May 10, 2024 2:47 pm
@MaJunior,@Basil (I will mention Sardis when they join)
The three of you will be starting in The Village of Barovia.

I trying to figure out the full timeline for the three of you.
But main points are:
The three of you out in the woods for some reason. (You three can decided together)
You were attacked by wolves/werewolves.
Running through the woods you came upon The Village of Barovia.
That was maybe 3-4 days ago.
You found a house that was safe to hide out in.
A few of you were severly injuried.
You have been healing and dealing with wounds.
You have explored a little bit of the town
You have found:
E1. Bildrath's Mercantile but have little coin and their prices are expesive. 10x normal PHB cost.
E2. Blood of the Vine Tavern the 3 owners were very rude.
There is also a constant sound of a lady crying. It sound like she is very sad.
Traveling about the village is not safe at night. A large horde of zombies come out and wonder the village.
The three of you will be starting in The Village of Barovia.

I trying to figure out the full timeline for the three of you.
But main points are:
The three of you out in the woods for some reason. (You three can decided together)
You were attacked by wolves/werewolves.
Running through the woods you came upon The Village of Barovia.
That was maybe 3-4 days ago.
You found a house that was safe to hide out in.
A few of you were severly injuried.
You have been healing and dealing with wounds.
You have explored a little bit of the town
You have found:
E1. Bildrath's Mercantile but have little coin and their prices are expesive. 10x normal PHB cost.
E2. Blood of the Vine Tavern the 3 owners were very rude.
There is also a constant sound of a lady crying. It sound like she is very sad.
Traveling about the village is not safe at night. A large horde of zombies come out and wonder the village.