Character and Ark Creation

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Jul 15, 2024 1:48 pm
Hunting Party.
It has one of the best investment to return ratios I've seen amongst the projects. 1 work point per PC, for 2d6 Food Supply. (It also uses Shoot and Endure for skills.)

It should let us complete this project and be ready to move to the next one pretty quickly.
Jul 19, 2024 3:06 pm
Sounds like Hunting Party, if no one else has other alternatives. The other project that's available is Zone Expedition.

I know Pedrop was pitching and roleplaying for some, but those projects like Autocracy and Suffrage have a minimum DEV requirement, so they can't happen yet.

I intend to play out some parts of projects, as part of the larger adventure narrative, beyond simply rolling dice for them, ie play them out in order to be given the chance to roll the dice for them.
Jul 23, 2024 8:09 am
Yeah, it looks like a longer process to install a proper King at the top of the ark hierarchy ( especially when you are unconscious... ;) ). And I think some hits to solar plexus and head helped to understand that for Salomon much better then before:) But he will work on this gradually nonetheless. I think.

But I agree that we have to establish some food sources first, especially as we have access to water. So also voting for Hunting Party.

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