So, I am unsure how exactly zone movement
within a ROUGH terrain should work and wanted to ask the group:
[ +- ] Rough terrain, pg 88
ROUGH: You must roll MOVE when you RUN into the zone. Failure means you managed to get into the zone, but you fall down.
But when a character moves from NEAR to ARM'S LENGTH
within a ROUGH terrain, how should we do it? Before, I was thinking that we should roll. But re-reading it, I am not so sure anymore. In fact, I think the opposite makes more sense. No need to roll within the same zone.
For instance, using the image below, if the orc archer wanted to go into ARM'S LENGTH of Nindia, I don't think she needs to roll. Brenda, on the other hand, should roll to move into the rough zone.
So let me ask the group how we should do that
from now on:
If a creature moves from NEAR to ARM'S LENGTH inside a ROUGH zone, we should Public
A creature must roll MOVE when they RUN
They don't need to roll, as they are not moving INTO this new zone.