Chapter 2: The Gorgon Queen's Lair

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Christos Cosmilis


Jun 20, 2024 4:40 pm
Christos Cosmilis
Sure, you can say you used arcane recovery in your last heroic rest
Christos looks you all over. "You all seem stronger somehow than we were. I don't know how you brought me back, but if it is a limited resource it is up to you. I have no way reversing petrification of my own, thus anything you use is up to you. If Hythonia or one of her gorgons petrifies someone in the fight, then there is no telling if it is better to use it now or later."
Jun 20, 2024 4:58 pm
Much obliged!
"Fair. I just wanted to be sure no one possessed any specialized gear or skills you considered essential. A mirrored tower shield, an arrow of Hythonia slaying, or even a spell to shunt her off into the underworld. Had to ask."
Jun 20, 2024 6:16 pm
To keep things a bit more simple, I'll make a poll to vote on the 2 main ways you can proceed forward.
Option 1 is the straightforward way. There is nothing complicated about it. You simply go forward from where you are.
Option 2 is to go the way of the way on the left. When you cross the bridge you see there is a wooden bridge to the left that is about 35 feet away but about 15-20 lower down. if you guys want to find a way to make that work, you can do so.
Option 3 is the obligatory "if the players have some clever idea they want to do instead" option. If you do, want to use this option, perhaps use the out of character section to flesh it out in case there is a lot of back and forth.

I will check the poll a few times a day, but if I see less than 5 votes by Monday, I will go with what I see at the time.

What way do you want to go? Public

Option 1
Option 2
Option 3
Jun 20, 2024 9:01 pm
I see 3 votes for option 1, since that is the majority I will assume that is the final decision
You all collect yourselves and your new companion and continue down the main path. You find yourself in a room with 2 pillars holding up the room and 4 snake statues in the far corners. As soon as the last of you pass through the double doors, you hear a sound of stone scraping against stone as the door behind you and the two in front of you, one leading left and one right, reveal a stone slab that is starting to slide down. The snake heads in the 4 corners also seem to be opening, but if you wish to act about the doors there is no time to think about what the snake heads are doing.
Each of you needs to make a choice for yourself. Do you try to break for a door? if so, which one? If you do, roll initiative. If you get a 20 or higher, you can slide under a door just before it closes, but anyone else will be trapped inside. If you don't break for a door, you might have the chance to cast a spell or do something else that would only take 1 action or less (but not multiple actions, like a bonus action and action) before the doors shut.

Important: please roll an initiative check as part of your post so we can see how fast you are. Even if you have some guaranteed way to get out of the room, you may get hurt before you leave if the roll is less than 20
Jun 20, 2024 10:33 pm
Chironides suspects a trap that is dependent on that stone slab sliding down.

Chiron moves to slab, hammer and spike in hand he is determined to jam the mechanism
Jun 20, 2024 10:43 pm
It takes a second, but the tools appear to be crushed as Chironides realizes magic is at play, not mere physics alone.
in order to find thus out, he would have to let the doors close enough that he would not have time to also slide underneath

It also seems the Chironides is too slow to act and wouldn't even make it to the door before it slams, so testing this idea would be too late


Chironides: Initiative DC 20 - (1d20+1)

(1) + 1 = 2

Jun 20, 2024 11:55 pm
"With me, brother!" Omeros shouted to Chironides before he uttered a word in Celestial.


A glowing doorway appeared to the left of Omeros and Chironides but it wouldn't stay open long!
Casting Dimension Door, teleporting beyond the falling left slab, taking Chironides with me if he chooses to... especially after that 1.
I can only take one person with me, sorry, and Team Fey Hooves has to stick together. :(
Last edited June 20, 2024 11:57 pm


Init to win it! - (1d20+3)

(7) + 3 = 10

Jun 21, 2024 1:09 am
Kelnes aims for the door as well rushing forward


Initiative - (1d20+0)

(20) = 20

Jun 21, 2024 1:27 am
for those teleporting and actually making it to a door, which door? The one you came through, the one on the left, or the one on the right?
Jun 21, 2024 5:52 am
since I announced Isaiah moves behind the party I make a conclusion that stone slab slide down right behind his back, so I'm casting a spell with range touch
Isaiah turns around and magically make a hole in the slab large enough for anyone to get through.
[ +- ] Stone shape


Initiative: - (1d20+2)

(8) + 2 = 10

Jun 21, 2024 6:20 am
Kadmos will stick with the newly revived Christos. It would be dishonorable to revive him, only to abandon him to the very next pitfall they come across.
Initiative, just in case.


Initiative - (1d20+4)

(19) + 4 = 23

Christos Cosmilis


Jun 21, 2024 12:36 pm
Christos Cosmilis

Christos sees everyone else bolt and attempts to do the same


Initiative - (1d20+4)

(19) + 4 = 23

Jun 21, 2024 12:42 pm
As the doors close, nearly everyone makes it out before the doors slam shut, either through their own speed or the aid of others. The only one that doesn't is Isaiah, who does manage to get out with his magic but not quickly. The door slams shut as he is the only one in the room. With his magic, he makes a hole in the door, but not after poisonous gas comes out of the snake heads. He inhales some of the gas and then walks out of the room. The hole he made allows the gas to escape, but rather than dissipate it gets thicker and thicker. Everyone retreats back the way they came and are forced back as far as the bridge, where the heavy smoke fills the entire chamber before the room and flows down the rock face to the river below. The gas gets thicker and thicker, and there is no way of knowing for how long the gas will flow. Unless you are all willing to go back in or have some way past it, this option is now not available.
No one described which way they ran, only that they moved, so i'm just going to say you all went back the way you came in.

Isaiah will take some poison damage, as seen below (18 poison damage before any resistances), but after that it seems no one will get hurt but now you must figure out how to use the other path or get rid of the poison gas, as you ran from it rather than dealing with it.


Poison gas DC 20 Con save for half - (6d10)

(986382) = 36

Isaiah: Con - Save DC 20 - (1d20+11)

(16) + 11 = 27

Jun 21, 2024 12:50 pm
I said Omeros and Chironides were heading left... but I think going back the way we came in is best if everyone else is heading that way.
Jun 21, 2024 1:03 pm
annex says:
I said Omeros and Chironides were heading left... but I think going back the way we came in is best if everyone else is heading that way.
Oh right, sorry, you did. If everyone else insists they would have also gone left, i'll fix that. Instead of losing your way forward, there would be no going back, but if that was the case then that means Isaiah would have made his hole in the door in that door, which means the gas would be forcing you forward so you would have to advance or you all cough on poison anyways
Jun 23, 2024 1:49 am
Ironmonger42 says:
As the doors close, nearly everyone makes it out before the doors slam shut, either through their own speed or the aid of others. The only one that doesn't is Isaiah, who does manage to get out with his magic but not quickly. The door slams shut as he is the only one in the room. With his magic, he makes a hole in the door, but not after poisonous gas comes out of the snake heads. He inhales some of the gas and then walks out of the room. The hole he made allows the gas to escape, but rather than dissipate it gets thicker and thicker. Everyone retreats back the way they came and are forced back as far as the bridge, where the heavy smoke fills the entire chamber before the room and flows down the rock face to the river below. The gas gets thicker and thicker, and there is no way of knowing for how long the gas will flow. Unless you are all willing to go back in or have some way past it, this option is now not available.
No one described which way they ran, only that they moved, so i'm just going to say you all went back the way you came in.

Isaiah will take some poison damage, as seen below (18 poison damage before any resistances), but after that it seems no one will get hurt but now you must figure out how to use the other path or get rid of the poison gas, as you ran from it rather than dealing with it.
Above is still true, but you went the left way instead of retreating the way you came in.

As you all make a break for it, Kelnes causes a wall of water to appear in the doorway with the door containing a large hole in it. As long as the wall persists, the gas does not escape, but you get the sense that the gas and building and building and there is no sense of it stopping. if the wall were to disappear the gas would not only flood your way but likely be so concentrated that it would kill you all in seconds.

At the moment, there appears to be a small room ahead, followed by a larger room, and just before the larger room the hallway veers right. the smaller room appears to be a storage room, but mostly containing food supplies, nothing of interest to you (no need to roll, just declaring no interest). The larger room seems more comfortable, and you see a magical mechanism on the wall. You might try to decipher it with knowledge of magic (DC 25 Arcana, max 2 people can roll or 1 with advantage if person with proficiency "helps" the other with proficiency, functionally same thing).
Jun 24, 2024 5:38 pm
Any special considerations for an artficer to determine the function of said magical mechanism?
Jun 24, 2024 6:40 pm
unless you have a feature that makes you more likely to figure out how it works, you can try and arcana check
Jun 24, 2024 6:51 pm
Dont even have arcana I pass this on to someone else
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