You have made sure to get some distance away from the Fungi Cavern and are now resting for a bit in a wide area of the passage. While everyone else is catching their breath, and Yoci is making sure everyone is healed up, Brewner does some brief scouting up ahead. He returns and tells you that there is a fork in the path ahead with the passageway splitting into two different directions. You all get up and head to the fork in order to choose which way to go. Yoci pulls out her holy symbol to try to see if one path shows shorter than the other, but she gets no clear indication one way or the other. It apparently doesn't matter which direction you head.
Before moving on, Yoci stops up short. Looking at the edge of the edge of the passage wall shared by the two passages, she points to some markings and says, "That is kobold script. I can't read it, but I definitely recognize the characters." When you look closer, you see that there is indeed some kind of writing scratched into the wall's surface, and right under it is a clear sideways arrow pointing to the left side. "I don't know if it is saying that kobolds should go that direction, or if they should not go in that direction."