::0sn./26/41/T - Salomon

May 25, 2024 2:04 pm
Being one of the few loners amongst the People without any real allies to call his own was risky business in this time of impending chaos. That Salomon presented himself as the biggest threat in the Ark meant that, in the absence of the Elder whom Salomon innately trusted and felt closest to, some faction or other would see it fit to conveniently find a way to get rid of him by sending him into the Zone with no prospect of returning. And if he refused he would be perceived as being uncooperative and a coward, lessening his status. He needed to take action, soon.
What do you do next? Where do you go? Who do you approach?
May 27, 2024 1:35 pm
When the ship established its new position and the people finished rescuing whatever they managed - and it's worth to mention that Salomon was one of those that tried to save some of the drowning slammers from lower decks (he is a hunter, but - or because of that - he values every life very highly) - Salomon impatience started to grow even more with each day. He was one of those people that tried to get to know what boss Johammed was planing to do. But after seeing that his ranks are also somehow in chaos... his instincts ordered him to act.

One evening he shouted out loud when he was walking back and forth in his den, thinking about their situation:
"I have to do something. Where is Elder!? He would know what to do! I HAVE TO SEE HIM!"

With those words he rushed out from his den, and almost ran through derelict ship's decks, straight to Dawn Vaults. If someone has had seen him, he certainly looked like an infuriated lion going to get his pray, but instead eating it - he just wanted to shread it to pieces. So if he met someone on his way, he didn't paid any attention to them and probably even bumped anyone on his way aside, maybe even scratching/hurting (but nothing serious) them with his claws in the process.
In case it wouldn't be clear Salomon is rushing and probably even fighting his way to the Dawn Valuts to force chroniclers working there to tell him where Elder is. And he will use any means necessary for this, not caring to much if he will get injured or even killed in the process.

His aim is to visit his old friend, get some advice from the 'sage', but I think - on the borders of his consciousness - some parts of his brain or heart even thinks about becoming an successor to the Elder if he would be in really bad shape. Not that I'm - as player - claiming he is necessary qualifications ;)

I imagined that Salomon after his rush through the ark - that certainly could focus some attention on him - arrives at some Dawn Valuts' chamber, probably guarded somehow - where their main chronicler residents - but tell me if that looks different or what he see arriving there.
Last edited May 27, 2024 1:38 pm
May 30, 2024 2:09 pm
It was commonplace for the Elder to be found in one of the adjoining rooms attached to what was labeled the Grand Room, a huge functional space that clearly used to serve as a ballroom of some sorts. Where necessary they would hold gatherings in the large, high ceilinged room, the only place big enough to have all the People present in one location.

Things went well in the Elder's presence; each member of the Ark, and not just Salomon, felt a personal connection to this near mystical being. In their eyes, their leader was the only true human, an avatar of the past age, unlike the rest of the them with their disabilities and their mutations. Even in their heyday, the Elder seemed to have time for everyone, sharing a story, or a personal note, or a meal together. If they requested or ordered someone to be done, no one would ever refuse the request.

It was no surprise that emotions ran high when the Elder was not seen to be around recently, Salomon being one such person so affected. It would be utterly inappropriate and invasive were anyone invade the privacy of the Elder's living quarters, formerly the ship captain's quarters. Salomon had bashed his way through the massive wooden doors of the Grand Room to find him barging into a meeting of the Vault's choniclers and two bosses, Marlotte and Vislen, together with their retinue.

"What's the meaning of this?" Silat called out as Salomon barged in. "Oh, it's you," everyone knew everyone else in the Ark, "What do you want? Wait outside," he turned back to their meeting, expecting Salomon to comply.
Let me know if you want to respond with a physical or a social approach. That'll determine whether this is a physical or social conflict, and determine what roll you'll need to make.
Jun 3, 2024 10:18 am
"WHRHHHA!!!" - Salomon roared with a strength, fury and sound of real lion, that was apparently residing within him.

"YOU ONLY TALK! ... AND TALK! We need to act! I need to see the Elder, he will know what to do! You CAN'T KEEP him away from us! He is not YOURS! I DON'T TRUST YOU! He have to see some familiar, friendly face! Even as ugly as mine! I'M GOING IN!" - Salomon nodded with his head towards the door to Elder's rooms.

On his hasty way towards the door, he adds:

- continuing his approach, he was checking whether he would have to fight his way and anyone wants to stop or attack him.
I think, for now we are in the middle - mixing social and physical presence - trying Intimidating the crow, and making them fully aware that whoever will be first to stand on Salomon way - he or she will not see the light of another day... even if he will be bested afterwards...
So should I roll Role Skill: Intimidate(Strength)?
Edit: And could I add my Machete to it? :)
Last edited June 3, 2024 10:22 am
Jun 3, 2024 1:01 pm
So if anyone will try to get close to him:
Jun 4, 2024 1:52 pm
The vocal force of Salomon's tirade took them all by surprise. In the complex factions of the Ark, with its various bosses and DawnVault chroniclers, to stand alone was to not avail oneself of the support and even friendship that one's allies could offer. Water, grub and other resources would go to the partisan ones first before the remainder was farmed out to the loners. This likely explained why Salomon's approach to everything was to establish his dominance and put himself first. It was a dangerous attitude, successful only insofar as he could defend himself from the others he chose to antagonise.

This time his aggression did not go down well with his current audience. The council of the Dawn Vault, plus two bosses and their followers, were present in the grand hall. And Salomon had decided to threaten them all at one go. It sounded like Salomon was prepared to fight them all!
Intimidate is totally relevant here. Note that there are a number of people present, so Intimidate may or may not work on all of them. We will consider this a social conflict first. If you include your machete's bonus in the roll, we'll likely end up going into combat. So let's do the social roll first. There will be modifiers based on bargaining position, p82, I'm looking at a possible -2 modifier (your opponent has more people on their side, what you ask for is valuable, your opponent has nothing to gain, vs you plead your case very well, roar!)
Jun 5, 2024 8:18 am
I think you understood my intentions perfectly:) Thanks! :)

Yes, let's go with no machete for now. Salomon is wild, but not stupid and he really values life in any form. So he will need something more to turn his passion into mortally harming people for real. But he is determined and made a honest warning, so he can definitely ready to go this way. Besides... throwing threats without ever fulfilling them, would make him "not intimidating" in very short time:) SO he definitely done that in the past.

First roll... then RP... pending...
Edit, after roll:
Hmmm... I will be waiting for you opinion on this result, as it's "all-in" for Salomon, so if that one success wouldn't be enough to enter the elder room, I'm certainly willing to push the roll. Even though it will mean 1 hit to Strength I presume?
Last edited June 5, 2024 8:26 am


Strength with -2 - (3d6)

(155) = 11

Intimidate(Strength) - (3d6)

(236) = 11

Jun 7, 2024 1:15 am
Everyone in the Ark either manifested or developed some form of change, or mutation as the Elder explained it in great detail to each and every one of them. These changes were as varied as there were People, almost no one had the exact same metamorphosis, for those who survived the change. Fortuitiously, this also meant that the sheer variety present meant individuals could fulfil different roles in the Ark. Someone like Salomon, with his feral nature, was useful for tasks outside in the Zone, where physical strength and endurance was needed to survive and to keep even bigger threats at bay. Within the Ark though, not everything could be solved with violence.

Some of the boss' followers and at least one of the Dawn Vault were taken aback by Salomon's ferocity as he bellowed at them. Instinctively, Marlotte's and Vislen's bodyguards immediately stepped next to and in front of their respective leaders; they were no doubt enforcers like Salomon, not so easily intimidated and ready to fight.

The bosses themselves did not speak yet, they were in the chamber chaired by the Dawn Vault, and protocol meant it was another of the council who spoke instead, right after Silat ordered, "Behave yourself Salomon!"

"The Elder's instructions were that they not be disturbed." Adara spoke, her eyes glowing as she did so. "We will respect that decision. They have entrusted the leading of the People to us. If you have some matter you wish to address, you may raise it." Salomon could see that boss Marlotte was visibly angered that Adara allowed Salomon to interrupt, but held her tongue for the moment.
1 success still means Intimidate works. So while the chroniclers might not have ordinarily entertained Salomon's rudeness in barging in, the success means they have paused their meeting so that Salomon can say his piece, ie, he's barged in and is fierce enough such that he gets some say in the discussion, which would otherwise between only between the chroniclers and the bosses.
Jun 7, 2024 10:05 pm
"Shmere Barere!" - Salomon mocked the so called council, what he emphasized by waving his paw at them disrespectfully.

He didn't stop his walk towards the Elder's quarters and continued his tirade, but with a little calmer voice:
"I've never heard of an Elder entrusting you with anything, with my own - still working perfectly - ears. I wouldn't be surprised if it would turn out that, you have 'entrusted yourself' with this so called 'council'. Don't bother with this pointless chatter. Please continue, don't pay attention to me!" - Salomon made a mocking bow at this moment, even though he was mid-step, still continuing towards the door.

"I'm here only to make sure that Elder have everything he needs... as I haven't seen my dearest friend for some quite time now... besides..." - Salomon finally stopped for a moment, probably being quite close to the Elder's rooms door. He turned towards the seated ones and cheekily said:
"I have decided that it is time for the Elder to appoint his - even temporary - successor. The Ark is not in state that it can wait for your endless debates. And pointless fights for the domination, between selfish bosses. It needs decisions and actions. NOW!

"Our... home needs: a new LEADER!"


With this last 'roar mixed with words', Salomon turns on his heels and heads for Elder's quarters doors. Determined to get there no matter what will happen next. But still being ready to repel any potentially incoming attacks.
Heh... I must say only at this point - of writing this post - I figured out what Salomon wants to achieve by all of this:) Maybe even unintentionally. He thinks that Ark needs a ( well... :) ) King! To make decisions and actions faster and more effectively. For it's good. He despise and see all those councils as ineffective and more about "the politicians of the ark" themself then the greater good. "Times were much better when Elder was making decisions!"

I don't know if you will want to go in this direction(at least try this plot line?), but as it came quite naturally and unexpected even for me, right now , I would be very interested to see where it could lead us... in story terms... allowing Salomon to try to (technically) install a Monarchy in Ark! :) And no: I don't think it would be interesting for him to get the position. Him being a 'old ways order keeper' (maybe against 'new trends')- seems more interesting to me. Or we could go in the direction of President that is chosen by votes? And players would have significant influence on the distribution of votes?

I'm not expecting any declarations from you here - just sharing my thoughts - and I'm very OK with it going naturally from here, with each decision of Salomon, PCs and NPCs making akr's future:)
Jun 17, 2024 7:51 am
"Sounds like someone's getting too big for their boots." At the sound of boss Marlotte's voice, one of her heavies from her entourage immediately stepped forward to stand by her side. "Adara, are you going to let this beast stomp all over here with their hairy feet?" For Salomon had indeed charged past the gathered meeting seated at the most prominent table of the former banquet hall, without paying sufficient attention to who was present.

There were three chroniclers of the Vault, Adara being the most senior of the trio, and Silat taking more of the role of spokeperson in their midst. They were seated on one side of the one of the few large tables left on the ship that was still intact and in one solid piece of oak. On their left was boss Marlotte, a heavyset woman with scaly arms instead of skin, accompanied by two of her cronies. It was her enforcer who stepped up next to her when Salomon created the ruckus. On the other side was boss Vislen, who was never ever seen without wearing goggles. He also had two mooks with him who also appeared to be ready to defend their boss should things degenerate into violence.

"And how do you propose doing that by yourself? When you can't even respect the Elder's wishes?" It was Silat again, exhorting Salomon to behave himself. "We're in the midst of a crisis, and all you can think of is politics. If you can't make yourself useful the Ark has no need of you."
Role-playing the scene out a bit more, if you like. As for the directions you're thinking of, of course they are perfectly legit and worth exploring! Have a look at the list of projects, particularly Autocracy, Free Enterprise, Collectivism, and Suffrage. I'm more than happy to lead the game in those directions by offering various plot choices that both you and the other players may want to consider.
Jun 19, 2024 8:52 am
"And how do I propose doing that by myself?" - Salomon mirrored the Silat's question, surprisingly with much calmer voice then before, as it could indicate that he really don't care what gathered here are saying anymore.

"Just like that." - he continued almost with silent voice as he would be talking more to himself and others, while he turned on his heel and started to walk toward's Elder's quarters, slowly at first, but then, faster and faster with each step, but being cautious about his surroundings - checking if anyone is willing to attack him.

"And I will respect any wish of Elder... that comes from his mouth." - he concluded, probably being so close to the door so he reached with his hand towards door handle with intention of hasty entering.
So Salomon is now completely determined and will do everything he can to get into Elders quarters, including fighting anyone that will stand on his way:)

Those projects are interesting! Didn't know/forgot they are there:) Maybe apart from Collectivism - as I'm from Poland and we here know first hand where such things lead to... :)
Jun 20, 2024 3:21 pm
The heavy on Marlotte's side was ready to intervene as Salomon brushed aside the rest of the protests. Thalos was his name, if Salomon remembered correctly, distinctive for his metal jaw and knuckles. But Marlotte raised her hand to wave him back, leaving Salomon to climb a short flight of stairs to barge into the anteroom behind the table where the meeting was gathered, the place where the Elder would present every day unfailingly as they dealt with the People and the business of the Ark.

An empty room greeted Salomon. A large desk, as well as the nicest, most undamaged furniture the People managed to salvage from various locations of the ship gave the room a sense of faded prestige. Everyone brought their best finds and possessions to the Elder, and had strived to make their life as comfortable as they could. The room was undisturbed. Some of the papers the Elder always had with them remained on the desk, untouched, for there were few who were literate. A small table to one side contained a precious flask of water and a canteen of grub, also unmolested. The chroniclers were honest in that no one had disturbed the Elder's meeting room in his absence.

As for the captain quarters which the Elder resided in, those were private. No one had ever entered them, nor would the thought even cross their mind. If Salomon wanted to seek it, he could, but it remained a question whether he could actually enter it.
Not meaning to pull a fast one on Salomon, but as everyone would look for the Elder in the official meeting room, it would have made sense for Salomon to have gone where he did, ie the banquet hall and the adjoining anteroom. (The analogy is that if one sought an audience with a king, they would see him in the throne room; nobody gets to enter the king's own bedroom.) If Salomon wanted to find the actual residence, that would require some digging and some work.
Jun 24, 2024 9:18 pm
"Whrrr!!!" - Salomon roared again, seeing that the Elder's office is empty - more so in metaphorical sense, as the items seamed to still be at their designated places... but the spirit of the Elder was impossible to feel there any more.

"WHERE is he? I MUST SEE HIM. He has to get to know about the situation. We have to do what has to be done!" - with a new amount of anger Salom asked turning back to the gathered. And this 'we' was obviously about him and Elder. Then he started to run towards nearest participant with intention of lifting him or her in the air, holding by collar and literally shaking the answer out of them.
I like this plot - looking for the real residence of Elder would be certainly interesting:) But... I'm reading posts of others PCs and I can see that you managed to gather some/most of them in one thread/place. So...
If you want to continue this plot, I'm very ok with this:)....

But if you want to have players together already( I'm also very ok to go and do some exploring) my idea is that Marlotte would offer a deal to Salomon - if he would join her expedition she will organize a meeting with Elder or lead him to his real quarters... or something like this? What you think?

What path are we taking here? :)
Jun 27, 2024 2:15 pm
Adara, still the voice of reason, appeared to be about to reply to Salomon to explain further what the Elder did or did not know about the crisis that had befallen their Ark. Perhaps the Elder's non-appearance was itself part of the crisis. But Silat waved his fellow chronicler to hush up as Salomon stomped back out and down towards them, "He isn't listening to us -" But his words were cut short as Salomon made a grab for him, prompting both Marlotte's and Vislen's bodyguards to jump out from behind their bosses to deal with Salomon's frustrated attack!
Since Salomon is initiating a physical confrontation, roll for initiative! (No worries fights can be lethal or non-lethal, we'll let it play out, eg shaking Silat could be considered a grapple.)

As for merging threads, it'll happen when it happens. As you can see, I'm seeding each of the individual threads with possible project plots so that when I ask for an Assembly decision on a project, all of you have things to choose from.


Initiative - Silat - (1d6)

(3) = 3

Initiative - Bodyguards - (2d6h1)

(66) = 6

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