Deeper Underdark
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Jul 2, 2024 3:57 pm
OK, to make sure we are all on the same page right now ...Currently, all of the doors are inactive. Five of the six circles are lit, but the groove is not. Yoci's pendant does nothing right now since the room is cut off from anything. Also, are you going to leave the animals to their fate with this new priority, or do you still want to free the animals before helping Yoci? Or are you going to have a nice feast before heading out? I dunno. Up to you. :-)
Oh, and there are no holes in Ealdwig's pack. Havok is focused on Grin, as he freed him.
Jul 3, 2024 12:04 am
Stee looks at Grin.We could probably have a little meal before we go. Maybe Yoci would like to eat? Yoci we are going to have to reactivate the doors to leave.
Jul 3, 2024 12:51 am
love where this is going! Sorry for my inconsistent posting. Could you give us the list of creatures left in here again? Does anyone have anything that could help them? Maybe we just let each group loose in a different door?Jul 3, 2024 3:39 am
It is likely that a few of the doors will open to outside. But, even then it is likely a crapshoot as to whether that would actually help the animals. On the other hand, you have the information necessary to send the animals (and Stee) back whence they came. On the other other hand, the morlocks came from somewhere, and if you keep cycling you're gonna trip across them, too.Also, once you leave this cavern/room, you will have no way to get back. If you do it correctly, you could end up closing it off forever ...
Jul 3, 2024 3:52 am
There are some goats, dogs, cats, sheep, and chickens present. So, since we need some numbers, there are two goats (including Havok), two dogs, four sheep, five cats, and about a dozen chickens. They all seem to be unrelated to each other, likely stolen haphazardly over time, with the numbers kept lower because of being frequently eaten.
If you were to release the goats, dogs, and sheep from the place Stee originally came in, they'd likely all get somewhere useful. Assuming the villagers haven't done something to block the doors. The cats will likely be fine with any door to the outside. The chickens are likely just someone's dinner, regardless of what you do, other than directly returning them to a farmer or something like that. In which case they are still likely to be dinner. (Man, it sucks to be a chicken.)
If you were to release the goats, dogs, and sheep from the place Stee originally came in, they'd likely all get somewhere useful. Assuming the villagers haven't done something to block the doors. The cats will likely be fine with any door to the outside. The chickens are likely just someone's dinner, regardless of what you do, other than directly returning them to a farmer or something like that. In which case they are still likely to be dinner. (Man, it sucks to be a chicken.)
Jul 3, 2024 7:49 am
daryen says:
Also, once you leave this cavern/room, you will have no way to get back. If you do it correctly, you could end up closing it off forever ...
Jul 3, 2024 3:35 pm
"Man it sucks to be a chicken." LMAOYoci
Jul 3, 2024 4:00 pm

The colors on the character image aren't correct, and the clothes aren't correct. However, this is the closest image I could find, so we'll use it for now. Hope that's OK.Jul 4, 2024 2:06 am
looks great! Also, you all are cracking me up! Love the jokes. Is it a bad choice to try to take this goat with us? I don’t want to mess us up. Jul 4, 2024 3:18 am
Well, in all likelihood, it wouldn't closed off forever. However, you would have no way to get back. And without a full magic-user, you're not likely to be able to figure any alternatives out. And even if you did, you probably don't want to take the time. The way the doors work is pretty straightforward, so you should be able to figure out how to get where Stee came from. You should also be able to figure out how to get back to the lake. But if you get back to the lake, you have a big group of morlocks to deal with. You have a huge clue as to which door leads to where the morlocks came from, but no idea which cycle it needs.
As for the goat, I have no problem with it. I make no promises on how long the poor thing will live, but I think taking it with you is freaking awesome and I am totally on board with it. Just don't expect it to be very useful, and it'll have to be protected during combat. However, if you come up with clever ideas for it, I will definitely work with that. If you describe how you try to train it, it could become somewhat useful. Honestly, I love the idea of a pet, and you seem to be very realistic on how little use it will be. And while enemies will behave consistently with their natures (so a feathered lizard will see it as an easy target for dinner), I will in no way be targeting it or anything like that.
Jul 4, 2024 9:04 am
Brewner activates the doors once more and waits to see any reaction from Yoci holy symbol. Points to door 12?
Jul 4, 2024 11:39 am
Stee looks at the other animals and thinks a dog could come in handy also with tracking and what not. He will give some basic commands to both dogs to se if either has had any training. Maybe even a little of the training will rub off on Havoc.
What type of dogs are these breed and size? Maybe a little scrapper of a dog.Last edited July 4, 2024 3:04 pm
Jul 4, 2024 3:51 pm
Before activating the doors, are you going to barricade any of them as a precaution?As a complete, but important aside, Stee has achieved Veteran status. So, since you picked bow mastery earlier, you get to pick a trait. As I mentioned before, you can pick a new weapon proficiency instead of the trait, if you wish. We can talk in your character development thread, if you have any questions.
I'm gonna say these dogs were captured with the sheep, so they are working dogs used to guard the sheep. One is older, and one is young, though they are obviously not related, being two different breeds. Both are mediums sized dogs; the older one closer to 50 pounds and the younger one at most 40 pounds. The older one seems unwilling to leave the sheep.
Jul 4, 2024 4:32 pm
Yes, it's probably a good idea to barricade door N8 again before activating the doors.
Using the dogs to herd the sheep to Brahdhavehl would be cool, what could go wrong..
Using the dogs to herd the sheep to Brahdhavehl would be cool, what could go wrong..
Jul 4, 2024 8:59 pm
I’ll vote for finding the Stee-door and seeing if that works for the animals and/or finding the city. I don’t know much about Stee or where he came from (in terms of doors). I think Brewner is onto something with the herding the sheep somewhere. Though maybe Stee taking the small dog would be good too.
Yeah, I’ll absolutely try to make the goat useful, but only when it really makes sense. It will probably be a fun mechanism for chaos. :)
Also, did we all get XP since the giant centipedes way back when?
Last edited July 4, 2024 9:02 pm
Jul 4, 2024 9:46 pm
Stee will offer the younger dog a morsel of food and tell it to sit. I will try to give it a scratch under the chin. Good boy, it is alright. I will see that Grin doesn't try and eat you. Stee looks to Grin. Maybe I should name him Wreak to go with Havoc.
I believe the door I originally entered this room by the first time turned into the door that led to the lake.Jul 4, 2024 11:02 pm
mathias0077 says:
Maybe I should name him Wreak to go with Havoc.Jul 5, 2024 1:14 am
Oliver pets Havok happily, and offers the goat some of the shiny lichen that he retrieved previously.
"This is an okay food for goats, right?"
While petting the goat distractedly, Oliver listens to Brewner's request, and stands up suddenly as an idea pops into his mind, startling the goat.
"Right! Brewner! I just thought of something! Sorry I didn't have the idea before; I was too distracted with the pretty fire."
Oliver moves to the door that originally led to the lake and barricades it with his rod of immobility, without breaking a sweat.
"This is an okay food for goats, right?"
While petting the goat distractedly, Oliver listens to Brewner's request, and stands up suddenly as an idea pops into his mind, startling the goat.
"Right! Brewner! I just thought of something! Sorry I didn't have the idea before; I was too distracted with the pretty fire."
Oliver moves to the door that originally led to the lake and barricades it with his rod of immobility, without breaking a sweat.
Sorry it took so long to post. It's been some hectic days, but they're starting to return to normal now.Last edited July 5, 2024 1:15 am
Jul 5, 2024 2:45 am
I'll go back and review XP this weekend. You didn't have enough before for a new trait, so I didn't follow through on it. I will recalculate it this weekend and update everyone on that.load next