::0cp.26/41/T - Chomp

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Jul 8, 2024 2:29 pm
Hope the operation was a success! Just a 1d6 for initiative then, we'll ease you back in!


Initiative - (1d6, 1d6)

1d6 : (2) = 2

1d6 : (1) = 1

Jul 8, 2024 4:53 pm


Initative - (1d6)

(1) = 1

Jul 15, 2024 5:55 am
Standing along the corridor one floor above and looking down over the railing at the two men conferring below, Chomp remained unnoticed. It was a risk to rush down the flight of metal stairs to try to reach the pair, one of whom was the dog thief still holding on to his leashed pack, the other likely being the lookout or person in charge of this cluster of containers. They would most likely hear or spot him coming down way before he could close in on them.

There was a chance to narrow the distance first if he were to creep down the stairs to put himself at range. This could still mean being spotted, but at least Chomp would reach striking distance.
Before we enter conflict, some rules options. The distance is Short range because you're one floor up, not nearly Near enough to manoeuvre there and also take an attack action. You'd need two manoeuvres, but then they'd get a chance to smack you first. Alternatively you could try the rules for Sneak Attack (p82), that's probably what you want to try to get from Short range to Arm's Length. You get to roll Sneak.
I'll park some initiative rolls here first as well, and hold your Fight roll for later.
Also, have a look at the ooc on the group thread, because I mention Chomp.


Initiative (Dog Thief) - (1d6)

(3) = 3

Initiative (Custodian) - (1d6)

(3) = 3

Jul 15, 2024 1:40 pm
Chomp tries to get as close as possible before they notice him.
Edit: Pushing the roll. D'oh. So that's one 1. So if I understand correctly I get one MP and 1 level of Fatigue?
Last edited July 15, 2024 1:45 pm


Sneak (2) + Agility (5) - 2 - (5d6)

(35435) = 20

Pushed roll - (5d6)

(21223) = 10

Jul 16, 2024 3:09 pm
"Wha-?" Chomp was quick, Vinnie was quicker, but it was Chomp who wasn't nearly quiet enough as he descended the strairs to avoid sounding off his footfall as he tried to lunge for the custodian, who spun around and instinctively flung a blow his way while the dog thief pivoted with their pack.

"Chomp?" Chomp recognised a fellow dog handler, a young woman, ironically named Katt, whom he knew to be working for boss Vislen. For everyone knew everyone else in the Ark, to some degree. There were about two hundred of the People, and they had inhabited the derelict ship for close to two decades, maybe more, as far as anyone could remember. The other person was Kruger, a tough with too-wide cheekbones and sporting what Chomp had always thought were razor-sharp ears. Did Chomp just stumble into one of boss Vislen's operations? And were Katt and Kruger compelled to have to keep things quiet by any means, now that Chomp had intruded?
Yes, failing to gain any successes on a pushed roll means you gain 1 MP for every 1 you rolled, and take 1 fatigue. Conflict has started!
Round 1
Kruger's Fight fails, to be fair he was caught offguard and wasn't quite aiming for a lethal defense, since he didn't pull out a weapon.
Katt's Manipulate fails, it's meant to be an opposed roll, but since I didn't roll any successes I won't need you to roll Sense Emotion.
Chomp can go!


Fight - Kruger - (5d6)

(51412) = 13

Manipulate - Katt - (4d6)

(4312) = 10

Jul 16, 2024 5:12 pm
"Where are you taking them!" Chomp screams once his presence has been discovered. He tries to bite into his neck before he even has time to answer.
Will use my bite ability from my Corpse Eater mutation, and spend both MP to deal 2 damage. Do I have to roll, or is it automatic since I use MP.
Jul 17, 2024 2:28 pm
You can't fail from using a mutation. But there's always a risk of 'misfire' (p69). Roll 1 die for each MP spent, (so 2d6 in your case), and see the results. Higher roll is better, don't roll 1s!
Maybe it was the residual scent of rotting cadavers in the room that triggered him, but Chomp's mutation surged in his adrenalin and he chomped at Kruger without hesitation!
Jul 17, 2024 6:06 pm
Here's hoping it's not snake eyes


Mutation - (2d6)

(42) = 6

Jul 19, 2024 3:15 pm
"Yargh!" Kruger yelled as Chomp tore at him, but grunts were hardened survivors, much like the mutated roaches out in the Zone, stubbornly refusing to cave in in the face of Chomp's unmitigated aggression. The wiry custodian pushed back, arms swinging to rain punches at Chomp, while Katt still stood by. She seemed undecided about whether she wanted to unleash the mutts against Chomp. Perhaps she valued them, perhaps she considered Vinnie equally valuable.
2 damage heading Kruger's way, but his Grunt ability allows him to Shake It Off with 1 success, so he suffers only 1 damage.
Round 2 starts with Kruger's attack with 1 success pushed, so 1 damage to Chomp (unless you have mitigating abilities to use). He takes 1 point of trauma from the pushed roll which translates to 1 more damage for him.
Surprisingly Katt takes no immediate action in this round (she probably wants to do something else?), so over to Chomp again!


Shake It Off - (6d6)

(622114) = 16

Fight - Kruger - (4d6)

(2153) = 11

Pushing - Kruger - (3d6)

(546) = 15

Jul 19, 2024 6:25 pm
Chomp is too angry to wonder if this assault is smart or not. He screams at Kruger. "Don't take dogs!"

He claws and punches at his face.


Fight (1) + Strength (2) - (1d6+2d6)

(3) + (62) = 11

Jul 22, 2024 2:01 pm
"What the hell are you trying to do, Chomp?" Katt saw that something had possessed Chomp to behave unreasoningly, and while she did not look like she was prepared to assault Chomp in return, and since Chomp did not respond to her yelling at him to stop, she tried to back Kruger up with her dogs. Chomp was too enraged to notice that the small pack she had ostensibly gathered only an hour ago or so seemed to respond well to her commands!

The two men exchanged blows for a bit more, neither gaining the upper hand, but both visibly becoming more winded as the fight wore on. Katt's dogs were growling aggressively, but she held on to them tightly, not letting them join the fray to add to the chaos, although it appeared she would change her mind if it swung one way or another.
I'm going to insert a Help action from Kat to complete round 2. The 1 success from Help helps with Kruger's Shake It Off, so he suffers nothing.
In Round 3,
Chomp manages to hit Kruger for 1 damage (still unarmed fighting), but Kruger shakes it off.
Kruger hits back for 1 damage, pushed. He now has 2 MP unused.
Katt helps, but fails this time.
We can go into Round 4!
(Combat's slower generally because it's an unarmed brawl, with weapons it'll hurt more. That said, Chomp is down to 1 Strength I believe.)


Help - Katt - (1d6)

(6) = 6

Fight - Kruger - (3d6)

(435) = 12

Push - Kruger - (3d6)

(462) = 12

Shake It Off - (4d6)

(1436) = 14

Help - Katt (round 3) - (1d6)

(4) = 4

Jul 22, 2024 3:43 pm
"I know you are taking the dogs!" Chomp says with heavy panting. He is barely standing, but still tries to push Kruger. "They are disappearing. Are you feeding on them?!"

He lunges one time, but it is obviously the fight is mostly out of him.
Yup, Chomp is about to be knocked out.


Strength (1) + Fighting (1) - (1d6+1d6)

(1) + (4) = 5

Jul 23, 2024 1:26 pm
Welcome to the club:) Maybe they will meet in prison :D
Jul 25, 2024 1:36 pm
"Haven't you realised we're out of grub? Would you rather eat the People instead?" It was a horrific thought, but strangely not as alien to Chomp as Katt made it out to be, not that Katt knew how Chomp's mutation worked. With Kruger slowing down nearly as much as Chomp was, Katt sought to convincingly turn Chomp to her point of view but realised the only way to get through to Chomp might just be to knock some sense into his thick skull. And with Chomp winded, the last punch Kruger swung connected much more solidly than he expected as he slid to the ground with a very protective Vinnie doing its best to stand in the way to prevent anyone from approaching his fallen form.
In this last round, Chomp misses. Katt's help adds a die to Kruger's fight, and 1 success gets through. Unless you have something to mitigate this, otherwise Chomp is down for the count for the moment!


Fight - Kruger - (4d6)

(4462) = 16

Jul 26, 2024 9:00 am
Chomp is on the verge of tears as Katt butts in. Chomp turns to Katt to speak his mind when he's sucker punched by Kruger. Chomp falls to the ground, he tries to get up, but double vision makes it hard. "They deserve better," is all he is able to mutter before everything goes dark.
Jul 28, 2024 12:56 am
Chomp regained consciousness to find himself encased in a metal room, much like a locker or a store room. The air was cold, but not bitterly so, although Chomp had the impression that if this were meant to have been a store room, it ought to be nearer to a chiller temperature. If he had to guess, this container was one of those he saw when he stood at the vantage point of the walkway above.

The room was nearly pitch black, except for a small pilot light above the only door, presumably to illuminate where the exit was. But it was the darkness that bothered them, it wasn't the stench of badly preserved, perhaps near-decomposing flesh that assaulted his senses when he was more aware of his surroundings, and he had no idea how long it had been that he was lying in here.
We can assume Chomp's been knocked out for a while, perhaps enough to recover from being broken. Have a look at the Recovery rules : four hours sleep, and conditions to be fulfilled to recover abilities. I'm sure you can put two and two together for that. ;)
Jul 31, 2024 1:09 pm
Chomp wakes up with his head ringing. Touching out with his hands in the darkness, he finds a plate of something food like. He considers not eating, not knowing if it could be dogs or human. The last don't bother him as much as the first strangely enough. Hunger is too bad though, so he greedily eats it, slowly regaining his strength.

Once he's up to it, he stands up and heads to the door and starts banging on it.
Aug 2, 2024 1:46 pm
The rotten food was unaffecting to Chomp's constitution, and despite him wolfing down a generous amount of mystery meat he did not feel ill. On the contrary he felt more fortified than even earlier.

It took a long while before he finally heard someone on the other side of the door fiddle with the locking mechanism. The door swung open slowly, the dingy light of the room outside temporarily blinding him for having been in pitch darkness for so long. Three figures stood there, frontmost was Kruger, now armed with a wicked looking blade, and very surprised at Chomp's regained vigor. Slightly further behind were two other men, a spry-looking figure in a tight jacket, and another wearing a some sort of hockey mask to cover his face. Katt was nowhere to be seen.

"No funny business, Chomp, otherwise you're going to get it good this time." Kruger stuck the pointy end of his blade out to signal that he meant business.

"Poking your nose where you don't belong," the figure in the mask tut-tutted, "You're asking to be fed to the dogs. A pity, you could be useful..." Was the man giving him a way out of this predicament?
Aug 2, 2024 6:57 pm
Chomp shields his eyes at the sudden light. When he finally have his sight back, he gives Kruger an angry glare, but remains silent.

"I figure you were the ones poking your noses with the dogs first," he says with a shrug. But seeing the blade in his hand, he knows he'll have to get his shot later. Calmly he says "But I'll behave."
Aug 4, 2024 1:45 am
"Turn him into food, let me -" Kruger snarled and made a throat-slitting motion, none too happy with the broken nose Chomp now noticed that he had given him, even though Kruger had had the upper hand in the fight but only because Katt had helped. As the last remnant of humanity, it was forbidden to end anyone's life in the Ark, that was foremost amongst the laws laid down by the Elder. But here Chomp was, having discovered a terrible secret.

"The dogs are valuable, for many reasons," replied the person in the mask, "more so than some of the People." The man stepped towards Chomp, "Question is, Chomp, are you more valuable than a dog?" With a community of two hundred or so People, it was the case that everyone pretty much knew everyone. This person who spoke with such authority had to be one of the bosses, and Chomp could count with two hands who they were, so it was a tad strange for him to keep up the facade.

The bodyguard behind whispered to Kruger sneeringly, "Thought you said you roughed him up good, he doesn't look beat up to me, heh."
In game terms Chomp has healed from his injuries, I'm narratively granting you ate enough grub based on your Corpse Eater mutation to recover completely.
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