Guy GoodHeart
>>>Guy spooned out a bowl of stew and slid it over to Atalanta.
"More power to ya then, mate... Eat up." He reached for the clay pitcher and poured two flagons, one for himself and the other for the Monk.
"Stuff tastes like the kinda thing they say is 'good for you' or 'healthy' or the like..." Guy stuck his tongue out mockingly.
>>>"Guess one good thing is that if the food tastes this bad, it'll cut down on having to use the Loo..." Guy blurred out.
"Because I haven't seen a single WC yet and I bet my mace there's no indoor plumbing."

Tina the Enchanter
>>>"Gross..." Tina said a bit too loudly.
"Could you just NOT?" She couldn't refute the point her guildmate made, however.

>>>"Well...that makes the Maid SubClass a whole lot less appealing." the Sorcerer groaned.
"On that lovely note, I'm going to bed and hope my MP restores by morning." Arga stood and headed to the stairs but stopped about the same spot Piphany had earlier.
"Oh, hey. We bumped a couple of levels so...should we 'level up' before we leave tomorrow?I'm not even sure what I should choose."

Guy GoodHeart
>>>"A couple?" Guy asked, wondering what he should do with his dirty bowl.
"I bumped up only one level..." He looked to Tina who shook her head in agreement.

>>>"I only went up one level as well...but I was halfway to 23 already before we ended up in the game." BradL33 stood up as well, walking towards the stairs to join Arga.
"You level pretty quick below level 20 and it gets a LOT slower the higher level you get. Took me three years to break level 50 but trying end game content speeds that up afterwards." He sighed,
"I don't even know how that'd work now..."
>>> BradL33 noticed Isbjorn unwrapping a pack of rations at the table and commented,
Are you still hungry??" Big man, big appetite he guessed.
>>>Back at the field, and a few hours later than the conversation at the village, the field hands lit a pyre to burn the suspect vegetation they'd unearthed behind the now vanquished King Triffid. As the pyre took light, the field hands began to gather in a file to head back to the village.
>>>The younger field hands towed a small cart laden with baskets containing the things they'd retrieved from the fields. Odd items left behind in the wake of King Triffid's defeat, no doubt.

>>>Maxime approached as the last of the field hands passed onto the path towards the village.
"I thank you for staying with us in case more trouble appeared." he greeted Grace and Raquel.
"And for your bravery battle that fiendish creature. Nothing of its like has ever been seen here before..."
>>>In the distance, somewhere deep in the surrounding forest, bursts of light erupted. Flashes that could be mistaken for heat lightening, if they weren't multicolored, flared from the trees. Out there in the darkness of the deep wood a battle was raging.

>>>"It is very dangerous in the woods at night. Let us hope they fare as well as we, eh?" Maxime remarked before ushering the two Adventurers to follow along towards the village.