Chapter 1: Festival & Fire

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Jun 19, 2024 9:29 pm
Pointing a finger at the dwarf's head, "Did that knock effect your memory too? I introduced myself back at the Hagfish. It's Grimwulf, Goodbarrel if you need a last name."

Pointing a thumb at the weapon on his back, "Never really thought about it, seemed kind of silly."
Jun 19, 2024 11:10 pm
"You can count on us, Sheriff. Where are the rest of the goblins? And we have one tied up here who needs to be confined."
Jun 20, 2024 3:01 am
"I will gladly help with the defense of the town."
Jun 20, 2024 4:28 am
Looking at the town guard, "All yours.", Grim shrugs the goblin off his back, as if it were a sack of oats. The goblin hits the ground with a meaty thump.

Back at Hemlock, "Aye, we'll gladly kill more goblins for you. First though, have you seen Bilivar Wheen and his family? Are they safe?"
Jun 20, 2024 5:06 am
Wess nods in agreement with the others at the sheriff's request, but is mumbling under his breath; No name for your weapon? . . . 'Tis silly not to gove such a mighty maul a worthy moniker"

Wounds: 1 | Parry: 6 | Toughness: 9(3) | Pace: 5 | Fatigue: 0 | Bennies: 1 | Combat Edge: NA
Jun 20, 2024 8:12 am
Seeing Sheriff approaching them and on his words Li sheaths his katana, stands straight with hands down and simply makes a meaningful nod with his head.
"This blade of mine is yours... for the purpose of cleansing this town. And only until then."

I wonder if Sheriff could know this Lonjiku Kaijitsu... or at least help me with meeting him? - an nagging thought crossed Li's mind.
Jun 20, 2024 9:17 am
Khel nodded at the Sheriff, "I will gladly help in driving away the goblins. You also need to check on the Mayor and the Father. I think they took refuge in the cathedral."

Sheriff Belor Hemlock


Jun 20, 2024 8:58 pm
Sheriff Belor Hemlock
"The Wheen's are safe. One of the goblins got in to his private stash of whiskey. It was a short lived pleasure," he says with a grim face.

"We were headed for the cathedral now with the survivors we picked up on the way," you see him waving and a handful of citizen comes running up with a few more deputies. The Wheens are among them.

"Robert!" he adresses one of the deputies. "Secure the goblin in the prison."

"If your group could make a patrol towards the north gate we'll make our way to the beach. I know they like to lurk there."
Jun 21, 2024 12:58 am
Saldrina quips, "Consider it done!" She turns and heads off in that direction, barely waiting for anyone else.
Jun 21, 2024 1:14 am
Chigaru nods and follows the woman who is literally half his size.
Jun 21, 2024 3:46 am
Seeing Bilivar and his family safe gave Grim a surprising sense of relief. He nods at Hemlock in appreciation and starts to join the others, when his eyes fall upon the man he saw earlier, dressed all in black, with a pointy hat, and unique sword. Hearing him speak clicks the rest into place and the halfling snaps his fingers in recognition, "Li?! By the bushy beard of Nethys, I didn't think I'd see you again!" He steps over to the Tian Xian embracing him in a bear hug, easily lifting the taller human up, before letting go. "We should catch up, but first let's go use that toothpick of yours to skewer some goblins." ribbing him before moving on to join the rest.
Jun 21, 2024 9:22 am
Li stays there for a very brief moment as would like to check if Sheriff is really heading south to the beach and where he will be later, when all of them will end this goblin affair. Then he turns on his heel and tries to catch up with others that already departed.

"Grimwulf!?" - a rare, honest smile of being happy to meet some old friend appeared on mostly serious face of Li.

"Whoo... take it easy... Big Guy..." - Li reacted naturally, being genuinely surprised of bing lifted above the ground. When put back on the ground he looks a little ashamed of having no contact with the ground and control of his body for a moment. He puts his cloths back in order. But smiles knowing how 'direct' Grimwulf is - well enough.

"So you didn't leave the town to 'allow your maul taste different things' as you always announced? Or you are only back for a while?" - he looked at the friend joining his fast tempo of going after others.
Jun 21, 2024 4:05 pm
Following the group, Wess, still perplexed, interrupts; "Mr 'Li' was it? Does your katana have a name? Something that strikes fear, or a sense of awe?"
Jun 21, 2024 5:32 pm
"After our escort mission with the priest, I took some time off, did a few odd jobs, and ended up here. Not sure how long I'll stay.". Furrowing his brow, "You? Didn't you have some other mission you were on?"

Looking at Wess, "Ha! Curious to hear that answer."
Last edited June 21, 2024 5:37 pm
Jun 21, 2024 6:56 pm
Khel nodded at the sheriff and followed Saldrina and the well muscled half orc towards the north gate. He turned to the half orc and said, "Greetings mister. Are you perhaps a native person of Sandpoint?"
Jun 22, 2024 3:21 am
The half-orc shakes his head. "Not a native, no. From Magnimar. But I have lived here for several years at The House of Blue Stones. It is a monk temple and I have just recently completed my training. I was hoping to celebrate at this fine festival but it seems Destiny has other plans." He gives a small chuckle.
Jun 22, 2024 5:39 am
Khel watched the half orc and smiled, "Well I guess destiny has set course to the next chapter of your life. It was nice meeting a monk of the Blue Stones. Where are my manners; let me introduce myself. I am Khel Turbane, a scholar from the South."
Jun 22, 2024 8:42 am
Chigaru bows slightly. "Chigaru Goretusk, monk of Irori."
Jun 22, 2024 2:18 pm
"Saldrina Greenmeadows, from... well... everywhere, I guess. I mean, my parents lived in Elith Lorin in Nidal, but I've been all over."
Jun 23, 2024 1:56 pm
You head north together with the sherriff and his deputies for a short while, but soon split up as they head to the beach. Near the north gate you first hear a plea for help and loud barking. Coming closer you see a man dressed in fine clothing hiding behind a rain barrel as its dog is holding a dozen goblins at bay.

You see one of the goblins, himself mounted on a dog of sorts, braving the threat of dog. It rides forward and sticks its horsechopper in the dog's skull. With the dog dead the goblins stop cowering and charge towards the poor nobleman.
Anyone can roll a Common Knowledge roll to learn about goblin dogs. Info in spoiler box underneath.
[ +- ] Common Knowledge Goblin Dog
Will add map and order in next post. Not drawing for Luna yet, as she has not posted in this game for a while. She can join when time permits.

Deck Draws

Ace of Spades
3 of Diamonds
8 of Clubs
10 of Diamonds
4 of Diamonds
Jack of Hearts
Red Joker
King of Clubs
10 of Clubs
Ace of Diamonds
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