Journey to Lands Far Far Away (RP)

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May 19, 2024 6:17 pm
- Ezme and Roald -

"I am not a 'house felder'!" Humphrey says, not sure what a 'felder' is, but assuming from the previous tone that it is an insult. He likes 'rakish', though, and looks delighted by how the conversation is going.

The inn is full of drinking people, some who were part of the mob. Do you go in?

What do you do?
May 19, 2024 6:46 pm
Ezmaray turns to Roald and Humphrey. "Where is carriage? Perhaps better we wait there...?"
May 19, 2024 7:18 pm
- Ezme and Roald -

"Good idea." Humphrey agrees eagerly. "The carriages are round back. Roald, be a pal and go check what's up with Albert in there." He suggests.

What do you do?
May 21, 2024 12:51 am
Ezmaray's head turns sharply to look at Roald.
May 21, 2024 5:16 pm
50 people!? o.O Oh boy. I was expecting like 15 tops :/
Shall I remove my money from my character sheet?
"Ah, I see. Well to be honest, that doesn't surprise my from Humphrey. He seems to have a weak spot for ... Well anything with 2 legs and a bosom, I suppose."

He continues to listen to the crowd's assumptions on whether or not Humphrey actually did anything, but then steers away from that conversation.

"Say, fellas. What's been going on with the river near here? I've noticed a lot of fog around dusk. When did all that start?"
May 21, 2024 8:56 pm
Roald opens the door just enough to get his head in. He catches a glimpse of Albert talking to a small crowd.
''Let's go around the back. We don't need them to see you right now.''
They carefully sneak around back staying away from the Windows as much as possible.
In the kitchen there is only the innkeeper's wife stirring in a kettle of broth. She frowns at Roald who puts a finger to his lips.
Upstairs Daryl is sitting on his bed polishing his armour. Roald shuts the door after everybody is in the room.
'' Listen up Humphrey, you kinda put us in a very annoying situation. This reputation of yours is not something we want to be associated with and at this point I'm seriously considering to go on without you. I don't know if you realize we saved your life out there. You owe us big time...
Here's how I see it... ''

Roald pauzes and looks Humphrey in the eye.
May 21, 2024 9:16 pm
Relieved to see Roald completely ignore Humphrey's suggestion, Ezme follows them quietly to the inn room. As she enters, she nods polite greeting to the unfamiliar man polishing his armor on the bed. After the door shuts, she folds her arms and stands leaning casually against the wall, content to let the others work this out.
May 22, 2024 7:41 am
- Roald -

Humphrey does look at all abashed, he appreciates the save, but seems to think it is part of some game you are all playing. "Oh, I understand. Appreciate that, thanks." He says.

Then he sidles up to you, speaking quietly, it looks like he does not want Ezme to hear his words and the reason quickly becomes clear. "But that is part of the fun. It is not 'conquest' if there are no risks and you just pay for it." You are reminded of the gleam in his eye when you first spoke to him about his lecherous ways and converting to conquest instead, and his suggestion of 'conquest of the heart'. Maybe he got it wrong, maybe everybody did in that conversation.

"Just imagine conquering her." He whispers, inclining his head to Ezme. "Though I heard you already did? Well done?"

What do you do?
May 22, 2024 9:21 am
While listening to Humphrey, Roald cycles quickly through a bunch of emotions. At first he is confused about the lack of gratitude for getting him out of the hands of that mob. Turning into disbelieve over Humphrey's vision on women and at last a mix of angre and insult when he suggest that he and Ezme...

Without thinking he hits Humphrey straight in the face. At the last instant he tries to hold back just a little not to injure the guy but to deliver the message.

"You piece of shit!" Roald spits in his general direction.


sneaking in to the inn/room +dex - (2d6+1)

(65) + 1 = 12

suckerpunch +str - (2d6+1)

(16) + 1 = 8

May 22, 2024 1:33 pm
Ezme's eyes narrow as she watches Humphrey lean in to talk confidentially with Roald. All she can make out before his voice drops to a complete whisper is the word "conquest," but she can read body language, and she certainly catches the nod of Humphrey's head her direction. She frowns suspiciously. He was talking about her.

Roald's passionate response to whatever Humphrey said takes her entirely by surprise. Wtf?! Ezme unfolds her arms and launches off the wall with alarm as Humphrey is sent flying backward by Roald's punch. Her wide eyes dart between the two of them. She stands ready to come to Roald's aid if necessary.

In the back of her mind, she notes her stitches stinging in protest.
May 22, 2024 1:49 pm
While Albert is talking to a few people in the crowd, likely trying to work Raynor into the conversation whenever he can, he hears a ruckus coming from up stairs. Someone is in our rooms. He thinks, remembering that the butcher was angry and might be executing some type of revenge action.

"Uhm, excuse me a minute, friends. I need to check on something." He excuses himself and hurries up stairs to find the cause of the noise.

"Oh, it's you guys." He says as he realizes who is up here. "I didn't see you come in." Noticing Humphrey's pained expression as he clutches his nose, Albert adds. "Wow Ezme, you really did a number on him. Is he ok?"
Last edited May 22, 2024 1:50 pm
May 22, 2024 2:27 pm
Ezme steps back and throws up her hands innocently. "For once, Roald beat me to punchline!"

She turns an unsettled, questioning look to the enraged fighter. What did Humphrey say that upset this good-hearted fellow thusly??
Last edited May 22, 2024 2:27 pm
May 23, 2024 4:39 pm
- Time Skips forward... -

Humphrey is angry, muttering about being mis-sold a different sort of adventure, and the party was not keen to have him along anymore anyway. So there is a parting of ways.
With a another little rejiggering of packs Ezme ends up easily carrying the smaller-but-heavy package, Theo —who feels he still needs some more experience to pad out his resume— decides to come along a bit further, and takes a turn with the smallest-and-lightest package, and Albert and Roald see a pair of laborers carrying a hay bale slung on a pole between them and find that works quite well for the large-and-awkward package. This arrangement is not idea, it leaves two of our adventurers unable to react all that fast, and makes it pretty obvious to anyway who sees the party that they are transporting something of some significance, but it will do for now.
Just before sundown the party finds itself passing near the area where they had their final mist encounter. Mist has not started to form yet, but you don't think Gronk's promised solution of taking his pay in offal and offering it to the river [ref] will have come into effect yet. So this is not the best place to be right now, maybe you should keep going into the night.

What do you do?
May 23, 2024 4:39 pm
- Ezme -

The party maybe wants to move on quickly, but this is probably the best place to leave your offering for Wankle.

What do you do?
May 23, 2024 5:11 pm
Ezmaray pauses, then sets her package down at Theo's feet.

"Just over that slope there are herbs I would collect, for making poultice. Very quick. I will be right be back." Before anyone can protest, she jogs over the slope and out of view. She quickly pulls a bottle of her blood from her pack and calls out in a loud whisper. "Wankle??"

Not immediately seeing the mistling, the trapper goes to the base of the slope where a stream winds. There she yanks up a collection plants with broad green leaves, topped with a bunch of small white flowers. Holding the uprooted plants up in the air before her, she shakes excess dirt off of the bulbous root's papery exterior.

One hand still gripping the bottle of blood, she glances around one last time for Wankle before leaving her gift at the base of a tree. "For you, Wankle, as promised." With that, she starts to make her way back to the others.
May 23, 2024 8:38 pm
Roald puts down his side of the package forcing Albert to do the same.
'' This actually works quite well. I just need some padding for my shoulder and I could walk like this for hours''
'' This place gives me the creeps... I think we should press on for some time to get away from the mist. If Ezme doesn't take to long, we should be able to cross the river before it gets dark.''
May 24, 2024 3:06 am
Lille slips quietly through the trees, easily keeping up with the group. She had waited for the foreign woman to come camp in the woods again, and was surprised when she left town with the other men and set off on the road. With two of them occupied with the large package, Lille’s sharp senses and help with hunting would be of even more value. She nods to herself, reassured that they would certainly let her join them when they saw her usefulness. For now, she could do all that from a distance, and reveal herself when her worth was solidly proven.

It’ll be good to have the protection of the pack, she tells herself. Life as an adventurer would mean some big changes, but her apprehension was small enough that her curiosity made the changes seem appealing. For now, anyway.

The first change comes quickly as the woman calls the group to a halt and then charges off into the trees. Lille freezes, her instincts kicking in as she watches in confusion. Does she need to relieve herself? This is a bad time and place for a long stop. Stay away from the mists. Her mentor’s repeated command echoes firmly in her mind. You cannot stay here, it is not safe. Find some adventurers, go learn about the world.. Jordash’s last words echo strongly for different reasons.

Shaking herself out of her reverie, Lille’s confusion increases as the woman stops and calls into forest. What is she saying? Lille itches to move close enough to hear, but keeps her body still. After what feels like an age, she calls again and leaves, after putting something down. What did "Wankle" mean? The one audible word seems foreign; perhaps from her language, whatever that is. She shakes her head at the mysteries, watching her future companion retreat back to the group. Lille is sure she has enough time to wait until they set off on the road again, then go see what that item is.
May 24, 2024 8:23 am
Unaware of the hunter spying on them from the trees, Albert rubs his shoulder. "Yeah, it works well, but I don't know if I can keep it up for hours on end." He winces as he touches a sore spot and goes to sit down on a nearby stump. "It'll be useful to have someone around who knows about poultices and the likes." He looks around a bit, relaxing. "We should probably keep going to avoid the mist. I'm not sure how lucky we'd be a second time."
May 24, 2024 8:27 am
With the mist now on his mind, Albert wonders aloud. "Say, Roald. Did you give that dagger back to Gronk?"
May 24, 2024 7:21 pm
''I wanted to return it to him, but he said I should keep it. So yeah, I still have it ''
Roald opens his cloak and shows Albert the dagger hanging by his side.
'' He said he didn't know how long the blessing Would last, but if it's all the same to you, I have no intention to find out''
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