Session Zero: Character Creation

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Jun 13, 2024 8:20 pm
I don't have enhanced, but go ahead if you want. I just need the changes or a screenshot or a site that shows the details on those specifics. I tend to trust everyone. If I find something wrong, then I assume it's an honest mistake.

There will be spaceship travel. There will be combat. There will be investigation. There will be diplomacy involved. All skills, just not all the time. It's evenly spaced out as far as I can say.
Jun 14, 2024 4:09 pm
Looks like we have 4 players and 2 invited. @umbraldragon would it be good for us to already know each other before this mission? Any requests on party dynamics, not just our classes and such?
Jun 14, 2024 7:11 pm
So, decided upon the following:
Class: Biohacker
Ancestry: Samsaran (from Starfinder Enhanced - see below)
Theme: Battle Medic
Name: Not sure yet
PC portrait: see below
Last edited June 14, 2024 7:13 pm
Jun 14, 2024 8:15 pm
My character is a lashunta operative detective*, who have focused on paranormal investigations** . Mostly disproving that drayads are hunting the bio-bays and proving that the ghost in the machine, is really some kids hacking the system to spy on the girl's showers.

She has the Mysticism skill, but she has no magic ability herself. So much of her knowledge is theoretical. I could see her working with a spellcaster on previous assignments.

Finding a name is next on the to-do
* Specialisation
** theme
[ +- ] previous unedited
Last edited June 15, 2024 8:23 am
Jun 14, 2024 10:24 pm
Great character concepts! As far as knowing each other - YES.

You will need to find connections to at least two characters. A past experience or commeraderie, or an event of some sort.

Your current situation is that you pooled your money together to get a space ship. You have some money left over (your initial spending cash) and you've found a passenger contract that will make you a bit more once you reach your destination and your adventure begins.

You each are part owner of a Kevolari Venture. You can find this beauty on page 311 of the core rulebook.
Jun 15, 2024 4:19 am
[ +- ] The ship we collectively own
Oh, that is nice.

As for connecting to others, I haven't fully fleshed out my backstory, but here are some elements I think would be in there. Feel free to suggest things about your character that could make us have met already. If it seems difficult to imagine a connection, then we can work on an element I hadn't considered yet.
- Grew up on Absolom station. Always loved seeing ships take off.
- Obsessed with far away places, like stars not in near space.
- Became an ace pilot as a young age, though not any kind of protege or such
- Worked as a pilot for odd jobs for a year-ish before this mission, highly recommended but not so experienced that he charges top dollars
- Despite his cocky attitude, his wonder deep in his heart is how he developed a connection to the way of the star shaman mystics
- Surprisingly wise for someone who's education is mostly basic and otherwise about piloting
- His connection made it easier for him to some medicine and survival skills
Jun 15, 2024 8:44 am
Po'Talis changed her name to Poe after she heard humans trying to pronounce her name. They all made it sound like a root vegetable.

Poe is not a pilot, but she has a lot of other skills. Perhaps she worked with your pilot @Ironmonger42 ?

Oh and FYI @umbraldragon I have submitted my character sheet for your inspection AND know that I am going to ask for enemies CR all the time, as her Trick Attack is depending on a DC check of 20+CR. I can roll it blind, without knowing the CR, but narratively I would prefer to know so I can include failing/succeding it into my description
Last edited June 15, 2024 9:19 am
Jun 15, 2024 6:29 pm
Let me mull that CR thing over a bit. I wanted to streamline some bits and that might be part of the answer. Either way I'll dialogue with everyone before making my decision...
Jun 15, 2024 6:47 pm
The alternativ is that I would make my roll for my trick attack, if I'm over 21 then I'll assume that it worked and then add the other features (target is flatfooted -2 to AC, its the same as +2 to hit and an extra 1d4 points of damage)
Lets say that I rolled a 22, I would add +2 to hit and 1d4 to damage, but reality is that the enemies CR was 3 and therefore I did not get my trick attack, then we would have to subtract the +2 from the attack and ignore the d4
Jun 15, 2024 6:54 pm
Or you can add a reminder to the GM that if the check was high enough that the enemy is flat footed, and the GM should treat the AC as -2 less and you roll the trick attack damage every time just in case, so you don't have to maybe add a +2 to your rolls. Flat footed giving -2 to AC is functionally the same as a +2 to your rolls, but it might be better to let thr GM treat the enemy has having less AC so you don't have to worry about it you need to add 2 to your rolls
Jun 15, 2024 6:58 pm
Ironmonger42 says:
Or you can add a reminder to the GM that if the check was high enough that the enemy is flat footed, and the GM should treat the AC as -2 less and you roll the trick attack damage every time just in case, so you don't have to maybe add a +2 to your rolls. Flat footed giving -2 to AC is functionally the same as a +2 to your rolls, but it might be better to let thr GM treat the enemy has having less AC so you don't have to worry about it you need to add 2 to your rolls
good point!
Jun 16, 2024 5:20 pm
Hello I'm Yully Bear or Yully. I've been playing RPG since 1982 with the D&D, and played a large number of games alas for now I cannot play around a table, so I have about 10 games as a player, and about 8 as a GM. I like to play different kind of character, but often I end up choosing the same ones. I live in Paris.

I would like to play thinking of playing a Lashuntas Damaya Technomancer, a Scientist specialized in Astronomy. But in fine, I will take what is lacking in the group, it will get me out of my usual choices.
Jun 16, 2024 6:10 pm
While Lashunta seem in theme looking at the blurb, I'm not if 3 of them would be a bit much? I could switch out to the Android Mechanic idea? Or we could just lean into it?
Jun 17, 2024 3:56 am
Both of you: don't feel pressured to alter your character concept. Play what you want.

I think a techno mage would fit perfectly
Hanging more Lashunta just gives us more reason to go deeper into their culture and legacys
Jun 17, 2024 6:18 am
Hi all, apologies for being late to the party.

As for character creation, my first thought is a Lashunta(Korasha), Solarian, Outlaw named Grond. str 12, dex 11, con 10, int 10, wis 12, cha 18. I'm new to Starfinder, so all the details are a little overwhelming, but I do have a lot of Pathfinder experience, so I should be able to adapt. I hope to have a first draft of the character sheet within a day or two.

As for myself, I've been playing RPGs since the mid-80s. I, too, got my start with the Redbox. My favorite sport is bicycling. As for ice cream, I love how it tastes, but I hate how it sticks to my belly. As for music let's say passenger by Iggy Pop.
Jun 17, 2024 7:17 am
I have updated the list
Who Class KinTheme
RunekyndigOperative, detective Lashunta (Hunter legacy) Paranormal Investigator
nepets Solarian Lashunta Outlaw
yullebear Technomance Lashunta
ctme2000 Biohacker Samsaran Battle Medic
Ironmonger42Mystic Human Ace-Pilot
Last edited June 17, 2024 7:20 am
Jun 17, 2024 7:43 am
I too am more or less new to Starfinder - I've been using to draft a character - though I'm comparing to the rules to try and make sure I know what's going on.
Jun 17, 2024 10:14 am
As I told you, I like to play characters that I would not choose by default, so it is no problem for me, on the contrary.

Looks like we're missing some tank, I wlll take a Soldier.
Last edited June 17, 2024 10:15 am
Jun 17, 2024 10:38 am
YullyBear says:
Looks like we're missing some tank, I wlll take a Soldier.
Depending on how the Solarian is build, he/she/it can tank and melee.
Besides most of Starfinder confligts are shootouts
Jun 17, 2024 12:36 pm
From what I can tell, melee is very punishing for both the person you are attacking and the melee person. Most people have guns, so melee puts you out in the open a lot l, but unless you are fighting someone else who is also melee then there is a decent chance that you might get an opportunity attack unless the enemy just takes the step action with their move action
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