Grimwulf Goodbarrel is a former soldier, dishonorably discharged after single-handedly causing the collapse of a magical defense tower (requiring several thousands worth of crushed diamonds and rare dragon eggs in material to build). Wanting to leave the memories of Molthune behind, Grim started wandering Golarian, taking what jobs he could to earn coin that quickly slipped through his fingers once had.
A few months ago, traveling the Varisian coast he stumbled upon Sandpoint. Hoping to find work, he managed to get job offers among the various big businesses (Carpenter's Guild, Sandpoint Lumber Mill, and Shipyard) but kept getting fired after only a few days on the job. One day, while at the Hagfish, Bilivar Wheen offered him a job at Wheen's Wagons. This was a bit surprising as Grim is crap at wheel making, and suspects Bilivar just needs a drinking and gambling companion. Still, it's a steady paycheck, so no complaints there.
Leaving the Hagfish one night (a regular there now), tipsy and 50sp richer after a hot streak at the craps table, he spots a flyer for tomorrow's Swallowtail Festival. A rare half smile forms on his lips
Things may finally be looking up.
Last edited May 18, 2024 5:26 pm