looks mighty busy right now and I don't want bother him, but I still have an article to write. I was thinking of interviewing some of the people at camp first, but I notice a lot of them seem to be local, so I might need an interpreter. Do you mind if I ask you to tag along?"
Last edited May 3, 2024 9:16 pm
May 2, 2024 7:46 pm
Reem brightens visibly at the encouragement. "Yes, sir, of course. I can find you people for your paper. What sort of people do you want? Old workmen with humble backgrounds, explosives boys hired away from the quarries, mysterious old Bedouins bringing in herds of camels out of the desert? What kind of story do you want for this paper of yours?"
I’ll roll Do Anything 1 to find a few good interviewees

Who hoo! I’ll add ‘Well connected 2’ to my character sheet.
Last edited May 2, 2024 7:49 pm


Find interviewees (Do anything 1) - (1d6)

(6) = 6

load next

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