Player Resources

May 30, 2024 1:32 pm
Thread for maps, artwork, and other information.
Jun 1, 2024 6:14 am
An imperial backwater by almost any definition, Low Country earns its importance by being the Empire’s breadbasket. Widely regarded as a sleepy place where little happens, Low Country hides its share of secrets and intrigues, especially now as the Empire unravels. Thanks to the tireless eff orts of halfling settlers, Low Country has shaken off its origins as an uninhabited wilderness to become an agricultural powerhouse. Ostensibly still loyal to the Empire, despite the orc-king Drudge sitting upon a usurped Alabaster Throne, Low Country’s hardworking halfling farmers continue to keep the rest of the Empire fed. For how much longer, no one knows.

Most of the Empire believes Low Country to be little more than an unending plain, flat as a tabletop, covered in grassland and grain fields, dotted here and there with a few lakes and a few more halfling villages. While that view has some grain of truth to it, it does not take into account the full reality of what the region has become over the centuries. Rolling hills cover most of Low Country, rising and falling like vast, green ocean waves, forming a series of ridges that lie roughly parallel to the Shield Mountains to the west. The hills become wider and lower as they approach the Lake of Dreams and the eastern border.
Jun 1, 2024 6:19 am
All gold flows from Kem, thus giving it the name "City of Gold." No other city—no province or even kingdom, for that matter—can claim a level of wealth comparable to that possessed by Kem, and the infamous financial power known as the Vault based there. Kem’s influence
reaches everywhere, from the Crusader States bounding the Desolation in the north to the holdfasts of Blötland in the far south. The City of Gold has lifted many nations up to the heights of power, and cast down into ruins any who crossed them. And so Kem moves on the
world stage with unchecked might, an economic force without rival, whose financial influence translates easily into political and even military power.

Of the city-states that make up today’s Confederacy of the Nine, Kem lies the farthest south. Situated across an inlet from Balgrendia, it experiences a much colder climate than the other cities.
Sep 15, 2024 1:12 pm

Set stands on the shores of the Auroral Ocean, one of the nine great cities making up the Confederacy. Far to the south—only nearby Kem is farther—it is an out-of-the-way metropolis. Though hard to reach overland, the city bursts at the seams with people of all nationalities and ancestries. Set shines a beacon in the long night of the modern era, offering a refuge where believers can worship freely and without judgment. Sometimes called the City of Hope, the Divine Citadel, and the Free City, Set is known best by its common moniker: City of Gods

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