Homebrew rules and Nerfs

May 3, 2024 4:28 pm
Homebrew Rules
Legendary Resistance
Rather than the basic version of legendary resistance, monster will have the following:

Legendary Resistance.While the monster has half of its maximum hit points or more, it can choose to automatically succeed on any saving throw or ability check against a spell or other effect that would inflict a condition or that hinder the monsters ability to use its action, bonus action, movement, or reaction.

Heroic Rests
I would like to use this time to experiment with an alternate, more heroic version of resting. With this rule, there are no short rests. Instead, as soon as a battle against a credible, hostile threat (DM decides, but essentially after initiative is over), you gain a "heroic rest". For a heroic rest, you can spend any number of hit dice as you want, and you regain 1 expended use of any ability that comes back after a short rest. As such, a fighter would automatically regain their use of action surge and second wind, while a cleric would get 1 use of channel divinity back and a warlock would get 1 pact slot back. For resources like a monk's ki, where you have as much of the resource per short rest as your level, you regain an amount equal to your proficiency bonus.

Long rests are no longer tied to physical rests, but rather to the completion or failure of quests. As such, you automatically gain the benefits of a long rest after defeating a mission boss, but camping out before a boss fight would not yield anything.

Note: For this one shot, essentially you will get a heroic rest after every fight, but there will be no long rests as you would get those benefits after defeating the gorgon queen, which is the end of the adventure.

Fighter: Action Surge
The action you get from action surge cannot be used to cast any spells, be they with a spell slot, innate spellcasting (like from a race or invocation), or magic item. This has no effect on the action you get normally. Thus, you could cast a spell and take the attack action, just not 2 spells.
This spell no longer counters spells of 3rd level or lower automatically, and as such no longer has an "At Higher Levels" section. Every casting requires an ability check using your spellcasting ability. Additionally, the range is reduced to 30 feet instead of 60, making it something you have to put yourself at risk to be able to do.
Cleric: Twilight Domain
Twilight Sanctuary provides temporary hit points equal to twice your cleric level, instead of 1d6+cleric level, but only when activated, not every round. it still does the other effects, such as creating an area of dim light and ending the charmed or frightened condition. The area of dim light is dim light regardless of light level, so it would make dim light even in an area of bright light.

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