Sep 24, 2024 8:28 am
New Crew
>>>Yesterday. Yesterday was May 3rd. Yesterday was the day that everything changed. Yesterday was when you suddenly found yourself transported into a different world. Like waking up from a daydream, you found yourself in unfamiliar surroundings.. and, more disturbingly, in a body that was not your own! You weren't alone, either. Surrounding you were hundreds, if not thousands of others in the same state of sudden confusion, shock and denial.
>>>It didn't take long for people to realize that they'd somehow ended up in a place that very much resembled the MMO game they'd been playing, embodied in the fantasy characters they'd been logged in as. Chaos and confusion reigned for the first few hours and most 'people' sought shelter in the Inns and Taverns trying to make sense of the madness. Those in Guilds retreated into their Guild Halls, everyone else mostly sought out groups to commiserate with about what happened. Humanity, such as it was now that it included Elves, Dwarves, beast-folk and other stranger things, were still social creatures and clustered together for support if for no other reason.
>>>Rumor spread that others had arrived from outside the city. Other people from Earth, trapped the same way everyone else had been, had made their way in from the surrounding areas outside the city with wild tales of the dangers in the zones outside of Mound City. The utter lack of ready distractions or easily available entertainment in this new world, coupled with basic curiosity, made those tales spread like wildfire. Pretty soon, a sizeable contingent of people just hung out near the city gates just to be the first ones to hear the tales from the proverbial source as new people arrived.
>>>Once the sun had set, the new arrivals had stopped coming even though torchlight vigils were held just in case. Unlike the world that everyone had left behind, when the sun set the darkness was like a stygian blanket even though the stars filled the sky in numbers beyond dreaming.
>>>The next morning brought a flurry of revelations and discoveries for both good and ill... It hadn't taken long to discover that food and drink were tasteless, despite how good they looked. Someone had found out how to access the game's User Interface and that it functioned exactly the same way it did when Elder Tales was a game, including access to the TeleChat & Friend List function. While most of the 'game elements' of this world functioned "normally", some did not... The Transport Gates that enabled 'fast travel' between Player Cities, like Mound City, were not operational. One of the most shocking discoveries was when a group of people who didn't arrive already inside Mound City appeared at the Cathedral all claiming to have died during an ambush by game monsters and been revived!
>>>Again finding little to do in the City, a sizeable crowd had assembled at the City Gates waiting for others to arrive. Small groups had straggled in with similar harrowing tales of hostile monsters in the surrounding area. This is where we find our crew hanging out. A crew that came together from being forced to share a table at a crowded Tavern and finding a bit of commonality from all being very new to the game. Banding together just made sense.
>>>A clamor arise as a new group of people had been spotted across the broken terrain between the City Gates and the ruins of the old city. Someone had started calling it the Dead Zone and the name just sort of stuck. It seemed to be a sizeable group. At least ten people. Others around you began hooting and yelling encouragements as the group followed the trail towards the Gate...then fell into hushed shock.
City Zone | Eusa Server
Monsters: No | PvP: No | Skill Use: Yes
Entry Restriction: none
>>>Hustling across the barren area between the ruins of the old city and the city walls, the Party covered about half the distance before they heard and felt a huge explosion right off the side of their path. The blast knocked everyone but Grace off their feet and scattered them around like chaff in the wind.
Guy GoodHeart
Mr. Boaty
Serena Everdark