Deeper Underdark

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Jan 11, 2025 4:38 pm
Stee will sit and eat a bite and work with Wreak on more commands. He seems to be a very smart dog and learns fast.
Sorry to hear you are leaving us Brewner is a noble soul.
Jan 11, 2025 4:38 pm
Stee will sit and eat a bite and work with Wreak on more commands. He seems to be a very smart dog and learns fast.
Sorry to hear you are leaving us Brewner is a noble soul.

Gimurt Stonefist


Jan 12, 2025 9:42 pm
Gimurt Stonefist
@Ricardoi91, sorry to see you go, but, yes, this is a good stopping point. I have to figure out the exact number, but you all gain a Trait at this point. Let me know what yours would have been!

Everyone else, yes, this means you can get another Trait (or Proficiency or Mastery or HPs), too.
It takes longer than expected (a good couple of hours), but Yoci returns with another gnome and a dwarf, plus two more dwarves in tow. The dwarf says, "Welcome to Brahdhavehl! My name is Gimurt Stonefist; I am a magistrate of our fair city. Along with me is Fannir Feddlesine, one of our leading artificers. We sincerely thank you for your service in returning Yoci safely to us, and for the help you provided our ambushed patrol. Yoci said that you recovered a Regiment Bottle. May we have it? I promise we will return the bottle, but we want to, uh, properly handle the contents first." Oliver retrieves it and turns it over to the dwarf, who then hands it to Feddlesine. The gnome quickly retreats and disappears through the pair of doors the entered from.

"Also, here are your weapons back. I apologize for the caution, but you never know. Yoci fully vouched for your character and explained what you all did. Again, we are in your debt! We would greatly appreciate it if you would join us for a banquet in two days. In the meantime, Yoci will be your host and show you around the city." The two tag-alone dwarves produce your weapons and once everyone has reclaimed them, they too, retreat through the same doors as the gnomes. "Now, before I go and leave you in Yoci's hands, do you have any questions for me?"
Jan 13, 2025 6:21 pm
I will need to look at the list of Traits to recall what these gear give, and also to pick a new trait...
Jan 13, 2025 10:18 pm
Ealdwig is excited to see this new and strange city.
Yeah figuring out a trait will take some time. I've got to find all the options, again.

Are we continuing with this adventure or has it come to an end? I enjoy Ealdwig, need to try and build him in another game in the future. A fighting acrobatic duende. Now with a magical short sword.
Last edited January 13, 2025 10:22 pm
Jan 14, 2025 11:09 pm
This specific adventure, with Yoci, is ending. However, as Ricardoi91 points out, you were initially just going to explore the Underdark, and that is still always an option. Also, this whole setting is a sandbox. There are many adventure threads laying around, depending on your interests and goals. You can do simple side adventures, or work with "setting building" ideas. There is still plenty to explore with New Paphos and its surrounds!

Also, there are currently three groups that I am going to at least temporarily bring together at the Manor. At that point, you all can decide what direction you want to go in. There is plenty of adventure left to have as long as you are all interested in exploring it!
Jan 17, 2025 12:01 am
Sounds good. I would surely like to keep playing Wreak would too also. :)



Jan 17, 2025 4:03 am
[ +- ] Brahdhavehl
"Welcome to Bradhavehl!" Yoci leads you on a tour of the city. She spends a day showing you the highlights of the city. It is larger than you might have expected, and it is surprisingly lively. The city has many levels to it and is well light by the many lanterns, torches, furnaces, and magical lights. It is more open than expected, and you quickly realize it is even bigger than it appears because much of the major buildings are built into the stone and not stand-alone structures.

There is a central religious district where the three main temples are located, one of which is to Callarduran, the diety whom Yoci serves. The other two are for Dwarven dieties. Despite this, you can see that some gnomes enter both of those temples, and some dwarves enter the temple of Callarduran. The two dwarven temples face each other, like two opposing sides of a square, with Callarduran's temple forming a third side. Where the fourth side would be are several small shires dedicated to a variety of other dieties. Close by is the main civic square where those who run the government do their business. In both of these areas, the carved caverns are surprisingly large and open with amazing stonework, and featuring stunning relieves and carvings all along the facades of the structures.

The next area Yoci takes you to is the commercial district, the heart of the commercial district is a long "road" lined with stores and sellers and stalls of various sizes and construction. As organized and structured as the religious and civic areas are, this area is very chaotic. The amount of things sold are quite amazing. At various points of the commercial district are alcoves and grottoes for recreation and relaxation. Yoci leads you to one, explaining, "This is one of my favorite spots to relax and meditate. It has an odd platform that emanates magic, but we don't know what that magic does. As a result, most people avoid it. I like it because of that solitude and I find aura helps with my meditation." When you get there, you see that it is larger than you would expect for an alcove that is avoided. It is circular in shape with a wide entrance, and a few benches placed along the inner walls. In the center is a slightly raised dias that is perfectly square and composed of 36 square tiles arranged in a six by six grid. Half of the tiles are white and half of the tiles are black.

After this, she takes you to see Fannir Feddlesine at his workshop. Unlike Valpip's shop, which is relatively small and a one-gnome shop, Fannir's shop is massive with at least a dozen gnomes working on various project at various workstations. When he sees them come in, he grabs the bottle and brings it to you. He nods to Yoci, then says, "Thank you for securing this for us! Had they been able to open it, we could have suffered tremendous damage from the full regiment of soldiers stored with it! Just forcing them to open it early was a huge win. Actually capturing it before it was opened is tremendous! Thank you." With that he offers you the now obviously empty bottle.

Once you take it, he says, "To activate it when empty, you need to remove the stopper, point the opening at the main target, which can be a rather large object, then say the activation phrase. If done correctly, the object and everything in, on, or immediately around it will be pulled into the bottle and placed into a stasis. The contents will stay frozen until the stopper is again removed and the release phrase is said. Alternatively, if the stopper is removed and the bottle shattered, the contents will also be freed, though, of course, the bottle is now gone. The bottle is extremely hard to damage while the stopper is in place."
I'll stop here in case anyone has any questions. :-)
Jan 17, 2025 12:01 pm
Stee will ask Fannir"Do you know the phrases required to use the bottle correctly?"
Jan 17, 2025 2:08 pm
Oliver had delightedly been following Yoci's tour of the city. So many things to see, so many intricacies! He was particularly intrigued by the dim magic in her meditating alcove, but his excitement went over the top when he saw the black and white grid.

"This looks so much like a game on checkered tiles that we used to play when I was a youngling! You take six black stones and six white stones and you arrange..."

Later on, when they visit Fannir's workshop, Oliver barely manages not to touch every single delicate thing that he can find on the shelves. It's too soon to be banned from such an interesting place. They listen to Fannir's explanation on the bottle, and when Stee asks for the magic phrase, Oliver chuckles discreetly at the imagined thought of Fannir's answer causing all of them to be sucked by accident into the bottle. That would be hilarious.
I'll figure out my chosen trait once we figure whether the Occultist prestige trait exists, and its prerequisites if any.



Jan 18, 2025 5:42 pm
I am still hoping for a comment from Ealdwig on the black and white dias.

Yoci listens to Oliver's description of the game. "That sounds fun! I'll have to find some items to use as the stones so we can try to play it!" She isn't just humoring him, she is genuinely interested in the game.

Fannir says, "The commands are quite odd. To store, the command is, 'To Harbor'. The command to release is, 'To Sea'. They don't make much sense to me. For either to work, you have to say them right after removing the stopper. I can demonstrate if you wish!"
Jan 18, 2025 8:07 pm
"A demonstration? Yes that would be good." This should be interesting.
Jan 19, 2025 7:10 pm
I'll work on the response to the demonstration request on Monday. Also, Oliver (and Grin) should be able to recognize the "Pop Squares".

Before then, however, I wanted to give a quick update: I finally sat down and went through everything from when I started. Experience Points are as follows:
Stee: 13
Grin, Ealdwig, and Oliver: 15
Everyone else: 14

What would have been Stee's first XP was his promotion to Veteran. The other three got a very small bonus for their story-telling.

This means that everyone can get one Trait or Proficiency or Mastery, or two HP.

The combined loot found includes:
- some random money
- 25 ancient coins (Ealdwig)
- one dozen ancient clay tablets
- five ancient scrolls
- Scroll of Thorns
- Ring of Magic
- Amulet of Rebirth
- Orb of Paralyzation (Stee)
- Short Sword of Cleaving (Ealdwig)
- Quartermaster's Backpack (Oliver)
- Chain Shirt of Redoubt
- Pendant of Insightfulness
- Chain Shirt of Toughness
- Regiment Bottle

The ones with names shows who currently either has or claimed the items. Obviously, this can be changed by discussion.
Jan 19, 2025 7:29 pm
Oh, I didn't know there were an Amulet of Rebirth, Ring of Magic and Scroll of Thorns. What are they? And the ancient clays tablets?
Jan 19, 2025 7:35 pm
Well, the amulet, ring, and clay tablets were found way back in the portal room you took from the Morlocks. I didn't decide what the amulet and ring were until I was writing the post. But then, you didn't have any chance to find out what they were until you either used them blindly (which even Grin never thought to do) or you found someone to identify them. I just had Fannir do that off-screen for you to save time. I guess I should have written that. Also, I haven't actually described what they actually do yet. The Amulet of Rebirth gives the Die-Hard Trait when worn. The Ring lets you be able to read magic scrolls when worn.

On the other hand, the Orb of Paralyzation, while not called that, had its abilities explicitly described when you got it from the Sphinx. Stee has it because he's the one who answered the riddles and thus was the one the Sphinx gave it to. The others I preemptively described, but really likely weren't identified until you got help from Fennir.

Edit: The ancient clay tables, the non-magical scrolls, and ancient coins are pre-cataclysm artifacts of historical importance. They are of no direct use to you (other than the coins' melt value), but have historical significance and will fetch a decent price to the correct buyer. You believe the librarian at New Paphos will be interested, the ghost librarian might be interested, and you can even check here if you want. I.e. they will become gold pieces.

The Scroll of Thorns is a single use scroll that causes an area of effect damage. It can be used by someone with the Scroll Reader trait, or (coincidentally) by someone using the Ring of Magic.
Jan 22, 2025 12:33 am
Looks like Arkmenos will have to step away from the game, so let's do a little NPCing to get things moving again!
Just before you all move away from the black and white tiled dias, Ealdwig suddenly stops and says, "Wait a minute! That's a Network Node!" He fumbles with his bag for a moment and pulls out a gem. "My buddy Skeeve gave me this magic gem before I left with you guys and he said I could use this gem to activate a Node to send us home. I'll have to remember what he said to do to use it, though ..." He then carefully puts the gem back in his pocket for later use.


Fannir says, "Great! Who wants to play the part of the regiment?"
Let me know if you want to check anything else out before you head out. I am going to assume you all spend around a week at Brahdhavehl, but we can fast-forward however much you'd like.
Jan 22, 2025 8:35 am
I'm laughing imagining that Ealdwig is much more fond of Skeeve and treats him as his awesomest bestie when he's in NPC mode.
Oliver walks around the alcove, looking around and imagining the story of the place.
"Oh, I totally missed that this was a Node! That's excellent news! But it's not a one-time use, right? I mean, once the gem is put, we can come back and forth, correct?"

(at Fannir's)

"Me! Me! Here, let me prepare my best angle! This so exciting! It's like being framed in a painting! And trapping your soul in the process... but oh well, you're pretty sure you know the release word, right?"
Since Oliver is taking Spell-Touched trait, should I just assume he has it already, or will we wait for an appropriate moment to add that flavorfuly?
Jan 22, 2025 7:10 pm
Actually, let's say Oliver's Spell-touched is manifesting now ...

Like I said, regardless of how long we roll-play all of this, I figure the characters are in Brahdhavehl for about a week, so this serves as the "down time" they need in order to acquire their new traits or abilities. I also assume you are able to fully restock all of your supplies, so you're all good to go on that, too.

The gem as a triggering device is one-time use. Or rather, the gem is still reusable, but it has but a single charge. It was made by Fiznik at the request of Skeeve and given to Ealdwig. The Node (Pop Square) is, of course, completely reusable. However, your ability to get back to Brahdhavehl requires you finding out what the Brahdhavehl pattern is, and you don't know that. So, if you were to leave now, you couldn't come back because you don't know its pattern. However, that shouldn't be something that is impossible to figure out ...

Finally, as to Ealdwig's reference to Skeeve, I was trying to keep his statement in character with how Arkmenos played him. I thought he had referred to Skeeve as a friend or buddy before. I wasn't trying to make them "besties" or anything; just stick to prior behavior. Though, if I did, so be it. :-) They'll both be chillin' at the Manor for a while, it looks like.
Jan 22, 2025 7:31 pm
Fannir replies, "Of course. I just told it to you!" He waves Oliver over to an open area, with Grin quickly joining him. (Anyone else who wants to can join, too.) He points the bottle opening toward them, removes the stopper and commands, "To Harbor!" With the command spoken, a mist escapes from the bottle and heads straight for the targets. They are surrounded by a dense mist that quickly obscures them, then the mist retreats into the bottle, leaving nothing behind. Fannir then quickly stoppers the bottle.

To those observing, he explains, "If you do not quickly stopper it, the mist can leak out and cause havok with those around it, particularly the bottle wielder. If you are not careful, it can pull even the user into the bottle, and then you'll be stuck! As a quick experiment, I want to leave them in the bottle for a few minutes." Everyone outside quickly huddles by the bottle looking side. They see Oliver and Grin (and whomever joined them) just standing there as they had been when surrounded by the mist.

After about ten minutes, he says, "OK, lets bring them back now." He removes the stopper from the bottle and says, "To Sea!" At that the mist reappears from the bottle and expands, then pulls back again to the bottle. Again, Fannir quickly puts the stopper back on the bottle. "And that's how you use it!"

To those volunteering, you see the mist leave from the bottle and surround you. It completely blocks your vision, but also you notice that the sounds of the area quickly fade to nothing. You see the mist continuously swirling, and just as soon as you a dropped into complete silence, you start to hear the ambient sounds again and the mist seems to start thinning. You realize it is thinning, and you watch the mist retreat from you and pull back into the bottle, and once completely back inside the bottle, Fannir returns the stopper.

Grin looks confused for a moment and says, "I thought we were going into the bottle. Did it not work?"

Fannir laughs and replies, "Yes, my boy, it did work. You were in the bottle for around ten minutes! But, once anything is placed in the bottle, they enter a kind of stasis and time basically stops for them. If you are not careful, it could be very easy to be stuck in there for centuries! So use it with care!" With that, he hands it back to Grin.
Jan 22, 2025 8:00 pm
I was just joking about the Ealdwig thing, you're indeed in character. Sorry if it sounded serious, hehe.
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