Jun 4, 2024 4:34 pm
Some additional information. According to the statue of Jan Smuts, the book went missing sometime in the late evening. This gives Jacob a limited timeframe to review the camera footage. However, nighttime images may not be very clear.
"That's quite vague for 20 pounds," he remarks, yet he opts to keep his promise and pays the amount.
Mark may help him with the Surveyor's cameras, or perhaps Benji knows who is running the cameras in the tube. In any case, it's time to ask for more favours, so he sends text messages to both of them.
"That's quite vague for 20 pounds," he remarks, yet he opts to keep his promise and pays the amount.
Mark may help him with the Surveyor's cameras, or perhaps Benji knows who is running the cameras in the tube. In any case, it's time to ask for more favours, so he sends text messages to both of them.
Basically asking whether any of them can provide access to these cameras, or know someone who can help :)