Deeper Underdark
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Oct 20, 2024 1:51 am
Sure. That means either Stee or Grin should be making the roll. When doing so, let me know what you are attempting to find and do with what you find. Oct 20, 2024 11:57 pm
Oh my days - we’d better look for a hiding place!
Hiding place - (3d6)
(146) = 11
Oct 21, 2024 2:10 am
That roll will do. Sorry for not seeing it earlier.OOC:
Do not forget that duergar can see in the dark. This means that any light, even in the distance will stick out to them. It also means that a sudden bright light will likely dazzle them for a round, giving them disadvantage for that round.Oct 21, 2024 9:52 am
Stee will stash his Autums Glory for the time being as he hide with the others. He looks to Wreak and whispers"Quiet now boy."
Oct 21, 2024 1:23 pm
Grin is feeling protective, and given the options and the short time to hide, he guides the group to the side dead end - over here- He settles himself and Havoc and extinguishes his lantern.
Oct 21, 2024 6:59 pm
Oliver holds his breath while they walk to the dead end, not daring to say a word, but his mind racing to think of any concoction in his bag that could help them out.
Oct 22, 2024 3:12 pm
Following Grin and the group, Ealdwig whispers the command word light and the Chromacloth goes out. Due to his small frame Ealdwig will hid behind one of the humans. He pulls his sword slowly and carefully in case it is needed.
Oct 23, 2024 3:17 am
You all squish in and push back to the back end of the dead end passage, keeping the pets farthest back. You stay as quiet as possible, keeping the animals quiet also. Sure enough the noises get closer and closer while you wait. From the sounds, you can tell there are around a dozen or so individuals. You start to be able to hear banter between some individuals, slowly making out more words and finally whole sentences. Unfortunately, most is spoken in dwarvish, which none of you understand. However, a couple of minor voices are using the common trade language, too, which you can make out. While you aren't able to hear entire conversations, you do hear some phrases and comments. Examples include normal small talk one would expect of soldiers out on a patrol, but not in any immediate danger. As they get uncomfortably close, they stop.
You can hear the squad quickly shift into a formation, after which you only hear one individual moving in a slow and deliberate manner. He speaks harshly (or at least you think he does, as the whole dwarven language sounds harsh to non-native speakers). After what seems like an hour (but is in reality only a few minutes), the squad starts moving again and you hear them leave in a direction different from whence they came. However, before you have much of a chance to do anything, you hear a voice that obviously didn't leave with the squad.
Oddly, the voice, which while spoken by a dwarf, is using the common trade language.
"This is stupid. Nothing ever happens here."
Another voice responds, "Shut up. Whine too loudly, and your complaints will make it back to the Squad Lead, and then you'll pay for it."
"And how is he going to find out about my whining? Is there a magic listening stone here?"
"No. I'll just tell him. Plus you talk so loudly that he is probably still close enough to hear it echoing around these confusing passages."
"You always were the suck-up."
And on their bickering continues. Despite the contention, there doesn't seem to be much animosity between the two voices. However, they don't stop.
You can hear the squad quickly shift into a formation, after which you only hear one individual moving in a slow and deliberate manner. He speaks harshly (or at least you think he does, as the whole dwarven language sounds harsh to non-native speakers). After what seems like an hour (but is in reality only a few minutes), the squad starts moving again and you hear them leave in a direction different from whence they came. However, before you have much of a chance to do anything, you hear a voice that obviously didn't leave with the squad.
Oddly, the voice, which while spoken by a dwarf, is using the common trade language.
"This is stupid. Nothing ever happens here."
Another voice responds, "Shut up. Whine too loudly, and your complaints will make it back to the Squad Lead, and then you'll pay for it."
"And how is he going to find out about my whining? Is there a magic listening stone here?"
"No. I'll just tell him. Plus you talk so loudly that he is probably still close enough to hear it echoing around these confusing passages."
"You always were the suck-up."
And on their bickering continues. Despite the contention, there doesn't seem to be much animosity between the two voices. However, they don't stop.
The two voices are not too far away from the entrance to your dead-end hideaway. You have no idea how long they intend to stay, when or whether the squad will come back, or exactly which direction they came from or left to. However, you do think that they were heading in a direction potentially close to the direction you want to go in. If you stay here too much longer, I will need a roll for Wreak and Havok to see if they can maintain their composure.Oct 23, 2024 12:10 pm
Remember the communicators we haveYoci
Oct 23, 2024 3:08 pm

Oct 24, 2024 7:22 am
"Just one way to find out, let's surprise them if they are friendly good, if they are Duergar we catch them while the rest of the squad is away" Brewner communicate with a shrug
Oct 24, 2024 2:34 pm

Oct 24, 2024 2:42 pm
Well we aren't going to "turn you over". Ealdwig says sarcastically. That's just ridiculous. Maybe you could continue to hide here and someone, can go talk with them. Grin and I are unassuming. Maybe we could wonder toward them and ask questions. Long pause, you'll have our back right? Or maybe one of you talls can do it.
Oct 24, 2024 10:56 pm
While deliberating, you hear, "Well, we just have to make the best of it for the next couple hours while we wait for them to get back."
"Good thing nothing ever happens here. I don't even know why we have to be here."
"It's your fault we were the ones left here, you know."
And at that the bickering continues.
"Good thing nothing ever happens here. I don't even know why we have to be here."
"It's your fault we were the ones left here, you know."
And at that the bickering continues.
Oct 24, 2024 11:25 pm
Stee will pull his bow and ready an arrow "I will have you covered the whole time."
Oct 25, 2024 1:12 am
Maybe Ealdwig and I can lead them in here and we can tie them up and get some information from them?
Oct 25, 2024 2:36 am
We'd better hurry, if the rest of the group is coming back. Ealdwig sheaths his sword quietly. He takes a deep breath, are we going to do this? Should we leave our gear behind?
We should go out bickering, how did you get us lost, nonsense like that. Think it'll work?
We should go out bickering, how did you get us lost, nonsense like that. Think it'll work?
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