>>>With a swirling mass of personal battles going on around them and a band of murderous PKs on their heels, the Party finds themselves between a rock and a hard place; in more military terms, between a hammer and anvil. Going neither forward nor back seems like a good option...
>>> Fortunately there are at least some willing to brave the fray to stand beside the band of 'returners' against the PK-ers. Rushing to their aid, the vanguard of the brave lot reach the 'returners' as the real battle begins!

>>>"Guardian Wolf!" the young-looking Druid called up his only Summon to help defend the Party.
>>>Past him raced a wall of red-haired muscle and metal followed by a Wolf-Fang Swashbuckler nearly the same size. The two raced past BradL33 as they tried to close the distance on the PK Crew, taking the fight to them. Hell-bent for leather, Maximum and Brophy rushed towards the menacingly jolly PK Pirate.
Brophy & Maximum take a Move Action to close on the PK Crew.

>>>Isbjorn, tearing his eyes off the terrible state of things around them, shook his head and raised Calamity up in his wide shoulders to get a better look at the situation. He gave her a deeply concerned look as he took the magical staff, win from the King Triffid battle, out of his Inventory and readied it for battle.
Calamity has an Action here. Whatever she decides to do, I'll weave it in for the remaining half of the turn.
>>>Raquel also decides to take the fight to the PK Crew, turning and racing at them as she unleashes her Sweeper Attack. Her blade slashes the air ahead of her and a wave of deadly intent lashes out in front of her towards the target of her fury. The wave of energy strikes the PK Party, sending dust flying behind them and the Catfolk Sorceress to be pushed back a step.

>>>Moved to action, VerminTude calls forth a massive creature to help even the numbers game.

Gargant Tarantella
>>>The Status Box above it labels it as a '
Gargant Tarantella'. The size of a delivery truck, the giant spider/crab raises its legs and hunkers down in front of the two Catfolk PK-ers intent on guarding them from further harm.

Mr. Boaty
>>>"Here comes the PAIN! YAR HAR!"the tubby Pirate levels his Blunderbuss and fires at the approaching Adventurers. Brophy, Maximum and Raquel are the closest and he has a bit of a conundrum about who to shoot... Erring in the part of caution, he targets the two Weapon Specialists. The enormous BOOM sent scattershot at the Swashbuckler and the Assassin, both sidestepping the deadly hail.

Serena Everdark
>>>Zeroing in on Tina, she lets the deadly arrow fly to find its mark. Seemingly unaware, the target of Serena's hate worked her fingers in the air on a mission known only to her...hoping her Guardian friend could cover for her.

Guy GoodHeart
>>>The arrow struck home in Guy's armor, staggering him back a couple of steps as he intercepted the arrow meant for Tina.
'Whatever you're playing at, you've got some very pointy attention..." the Guardian gasped, recovering from the heavy hit.
Guy takes the Guard Action on Tina.

Tabitha Blackclaw
>>>"OW! THAT HURT! You're gonna get it now!" the night-black Catfolk's ears flattened back against her head and VerminTude was too busy to hold her back this time...
Grand Serpentine Lightning!!"OOC:
Anyone with a Magic Defense of 6 or less is gonna take damage. I don't think anyone's is that low though.
Brophy, Guy & Calamity are all at 6, I think.
Party 1
INIT | Name | Lvl | HP | DMG | MP | Spent | Status
9 | Atalanta | 13 | 90 | | 60 | |
14 | Calamity | 13 | 100 | | 66 | |
9 | Fren | 13 | 64 | | 92 | |
8 | Grace | 12 | 72 | | 72 | |
7 | Isbjorn | 12 | 60 | | 90 | |
13 | Raquel | 13 | 84 | | 78 | | |
Party 2
INIT | Name | Lvl | HP | DMG | MP | Spent | Status
14 | Brophy | 10 | 78 | | 50 | |
6 | Colin | 10 | 70 | | 50 | |
12 | Maximum | 10 | 80 | | 40 | |
6 | Tabby Fatts | 10 | 50 | | 70 | |
8 | Wheeler | 10 | 60 | | 60 | | |
Party 3
INIT | Name | Lvl | HP | DMG | MP | Spent | Status
7 | Arga | 13 | 72 | | 90 | |
15 | BradL33 | 23 | 138 | | 138 | |
5 | Guy | 17 | 132 | -34 | 84 | |
8 | Piphany | 12 | 72 | | 72 | |
10 | Tina | 17 | 84 | | 120 | | |
PK Party
INIT | Name | Lvl | HP | DMG | MP | Spent | Status
11 | Mr.Boaty | 45 | ?? | -38 | ?? | |
10 | Serena | 47 | ?? | -38 | ?? | |
10 | Tabitha | 47 | ?? | -38 | ?? | |
12 | VerminTude | 45 | ?? | -38 | ?? | | |
INIT | Name | LvL | HP | DMG | MP | Spent | Status
15 | Guardian Wolf | 16 | 96 | | 66 | |
12 | Gargant Tarantella | 38 | ??? | | ??? | |
6 | Talon | 12 | 48 | | 72 | | [Flying] |