Pilot creation (OOC thread)

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Jul 8, 2024 10:40 am
Sorry for the lack of posting. I caught something ans was a bit under the weather this weekend. I'm feeling better so I'll try do up-date today or tomorrow.
Jul 8, 2024 11:05 am
Please have a proper rest and recovery! We're not flying off anywhere yet!
Jul 12, 2024 5:41 pm
And, honestly, the pilot doesn’t count because you have a spare.
Aug 6, 2024 9:20 pm
Just got home from vacation last night. Exhausted today. Will be able to pick things back up normally tomorrow.
Aug 8, 2024 8:39 am
No worries, we'll wait for Dasha :)
Aug 14, 2024 1:23 pm
I think I need to take a pause or bow out of this game. Things were fine when I started, but now that the kids are in school (two different schools and no bus routes, so we have to leave extra early to ensure everyone gets to school on time) and my coworker got laid off (and all her work dumped on me), I'm overly stressed and can't properly contribute to all my games.
Aug 15, 2024 8:54 am
No worries! Getting those kids to school is definitely the priority :D
Hope things ease off a bit soon!
Aug 15, 2024 8:56 am
I'll also shout out to @BedzoneII to check how he's doing
Aug 15, 2024 11:57 am
I'm really apologetic for grinding down more and more slowly in this game. It's not something that generally happens in the games I am committed to, and Night Witches has been such a deep characterisation game. Perhaps it's also my current uneven work demands that have contributed to my bad pacing (a few of the games I'm running are also waiting for my attention). And I do feel I haven't given this one the attention it deserves.

I do appreciate the immense detail CESN has put into this game, and I do get a very real feel for Dasha and Galina. But I'm now at a point where I'm not sure how I can move ahead with Larisa.

I am open and inclined to wrapping up this game, (noting also bookrat's concerns) and I want to say again how grateful I am for what CESN has put together for us thus far and for running what amounts to a first chapter.
Aug 16, 2024 9:29 am
Hey BedzoneII!

Yeah PbtA games might get a bit more intensive than expected at first so it's difficult to predict if we'll have the time and minset for them beforehand, specially for slow PbP games.

I guess that leave @OrangeTree, but I don't think this game in particular is suitable for one-on-one as it's meant to thrive on drama between PCs.
If that's ok, I'll just put it on hold for a few weeks and then probably close it
Aug 16, 2024 11:53 am
BedzoneII says:
I'm really apologetic for grinding down more and more slowly in this game. It's not something that generally happens in the games I am committed to, and Night Witches has been such a deep characterisation game. Perhaps it's also my current uneven work demands that have contributed to my bad pacing (a few of the games I'm running are also waiting for my attention). And I do feel I haven't given this one the attention it deserves.

I do appreciate the immense detail CESN has put into this game, and I do get a very real feel for Dasha and Galina. But I'm now at a point where I'm not sure how I can move ahead with Larisa.

I am open and inclined to wrapping up this game, (noting also bookrat's concerns) and I want to say again how grateful I am for what CESN has put together for us thus far and for running what amounts to a first chapter.
I totally agree with Bed's comments.

CESN has done a great job of setting out the game here. Hopefully the resources can be reused for a future adventure.

I think we needed more players and an agreed post rate. CESN's work deserved it!

But it looks like we have come to the end of the road on this one.

I'm actually thinking of buying the game for irl play! So CESN has sold me on the game.
Aug 16, 2024 1:46 pm
Yeah, I agree with the others. CESN - you've done a fantastic job. I feel bad that I'm not able to contribute how I'd like to.

Ten years at this company, and this is the first time we've had layoffs. Of course it happens just not us after we get a new CEO. End of an era, right? To be fair, my coworker who got laid off kind of deserved it; they were behind on all their projects, and giving them to me, I was able to get them back on track and then even ahead of schedule.

For school, my oldest started middle school, which means I have to get the kids out the door an hour earlier every day. I had expected him to take the bus to school, but they cancelled the bus route to our road. So now I have to drive him, which means leaving much earlier in the day.

I kind of wish you were able to keep this game going and just find new players, because not only is this such a great concept for a game, but you're a great storyteller and GM.
Aug 17, 2024 9:29 am
Sorry to hear about the layoffs giving you a heck of a lot more work bookrat, I wish you well in your work circumstances.

And OrangeTree, you're totally right in saying we might have sustained the relationships a bit more with at least five players, because the PbtA character dynamics would kick in so much more, t's just that we lost some along the way.

Thank you again CESN, and also my fellow players, I hope to play with you in a different game here some time down the line.

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