Deeper Underdark
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Jun 24, 2024 8:37 am
" My dear Stee, your daring spirit and hunger for adventure put me to shame, but shouldn't we figure out how this place work, it will be a shame if we left and not be able to come back, imagine the adventures that this place can lead us."
Jun 24, 2024 9:55 am
This just seem like the central point to me. This seems to be the place that is constant. It is the same as it was when I left it the first time. Where as the doors I left by the first time and then reentered has changed both times.
Jun 24, 2024 12:35 pm
daryen says:
Grin didn't really need to roll to open the cage, but we'll go with it. Felix, confused on what stumped Grin, just opens it simply, letting the goat out.
Ricardoi91 says:
" My dear Stee, your daring spirit and hunger for adventure put me to shame, but shouldn't we figure out how this place work, it will be a shame if we left and not be able to come back, imagine the adventures that this place can lead us."Last edited June 24, 2024 12:36 pm
Jun 24, 2024 3:44 pm
Hearing Grin mention a key, Ealdwig looks around the cavern looking for some kind of key that may give information on how the keypad works. At first he looks for an actual key, like others he's seen in the past, to a lock. Upon inspection of the keypad, he realizes there is not hole for a key. He scratches his head, in thought.
He decides it must be a series of lights in a certain order / pattern that will work the different doors. He goes off in search of different patterns.
He decides it must be a series of lights in a certain order / pattern that will work the different doors. He goes off in search of different patterns.
Jun 24, 2024 4:53 pm
Sorry for slow response time. Newborn puppies yesterday. I'll get to it as soon as I can, but assume that Oliver goes with the flow for now.Jun 24, 2024 9:34 pm
no worries, puppy parent!Are any of the objects Ealdwig found fancy enough to be a key?
Jun 25, 2024 12:21 am
After opening the goat cage Felix worried about Grin.
No man should be that puzzled about a simple latch.
After a short, mental, negotiation with Florial Felix’s finger tip started glowing with a faint circular light - like a gas lamp on a foggy street.
He then stood next to Grin, as they discussed door mechanisms which he did not understand at all, and touched Grins head, healing him (for 1 HP, - at a time.)
Anyone else hurt? Those kobolds had pretty dirty fingernails.
Looking down Felix notices and amulet and a ring, half hidden by broken masonry. He picks them up and puts them away into a pocket.
No man should be that puzzled about a simple latch.
After a short, mental, negotiation with Florial Felix’s finger tip started glowing with a faint circular light - like a gas lamp on a foggy street.
He then stood next to Grin, as they discussed door mechanisms which he did not understand at all, and touched Grins head, healing him (for 1 HP, - at a time.)
Anyone else hurt? Those kobolds had pretty dirty fingernails.
Looking down Felix notices and amulet and a ring, half hidden by broken masonry. He picks them up and puts them away into a pocket.
Assuming no one else already grabbed those itemsJun 25, 2024 10:02 am
Stee looks at Felix. I could use some healing. I took a hit from the nasty buggers right before I ran into you guys.
Jun 25, 2024 2:50 pm
Wow, Felix, you’re the GREAT FINGER! How did you do that?! Noticing these artifacts that folks are finding, Grin suggests that we consolidate them and see if they will help us to open the doors from the outside.
Grin will guide Havoc the goat around the open doors and see which one Havoc most vehemently wishes to go through.
Grin will guide Havoc the goat around the open doors and see which one Havoc most vehemently wishes to go through.
Jun 25, 2024 2:55 pm
Not that it matters Felix, but I believe Oliver and I already grabbed them.Jun 25, 2024 10:18 pm
"Now, regarding these doors, the patterns are really confusing me. Maybe if we try to work out what the indicator means..."
Oliver takes out his pouch and mixes a vial of wine, opening the door where they came from, and placing the vial just behind it. Then he closed the door, adjusted his drunkard circlet, and went to play with the groove.Oliver moved around the groove and noted down all the different patterns that appeared in the indicator, while feeling in which direction the vial moved around (or whether it moved at all).
"I just want to understand what the patterns mean, but finding where the wine moves around is a handy extra."
Oliver takes out his pouch and mixes a vial of wine, opening the door where they came from, and placing the vial just behind it. Then he closed the door, adjusted his drunkard circlet, and went to play with the groove.
What is a groove? :P"I just want to understand what the patterns mean, but finding where the wine moves around is a handy extra."
Jun 26, 2024 1:18 am
OK, a few things:1) There are effectively 10 doors, as 2 of the doors are outright broken.
2) The other 10 doors (whether the open to a room or open to a blank wall) can only be opened while the groove that Grin activated is lit.
3) The morlocks seemed to only be focusing on two doors at the current time. One is the one that Stee came from and that you entered the room through. You don't know why the morlocks were focused on the other door, but they were.
4) Stee came through the doors you all entered through. Before he could leave, they were closed and he saw a light in the seam between the doors when they did close. When he opened them again they lead to where you were.
5) When you closed the doors after entering, Brewner notices a light in the seam between the doors.
6) When Grin activated the panel by making the groove light up, the doors again showed a light in the seam between the doors. You don't know if that happened for all doors or not, but it did for the ones anyone could see.
7) You opened all of the doors, looked to see what could be seen, then closed the doors. Five doors opened up into various caverns. Five doors opened to blank walls. When the last of the doors was closed, there was a light seen between the seam of the doors again. Also, about that same time, then groove went dark.
The groove is the line under the triangle made of six circles. When you came in, you saw that three of the circles were lit. After Grin activated the panel by running his finger along the groove, the doors showed the light at the seams and a fourth circle was lit up. Now there are only two unlit circles. When the last of the doors was closed, the groove's light went out.
Here's the picture of the panel again:

The background color represents the stone wall. The blue and black circles are the circles of the triangle. Each is a hemisphere that is dug into the stone wall. The blue ones are lit; the black ones are not. The black line underneath the triangle is the groove. It is a half-cylinder that is dug into the stone wall. It was lit when Grin activated it, but after opening and closing all of the doors, the light went out.
Does that help summarize where things are? I feel like I am not doing a great job explaining it. Also, if you want, I can speed past the puzzle part and let you figure out how you want to handle the room. I didn't mean for this to drag out or be too confusing. :-)
Jun 26, 2024 1:35 am
I walk up to the and slide my finger along it to see if it lights up another of the lights. Maybe we need t light them all.
Jun 26, 2024 7:53 am
I assume the 2 black circles represent the 2 broken doors and the 4 circles represent the activated doors that lead somewhere, leaving 5 doors that lead nowhereJun 26, 2024 2:52 pm
When Stee runs his finger along the groove, left to right, it acts as it did for Grin. Touching the left-most end causes the light to appear under his finger along with a very mild sensation of electricity (or something akin to that). As he moves his finger right, the light extends to keep the right most end under his finger. Once he reaches the right end and removes his finger, the light now remains. Now, the bottom right circle becomes lit and, for anyone watching any of the 10 working doors, you see a flash of light between the each set of doors.
The panel now looks like this:

Brewner moves past the clutter and opens the doors. Surprisingly, there is no stone wall this time, but instead is a dark cavern. Oddly, just after he opens the doors he hears a sound farther into the cavern. It sounds like a chain moving. Then he hears a subdued female voice say, "Did you bring any food? Or am I to starve to death?"
The panel now looks like this:

Brewner moves past the clutter and opens the doors. Surprisingly, there is no stone wall this time, but instead is a dark cavern. Oddly, just after he opens the doors he hears a sound farther into the cavern. It sounds like a chain moving. Then he hears a subdued female voice say, "Did you bring any food? Or am I to starve to death?"
I'll say that those assumptions are not correct.Jun 26, 2024 3:36 pm
i guess so xDBrewner also makes a signal that he wants to check out the source of the noise but would like backup
Jun 26, 2024 3:58 pm
Ealdwig is startled to hear the voice from inside the dark chamber. He watches, questioningly, as Brewner signal and heads into the cavern toward the strange voice. He thinks to himself, are we crazy? We ran in here having no idea where it went or what it was and now we'll leave this, um, room... into a strange dark cavern not knowing where we are going and having no idea how to get out or get back to this chamber? I am not liking this much.
Mumbling to himself, I hope we aren't the food.
Ealdwig remembers the magical spider silk. Hastily pulling it out of the bag he attaches it to a fixed part of this room. Holding the silk in his left hand he turns out his chromacloth light, before pulling out his sword with his right and following the group.
Do I have any wounds? I don't remember being hit, but I am not sure. My character sheet says 5hp, I've never updated that. i assume it's correct?
Mumbling to himself, I hope we aren't the food.
Ealdwig remembers the magical spider silk. Hastily pulling it out of the bag he attaches it to a fixed part of this room. Holding the silk in his left hand he turns out his chromacloth light, before pulling out his sword with his right and following the group.
Assuming someone has a light source he can follow. If not he'll leave the Chromacloth lit.Do I have any wounds? I don't remember being hit, but I am not sure. My character sheet says 5hp, I've never updated that. i assume it's correct?
Jun 26, 2024 5:38 pm
Ealdwig got dinged by one of the morlocks in the prior fight, however, Felix was healing everyone. I am just assuming Ealdwig piped up and Felix healed him. You're full health for this.So, does *everyone* go into the room to check out the voice? Or is someone remaining behind in the main room "just in case"?
Jun 26, 2024 8:09 pm
Brewner prefers to maintain the element of surprise and not respond or make any distinct noises. He simply shrugs, lights a torch holding it in one hand and the warhammer in the other and moves towards the voice.
He doesn't try to hide his approach, she'll see the torchlight anywayJun 26, 2024 9:40 pm
Felix heals everyone except Ealdwig … just kidding. Ghost finger for everyone!Felix hitches his gear, lights his headlamp and skips off in the direction of the subdued voice.
Worst case … I dig us a tunnel out of here!
Last edited June 26, 2024 9:40 pm
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